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Old 12-17-2022, 12:47 AM   #301
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
But do most of them have multi-chapter arcs within the span of the storyline?

I feel that, besides a select few, most of them either have little to no development, or their development is sidelined/off-screened.
Isn’t this a shounen series, though? The main focus will be the main male protagonist(s). It’s the same with a seinin series. Those series are aimed at adult or young adult males…the main story revolves around them. It’s the same with shoujo and jousei series. The main female characters get the focus and big stories. Gokusen is a jousei series…Shin is a secondary character but male (as well as her main student), but the main character is Kumiko and her keeping her Yakuza life secret so she can pursue a career as a teacher, which was a dream of hers.

Last edited by ssjup81; 12-17-2022 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 12-17-2022, 01:14 AM   #302
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Originally Posted by ssjup81 View Post
Isn’t this a shounen series, though?
Don't bring common sense in conversations with PB.
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Old 12-17-2022, 01:28 PM   #303
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Originally Posted by ssjup81 View Post
Isn’t this a shounen series, though? The main focus will be the main male protagonist(s). It’s the same with a seinin series. Those series are aimed at adult or young adult males…the main story revolves around them. It’s the same with shoujo and jousei series. The main female characters get the focus and big stories. Gokusen is a jousei series…Shin is a secondary character but male (as well as her main student), but the main character is Kumiko and her keeping her Yakuza life secret so she can pursue a career as a teacher, which was a dream of hers.

Shounen can ( and should ) revolve around women/girls. ( Examples include Ruri Dragon, The Promised Neverland, Akane-banashi, etc. )

Even if almost all Shounen were to center around men/boys, My Hero Academia would still be among the worst of the bunch.
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Old 12-17-2022, 01:30 PM   #304
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
But do most of them have multi-chapter arcs within the span of the storyline?

I feel that, besides a select few, most of them either have little to no development, or their development is sidelined/off-screened.
How many of the male characters have multiple chapter arcs? The majority of the 1-A class characters don't get as much time as what you are requiring to be a well written female character.

The only characters that get the amount of time you are requiring are Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki. Even some of the other more paid attention to characters, like Iieda, Yayorozu, Uraraka, Asui and Kirishima don't have very much dedicated to just their stories. The main characters of the story (Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki) are getting the screen time.
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Old 12-17-2022, 01:34 PM   #305
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Then why does Uraraka's arc revolve around a crush?

Why doesn't Asui have an arc?

Why doesn't Yaoyorozu have more opportunities to show her leadership skills?
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Old 12-17-2022, 01:40 PM   #306
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
Then why does Uraraka's arc revolve around a crush?
Hers revolves around improving herself to become a great hero to support her when she found out that her normal gravity act didn't work as well so developed skills in martial arts.

Why doesn't Asui have an arc?
Like when during internships she pursued pirates? Or the chapter or two where they showed her relationship with the snake girl that ties into how she is a great support hero because she can team up with anyone?

Why doesn't Yaoyorozu have more opportunities to show her leadership skills?
She has four I can think of off hand. Vs Izawa, Vs Gigantomachia, Vs Kendo and Vs Seiai students. How many more times do you want a secondary character to do it?
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Old 12-17-2022, 01:58 PM   #307
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
Shounen can ( and should ) revolve around women/girls. ( Examples include Ruri Dragon, The Promised Neverland, Akane-banashi, etc. )

Even if almost all Shounen were to center around men/boys, My Hero Academia would still be among the worst of the bunch.
Not really. Shounen caters to boys, if girls happen to like it, that's good, but they're not going to change things to suddenly cater to them. Obviously they don't need to because girls are enjoying the series anyways, despite any complaints they might have, assuming of course anyone without the American mindset would even complain.

That's one of the advantages of manga mostly being one person's vision. It's THEIR vision, no matter what. It's take it or leave it and most people choose to take it. I mean even you, with all your Americanized complaints, still continue to watch the show regardless, so the series is still doing something right.

If this was an American show or headed by a studio and boardrooms, they could have changed course and ****ed things up just to purposely cater to a female audience and ironically ruin what made girls get interested to begin with. Or they would cancel it like they did with Young Justice originally, which was a weird decision I'll admit, but that was their response to it.
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Old 12-17-2022, 01:59 PM   #308
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
Hers revolves around improving herself to become a great hero to support her when she found out that her normal gravity act didn't work as well so developed skills in martial arts.

... and now it revolves around a crush ...

Like when during internships she pursued pirates? Or the chapter or two where they showed her relationship with the snake girl that ties into how she is a great support hero because she can team up with anyone?

Wow. She had a filler episode and a bonus chapter.

So impressive ...

She has four I can think of off hand. Vs Izawa, Vs Gigantomachia, Vs Kendo and Vs Seiai students. How many more times do you want a secondary character to do it?

With Aizawa, she had to get encouragement from Todoroki. ( She had lost almost all of her confidence from the Sports Festival. ) Hell, even Aizawa himself had to make it a bit easier for her.

Her match with Intelli was filler.

She lost her match with Kendo.

Gigantomachia would have caused more destruction if it weren't for Best Jeanist. Yaoyorozu's plan was barely successful.


If this is your example of well-established, well-written, and fully-developed female characters, then I don't know what to tell you.

Last edited by Papenbrook; 12-17-2022 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 12-17-2022, 02:23 PM   #309
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
... and now it revolves around a crush ...
Just because she has a crush does not mean her story revolves around it. That's like saying Midoriyas story is about a crush because he likes her or that MHA is a harem anime because two girls like him. She even says herself that she does not have time for crushes.

Wow. She has a filler episode and an omake.

So impressive ...
Yet still more then the majority of the main cast. I don't even think that Bakugo has just his own story that has nothing to do with either Midoriya or Todoroki. The stories also built on her character.

With Aizawa, she had to get encouragement from Todoroki. ( She had lost almost all of her confidence from the Sports Festival. ) Hell, even Aizawa himself had to make it a bit easier for her.
So? That is a solid story. She lost confidence and a friend helped her get it back...AND SHE WAS STILL THE LEADER.

Her match with Intelli was filler.
Still the leader

She lost her match with Kendo.
Still the leader.

Gigantomachia would have caused more destruction if it weren't for Best Jeanist. Yaoyorozu's plan was barely successful.
Yet...she was still the leader and was successful.

You are trying to make excuses to make your point but to do that you have ignore everything the females have done in the series. You should just be honest and say that you want the series to be led by one of the females rather then Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki and be done with it instead of hiding behind this stupid 'sexist' argument. At least that would be honest
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Old 12-17-2022, 02:25 PM   #310
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Not really. Shounen caters to boys, if girls happen to like it, that's good, but they're not going to change things to suddenly cater to them. Obviously they don't need to because girls are enjoying the series anyways, despite any complaints they might have, assuming of course anyone without the American mindset would even complain.
This...there is nothing wrong with male lead protagonists.
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Old 12-17-2022, 02:48 PM   #311
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
Just because she has a crush does not mean her story revolves around it. That's like saying Midoriyas story is about a crush because he likes her or that MHA is a harem anime because two girls like him. She even says herself that she does not have time for crushes.

The story almost always brings up her crush on Midoriya.

Her narrative is almost always centered around Deku and his brand of heroism; she's inspired by him, almost to the point of obsession.

Yet still more then the majority of the main cast. I don't even think that Bakugo has just his own story that has nothing to do with either Midoriya or Todoroki. The stories also built on her character.

... and yet, he still had more development than her.

So? That is a solid story. She lost confidence and a friend helped her get it back...AND SHE WAS STILL THE LEADER.

Still the leader

Still the leader.

Yet...she was still the leader and was successful.

She's the leader of jobbing.

You are trying to make excuses to make your point but to do that you have ignore everything the females have done in the series. You should just be honest and say that you want the series to be led by one of the females rather then Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki and be done with it instead of hiding behind this stupid 'sexist' argument. At least that would be honest

Yes, I would love it if the series were to center on a well-rounded female character.

I'm just worried that it would be more sexist than it already is.
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Old 12-17-2022, 03:24 PM   #312
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
The story almost always brings up her crush on Midoriya.

Her narrative is almost always centered around Deku and his brand of heroism; she's inspired by him, almost to the point of obsession.
Her admiration is prominent. He inspires multiple characters like that. Its not obsession for multiple characters to look up to an admirable character.

... and yet, he still had more development than her.
Yes, a main character has more development then a secondary character. Are you even serious?

She's the leader of jobbing.
A secondary character given multiple episodes of screen time only to have a 75% win rate is jobbing?

Yes, I would love it if the series were to center on a well-rounded female character.

I'm just worried that it would be more sexist than it already is.
Then why are you watching. It is led by three male characters. Your entire argument boils down to ignoring and making excuses the positive actions and stories of the female characters because the main characters aren't female. If you want a female main character go watch another show or read another manga rather than bitch about fake easily disproven sexism because you don't have your perfect feminist BS main character in this severely popular successful franchise.
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Old 12-17-2022, 03:42 PM   #313
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I mean... it does sound like you just want Ochako or Momo to suddenly start off season 8 (they're on 8 right?) with a more masculine figure, a side shaved off and to be suddenly super competent while everyone else around her is either incompetent or kissing her ass about how great she is every episode.

I personally like Momo's confidence issues and how she overcomes them. It makes her a much more sympathetic character. The one where she teamed up with Todoroki to defeat Aizawa thanks to her plan was epic because of the build up to it. You celebrate along with her when her plan worked. It wouldn't have been the same if she just took him down with zero conflict and Todoroki was just there to say how awesome she was. Even when complimented, you still feel Momo earned it.

It's one of the reasons I like her character as a character. Plus her quirk is cool.
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Old 12-17-2022, 03:45 PM   #314
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Actually on today's episode Momo's team got a win and she doesn't even know it. The sleeping drug that red rocket got into Machia's mouth finally kicked in and knocked him out
I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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Old 12-17-2022, 03:59 PM   #315
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I wonder is PB a legitimately brainwashed zealot or just a skill less troll?

Because, pulling this stuff out of your ass on a constant basis requires either insanity or a dedication of a troll.
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Old 12-17-2022, 04:19 PM   #316
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It reminds me a lot about the people I see on Twitter that claim to like a show but then want to change everything about it to make it cater to them.... which defeats the purpose of them liking the show to begin with.

That's the kind of thing that ruins a lot of these franchises. It's pretty much, take interest in a franchise just because it's popular, ruin it with wokeness, move on to the next one.

That's why anime pisses a lot of these people off. They have zero control of it. There is no one to cancel. They can complain about Mineta until they're blue in the face but the mangaka isn't going to change his story to cater to them. Nor is the company, which is swimming in money off the series, going to listen to them and make the guy change it. The most they'll do is tilt their head, say 'Americans are crazy' and work on the next chapter.

I mean the most they can possibly do is maybe, maaaaaaaaaaybe get it cancelled in America, which I sincerely doubt because when it comes to anime, money and profit beats 'the narrative' 95% of the time. But that won't affect the show continuing to run in Japan and the true fans continuing to access it and support it.
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Old 12-17-2022, 06:35 PM   #317
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Just seems like it would be easier to Papren to just move onto another anime like Precure and get on with their life.
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Old 12-17-2022, 06:52 PM   #318
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
It reminds me a lot about the people I see on Twitter that claim to like a show but then want to change everything about it to make it cater to them.... which defeats the purpose of them liking the show to begin with.
I always find this logic hilarious - if you don't like some aspects of the show, fine. But if you don't like almost everything about the show, than why you don't **** off to watch something else?
At this point it is either posturing for a clout or insanity.
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Old 12-17-2022, 07:03 PM   #319
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If Krakenbrook ain't bitchin', she ain't breathin'.
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Old 12-17-2022, 07:39 PM   #320
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I'm only watching/reading the material on a sunk cost fallacy.

That, and there ARE some really cute character designs.
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