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Old 01-09-2024, 10:34 PM   #501
The Inventive Donatello
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
I'm caught up with the anime, all 6 seasons, the 3 movies, and the specials. I don't follow the manga so I'll wait for it to be adapted.

If this show aired when I was a kid/teen I know it would have been my favorite series. As an adult I really like it but this would have been HUGE if it aired say in the late 90's or early 2000's when anime was much more limited in the west. I know it's very popular today but it probably would have had DBZ or Pokemon level impact back then.
Question for you and do you think it compares to Western superhero stuff? I know the creator is inspired by Spider-Man. I remember thinking it is similar to the aforementioned One Punch Man with the classes and grades of heroes etc.

Apparently the best stuff comes in the later seasons (might be wrong but I heard that) so looking forward to starting it again on Funimation and getting to those parts. I haven't watched it since 2020 (dropping a show and starting new stuff is a terrible habit I have) so I'd need to start from the beginning again.
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Old 01-09-2024, 10:46 PM   #502
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Originally Posted by The Inventive Donatello View Post
Question for you and do you think it compares to Western superhero stuff? I know the creator is inspired by Spider-Man. I remember thinking it is similar to the aforementioned One Punch Man with the classes and grades of heroes etc.

Apparently the best stuff comes in the later seasons (might be wrong but I heard that) so looking forward to starting it again on Funimation and getting to those parts. I haven't watched it since 2020 (dropping a show and starting new stuff is a terrible habit I have) so I'd need to start from the beginning again.
I think that it is what Western Hero comics used to be? Since the bit todo (tm) I started collecting different things like comics and various anime/manga memorabilia/manga.

I honestly gave multiple American comics a try but I couldn't get into most of them. There was either just way too much involved with a title (Marvel or DC and their interconnected comic lines), badly written (one of the first titles I started picking up when I got serious about collecting was Roarchach which was stupid and horrible), or just cringe (when I tried to pick up Teen Titans Academy).

Right now when it comes to American stuff I am reading Rogue Sun, Barbaric, Gargoyles and TMNT. Most of them really recently started...not big huge universes where they can try to milk you out of every dime...and more then not not cringe and preachy. I almost dropped TMNT but I have an addictive personality so I stuck with it longer then I should have which was ok (I keep looking forward to the next few issues so that we can get to the next big thing...the pre 100 kept me hoping that Sophie would either get done or get better at writing TMNT).

Anime and Manga really seems to fill a niche that, when I talk to people who were fans of comics 10 or 20 years ago, western comics used to fill. The stories are set up to be original enough to seem fresh. People are moral and heroes, they just want to do good. They don't want to preach to you about how you are a horrible racist for existing and can actually weave lessions about how bad things are bad into the story. I felt bad recently. I have LCS that I get my stuff from that has been seeing less and less of my money because trying new comics is just not appealing with how many times I have spend $5 for a story I cant care about. I had to ask them if they could get manga for me which is something they didn't want to get into...but money is money.
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Old 01-09-2024, 10:57 PM   #503
The Inventive Donatello
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
I think that it is what Western Hero comics used to be? Since the bit todo (tm) I started collecting different things like comics and various anime/manga memorabilia/manga.

I honestly gave multiple American comics a try but I couldn't get into most of them. There was either just way too much involved with a title (Marvel or DC and their interconnected comic lines), badly written (one of the first titles I started picking up when I got serious about collecting was Roarchach which was stupid and horrible), or just cringe (when I tried to pick up Teen Titans Academy).

Right now when it comes to American stuff I am reading Rogue Sun, Barbaric, Gargoyles and TMNT. Most of them really recently started...not big huge universes where they can try to milk you out of every dime...and more then not not cringe and preachy. I almost dropped TMNT but I have an addictive personality so I stuck with it longer then I should have which was ok (I keep looking forward to the next few issues so that we can get to the next big thing...the pre 100 kept me hoping that Sophie would either get done or get better at writing TMNT).

Anime and Manga really seems to fill a niche that, when I talk to people who were fans of comics 10 or 20 years ago, western comics used to fill. The stories are set up to be original enough to seem fresh. People are moral and heroes, they just want to do good. They don't want to preach to you about how you are a horrible racist for existing and can actually weave lessions about how bad things are bad into the story. I felt bad recently. I have LCS that I get my stuff from that has been seeing less and less of my money because trying new comics is just not appealing with how many times I have spend $5 for a story I cant care about. I had to ask them if they could get manga for me which is something they didn't want to get into...but money is money.
Gargoyles is a great cartoon.

The first 100 issues and their minis are the best stuff for IDW TMNT, I agree. Mirage and Image are really good too.

I agree that all the interconnectivity of Marvel and DC can be a turn off. What about Invincible? I have read most of that and it is really good. It is a continuous story with what appears to be a beginning, middle and end. No tie-ins etc for the most part. You have also got stuff like Irredeemable/Incorruptible and Radiant Black from independent publishers, some of which I have read and is quite good.

Then you could try alternative universes such as Ultimate Spider-Man in Marvel or Elseworlds stuff from DC.

It sounds like manga superhero stuff is free of a lot of political stuff, which I agree is best. I don't like to see that sort of stuff generally, whether it is for or against my beliefs. I'd agree from watching the first two seasons of MHA that there isn't much of a political agenda going on and it's simply fun, good stories. I have forgotten what the main evil group is called (league of something?) but I always like stuff like that, where one group goes up against another such as various respective heroes going up against Sinister Six or Secret Society or Thanos or Darkseid or whatever. I enjoy solo heroes and villains but I like the group stuff too. From what i watched of MHA it is big on group or macro events with the classes and schools of superhero and the league of villains or whatever it is called (while still including one-on-one stuff) and that appeals.
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Old 01-09-2024, 11:22 PM   #504
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Originally Posted by The Inventive Donatello View Post
Gargoyles is a great cartoon.
The comic is good too! It just started and its a continuation of seasons 1 and 2 after the plan for season 3 that never happened (after brooklyn gets a wife and kid for REASONS I dont spoil). They also have a prequel they have started that is what happened before the Castle was built.

I agree that all the interconnectivity of Marvel and DC can be a turn off. What about Invincible? I have read most of that and it is really good. It is a continuous story with what appears to be a beginning, middle and end. No tie-ins etc for the most part. You have also got stuff like Irredeemable/Incorruptible and Radiant Black from independent publishers, some of which I have read and is quite good.
I meant to start looking for Invincible omnibuses now that the show is starting to die off. I liked the show (as long as you remove Amber) so I thought i would give it a shot...just need to find the stuff to read. Having ended is a big plus for me, that way I dont have to work about it jumping the shark while I get invested in it (like TMNT did).

I dont know anything about Irredeemable/Incorruptible but I was getting Radiant Black for a while. I had it on my pull list along with Rogue Sun after the big Crossover comic they did. I loved the art for it but I just didnt like the main character. I took it off my list when I had three of them sitting in my to-read pile and started putting other titles on top of it.

I forgot Grim! Grim is pretty cool too! Much more of a supernatural action genre.

It sounds like manga superhero stuff is free of a lot of political stuff, which I agree is best. I don't like to see that sort of stuff generally, whether it is for or against my beliefs. I'd agree from watching the first two seasons of MHA that there isn't much of a political agenda going on and it's simply fun, good stories. I have forgotten what the main evil group is called (league of something?) but I always like stuff like that, where one group goes up against another such as various respective heroes going up against Sinister Six or Secret Society or Thanos or Darkseid or whatever. I enjoy solo heroes and villains but I like the group stuff too. From what i watched of MHA it is big on group or macro events with the classes and schools of superhero and the league of villains or whatever it is called (while still including one-on-one stuff) and that appeals.
It is pretty free of Western Political stuff, and is rarely preachy about that sort of thing. There is actually a big todo going on right now where localizers (people who take translations and try to make them more normal for other languages) are getting majorly crapped on because there are times when they are inserting political stuff into stories. They are getting mad because its being tested with a very popular Manga (Frieren Journeys end which is *AMAZING*) is being simo-released in english and japanese using AI translations. With their jobs in jeopardy they are complaining on X and are getting lambasted because fans don't go to manga for american politics.

And they are called the League of Villians

Last edited by Bahamut810; 01-09-2024 at 11:30 PM.
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Old 01-09-2024, 11:41 PM   #505
The Inventive Donatello
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
The comic is good too! It just started and its a continuation of seasons 1 and 2 after the plan for season 3 that never happened (after brooklyn gets a wife and kid for REASONS I dont spoil). They also have a prequel they have started that is what happened before the Castle was built.

I meant to start looking for Invincible omnibuses now that the show is starting to die off. I liked the show (as long as you remove Amber) so I thought i would give it a shot...just need to find the stuff to read. Having ended is a big plus for me, that way I dont have to work about it jumping the shark while I get invested in it (like TMNT did).

I dont know anything about Irredeemable/Incorruptible but I was getting Radiant Black for a while. I had it on my pull list along with Rogue Sun after the big Crossover comic they did. I loved the art for it but I just didnt like the main character. I took it off my list when I had three of them sitting in my to-read pile and started putting other titles on top of it.

I forgot Grim! Grim is pretty cool too! Much more of a supernatural action genre.

It is pretty free of Western Political stuff, and is rarely preachy about that sort of thing. There is actually a big todo going on right now where localizers (people who take translations and try to make them more normal for other languages) are getting majorly crapped on because there are times when they are inserting political stuff into stories. They are getting mad because its being tested with a very popular Manga (Frieren Journeys end which is *AMAZING*) is being simo-released in english and japanese using AI translations. With their jobs in jeopardy they are complaining on X and are getting lambasted because fans don't go to manga for american politics.

And they are called the League of Villians
Thanks for letting me know about Gargoyles - I knew there was a comic but have been putting it off. I will certainly look into it.

Invincible is really good - both the comic and the show (though I am three episodes behind in season 2). I think you would enjoy the comic too - the first season of the show is pretty faithful to the beginning of the comics (albeit the show rushes certain things due to time constraints) and there are lots f interesting story arcs I will not spoil for you. I am gonna go back and read all 25 volumes this year because I only got to 23.

Radiant Black is one on my radar but not started yet. Haven't heard of Grim - I will google it.

As for Incorruptible and Irredeemable: the latter is another take on the Evil Superman trope but it is really well done. Mark Waid wrote it and he tends to write good stuff. It's from 2009 or so I believe and only has about 40 issues if I am remembering correctly so not a huge commitment. Incorruptible is an interesting twist and spin on things - it's a spin-off of it and about a villain who turns 'good' and tries to stop the hero who becomes evil. I would suggest Irredeemable at least, it's a very good read.

I wouldn't suggest The Boys - it is ok but in very poor taste and one of the rare books or comics where the source material in inferior to the show/film.

Other things you could read include Gotham Central and Punisher Max (latter is some of Garth Ennis's better stuff).

There's loads of great non-superhero comics to read too, but not sure if you are a superhero only guy or not. Recently though I bought a Kindle so I am thinking of reading more novels than comic books this year.

Thanks for letting me know about all the political stuff. I am left leaning but I don't care for agendas or politics in movies etc or anything. It doesn't tend to bother me much but I also think it's totally unnecessary mostly. I thought it was the League of Villains, just wasn't sure anymore. We were just learning more about them in the show really when I stopped, and I still don't know much about them.

Right, it is almost 6 am here so I better go offline soon and shower. Talk soon. Thanks for the chat mate
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Old 01-28-2024, 11:35 AM   #506
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I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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Old 01-29-2024, 08:08 PM   #507
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So we got the new film coming out with a villain misinterpreting All Might’s “You’re next”

And it makes me wonder with the recent trend of anime having post series films, do you think MHA will get one?
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Old 01-29-2024, 10:10 PM   #508
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Originally Posted by Allio View Post
So we got the new film coming out with a villain misinterpreting All Might’s “You’re next”

And it makes me wonder with the recent trend of anime having post series films, do you think MHA will get one?
They may get a pre-quel type deal, animating Vigilantes.
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Old 01-29-2024, 10:37 PM   #509
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It's funny modern anime doesn't really have filler like old anime does, but they do the "filler" in movies instead. If MHA came out in the 90's for example, the series would just run non-stop with filler arcs between the big manga arcs till it ended like Dragon Ball Z and so many older anime.

I'm glad modern anime doesn't do that anymore and stops with seasons. I have no idea why that was a thing for so long.
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Old 01-29-2024, 11:54 PM   #510
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I'm not as familiar with modern anima/manga adaptations but filler was created because the anime would catch up to the manga and they couldn't just wait for another season, it had to continue airing or risk losing the timeslot forever.
The reason they didn't wait was because the manga was popular so they wanted to cash-in as soon as possible.

how is that different now? To adapt arcs they need to have content, does manga come out quicker nowadays or does anime just wait until the manga is done?

Filler can have its charm, i don't know why it's so demonized. Sailor Moon Crystal is a good example of how the anime writers were able to make a more interesting version of the characters in comparison to the manga. Saint Seiya's filler arc was better than the manga adaptation it was making time for. Some people prefer FMA over FMA:B for that same reason.
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Old 01-30-2024, 04:29 AM   #511
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Anime typically nowadays don’t do year long seasons. It gives the author time to get ahead.
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Old 01-30-2024, 11:06 AM   #512
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Originally Posted by sdp View Post
Filler can have its charm, i don't know why it's so demonized. Sailor Moon Crystal is a good example of how the anime writers were able to make a more interesting version of the characters in comparison to the manga. Saint Seiya's filler arc was better than the manga adaptation it was making time for. Some people prefer FMA over FMA:B for that same reason.
I think the original Sailor Moon did it ok too. I loved the Doom Tree Arc (American, never watched Dub only American TV version).
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Old 01-31-2024, 06:14 PM   #513
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Some filler stories can be good, but not if they go on endlessly, after awhile it just feels like padding. Sailor Moon is 200 episodes and like only 25% of it is actually from the manga, lol
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Old 02-01-2024, 12:51 AM   #514
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OG Sailor Moon was amazing because of fillers. They allowed to give more personality to main cast, as well, as villains, which were incredibly shallow in manga and basically were killed as soon as they have appeared. So, this is the case, where having fillers was a good thing.

The same reason why Crystal, kind of "eh" in my book. Not to mention stilted animation and boring designs.
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Old 02-12-2024, 10:13 AM   #515
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Man look what those nomu did to my girl Mirko
I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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Old 02-12-2024, 08:41 PM   #516
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Now Lets talk about that and Eri...
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Old 02-12-2024, 09:07 PM   #517
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The series has so many characters now so many of them could probably carry their own spinoffs. I wonder if that's the plan when the manga eventually ends. Just make short stories focused on each character or two.
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Old 02-13-2024, 11:13 AM   #518
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
The series has so many characters now so many of them could probably carry their own spinoffs. I wonder if that's the plan when the manga eventually ends. Just make short stories focused on each character or two.
They already have a few spin offs (Vigalantes which I think concluded and is a prequel, team up missions) so it will either go the Naruto route (next gen) or it will be done done. Because of how popular it is I think it will go to the next gen.
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Old 03-09-2024, 12:22 PM   #519
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S7 May 4th
I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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Old 03-09-2024, 11:14 PM   #520
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Originally Posted by Autbot_Benz View Post
Im looking forward to it! This season and one more season and they will be done. Not much story left to go!!
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