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Old 10-07-2022, 12:39 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
I had just scoured websites like Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, etc. ...
None of which represent the real world. You want to know how normal people really feel about such things? Just go to your local Wal-Mart and do a survey or something.

Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
Regardless of my lifestyle, I can express my disdain towards that cover.
Of course you can. It’s a free country.
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Old 10-07-2022, 04:53 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
I had just scoured websites like Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, etc. ...

On various websites, people ( especially those who happen to identify as women/girls ) found that cover to be particularly distasteful.
Because, opinion of random nobodies from Twatter, especially pedogroomers who "identify themselves as women", worth a lot.
Good joke.

Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
Regardless of my lifestyle, I can express my disdain towards that cover.

Please, don't try to defend it.
I will do whatever I want to do. You and the likes of you have no power over me and never will.
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Old 10-07-2022, 06:15 PM   #123
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I Googled to see what all the fuss is about.

Looks pretty hot, drawings don't have ages. Nyah Nyah.
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Old 10-07-2022, 07:16 PM   #124
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The girl has invisible powers but doesn't wear clothes (and she had been around for awhile), and it was just revealed now that she became visible that she wasn't wearing anything because her skin is see-through.
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Old 10-07-2022, 08:06 PM   #125
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I wonder how that happened? I thought her issue was she didn't know how to 'turn off' being invisible.
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Old 10-08-2022, 07:10 PM   #126
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It doesn't matter.

Women/Girls get objectified and sexualized every single day.

That cover is disgusting, and I think it sucks.
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Old 10-08-2022, 09:01 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
It doesn't matter.
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Old 10-08-2022, 11:33 PM   #128
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I'm pathetic for ... condemning a sexualized cover of a minor?

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Old 10-09-2022, 01:15 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
Women/Girls get objectified and sexualized every single day.
And most people think that's Perfectly Fine.

You know who complains? Fat chicks, ugly chicks, and chicks who can't get laid otherwise. Nobody else. And the world doesn't stop for fat, ugly people.

It's even worse because in real life tons of women WILLINGLY go out and "sexualize" THEMSELVES, whether it be a bikini photo shoot or a nude pictorial or a sex scene in a movie, and they're ALL ABOUT IT when they take the check, they talk about how "empowering" it is... and then ten years later they repent. "I was so misguided, so naive! I had no idea how harmful it was to take my tits out, when it allowed me to buy a Mercedes! I DIDN'T KNOW, YOU GUYS!" Like, spare me.

In those cases, there's only two reasons for the flip, both horrible. Either 1. "I had no problem with it until I was 'educated' and now I realize it's wrong", which basically is just conceding to being an idiot and believing whatever the last person you talked to said. OR, they jump on the #metoo bandwagon and swear that every single one of those things was done under threats and coercion, which definitely does happen sometimes but not ALL the time.

Let's look at that dumbass Natalie Portman as an example, since she's been on this kick lately as well, and it's somewhat to the topic as she started acting very young and you're whining about teen girls being "sexualized". Her entire career only STARTED because she did like a half-dozen "Lolita Movies" in a row, everything from "The Professional" to "Beautiful Girls" and pretty much anything she did before Star Wars was made, sold, and marketed based on "Hey, guys... you wanna come see this 14-year old kid in her bra?" The entire plot - or at least subplot - of every movie she was in pre-Ep. I was "Middle aged guy wants to f*ck a child, feels bad about it". That was Natalie Portman's ENTIRE career, and she was the one out there fighting for the jobs, telling her parents she HAD to do "The Professional" even when they were like, "Hmmm... I don't know, honey, this seems too adult." Lest we forget, that movie's script originally had a sex scene with her (very underage) character before it got scrapped, and I do believe it was still in the script she herself read when she begged to do the movie.

Fast forward to Now, she's like "Yeah, I was manipulated by these Men, I had no idea what I was doing!" Which would be great if there weren't dozens and dozens of interviews where she and her family discussed how she fought for every one of those "sexualized" roles even when people discouraged her, how in her mind it was "Just acting" and how "I should be allowed to push boundaries even though I'm young." Her words, her own mouth. Back Then, of course. NOW she's a victim, though. Sorry, I don't buy it. She knew she'd get famous for being "jailbait" and she rode it to the hilt.

Chloe Moretz is another one, she begged to be in Kick-Ass because she'd get to say "C*nt" and she knew how provocative that was, and then her next 5 or 6 movies after that were all her in her underwear. She didn't start putting her clothes on for movie roles until AFTER she was 18, before that she was strutting around like a tramp in almost everything she did. And again, SHE picked her own roles for the most part, and she always went on and on about how her parents and her brother were so hands-on, she never did anything without their say-so. And again, fast-forward 10 years and NOW she was "misled", "brainwashed", "victimized", and all that happy horse sh*t. Again, does not work when YOU pick your own roles you dummy.

And these chicks wonder why nobody believes them when they turn around and claim it was all a big con and they weren't in on it. Bullsh*t! Watch "The Professional" again, knowing that Portman fought hard for that role, and tell me you believe her "I had no idea it was a Lolita movie!" sh*t. Watch Moretz strutting around in her underpants in "Hick" and tell me that she had NO F*CKING IDEA what was going on, knowing for a fact that she had a big conference with her whole family about it and they collectively decided "Yeah, no, this is good, this is awesome, do this."

So yeah, women "sexualize" themselves as long as it pays the bills, and they do it willingly, even when they're underage, and don't pretend they don't. So spare me the righteous indignation. They know what they're doing and they know Why.

But as far as a f*cking drawing is concerned, that's even dumber to get upset about, because drawings don't have "ages". It's literally lines on paper, regardless of what it "represents". The fact that you're having a fit because a fictional character was drawn suggestively is just plain baffling. The character can't take offense, or feel pain, or shame, or any of that. You're becoming preemptively offended on behalf of a sketch. That could be funny in one context, but since you're taking it so very seriously, it's just tragic.

Alan Moore's "Lost Girls" makes some excellent points about this very topic, but I know you couldn't get past two pages of that. Which is a shame, because that book makes the whole "only crazy people get outraged and offended on behalf of fictional characters" point much better than I ever could. Along with the "Only people who don't get any sex at all care a lot about what gets other people off" point.

It's a drawing. Don't like it? Don't look at it. Should be simple enough.
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Old 10-09-2022, 03:03 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
I'm pathetic for ... condemning a sexualized cover of a minor?

Yes. It is a ****ing drawing.

It does not have age, character or agency of any kind.
If it triggers you, get some help.

If you think some other people will get hard on looking at it, well, its a problem of those people. They will need to get some help. And it is not your problem in any way.
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Old 10-09-2022, 12:56 PM   #131
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To be fair, the book is pretty much targeting people that are that character's age anyway. Shonen manga is for kids and teens in Japan, the fact it also makes it big in America is irrelevant. Japan is and will always be the key fanbase. That's why I barely pay any of the Twitter outrage crap any mind when it comes to manga. Japan doesn't care, and the few mangaka that actually do take the time to read whatever that there upside country of woke America is up to, they're left scratching their heads and wondering if the ones complaining are smoking twice the bowls that Rikki Roxx does on the weekends.

One of the biggest differences between American and Japanese teen characters in media is that Japan isn't afraid to show what teens really are. Living bags of hormones. That's why high school anime usually have at least one or two pervert character or even the 'mostly chaste' main character gets shy, embarrassed or flustered whenever a woman either makes a pass at them or looks like they're making a pass at them and so forth. I'm assuming it helps with some sort of relatability with the common Japanese teen, especially with how study and work centered their culture is over there.

I kinda feel a lot of the sexual stuff is so rampant in Japanese media because the actual culture over there is very 'chaste'. I'm sure it's not like that for EVERYONE, but for many it sounds like it's pretty much study, study, study and then work, work, work until you die. And I don't mean like here where you work 2 jobs but still find time for the club and hook up culture and whatnot. Hell, for most mangaka, it literally is 'draw manga til you die'.

Like even in the anime you kinda see it. Unlike American cartoons that sometimes being up the importance of getting good grades and getting a good future and whatnot, in high school animes it's brought up a lot more and treated as more 'life and death'. Even Light Yagami put emphasis on his studies alongside killing people.
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Old 10-12-2022, 09:19 PM   #132
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Why did I just know that people would be discussing Invisible Girl as soon as I saw this thread on the first page of this section again?

Anyway, this is a very old debate among the series fandom. A lot of fans have issues with Momo Yaoyorozu's hero outfit for showing most of her chest except for her nipples. Those fans have an issue with it because said character is 16.

I don't think it's a big deal. It's a cartoon character. And she has a body that's more developed than most adult women out there. She could easily have been 19 instead of 16 and no one would find it hard to believe.

Caring too much about the arbitrary ages of
anime and video game characters is silly. Some of the Dead or Alive girls are also like 17 in the early games but do they honestly look like real life girls of that actual age? Ofc not. Just like Momo Yaoyorozu doesn't look like she's 16 either. April in the Nick toon does look like her age, though. So yeah it's all about appearance/design.

I have an issue with those who find loli characters attractive. Those clearly look like kids. They're drawings and all, but I'm suspicious of anime fans who are attracted to characters of such design type. And some of those lolis can be hundred years old even. So again, it's not about the arbitrary age of a 2d character, but its body type.

And I have no issues with those who are attracted to anthropomorphic fictional characters. If you are attracted to the Ninja Turtles, Kristal from Star Fox and Wanda and Carrot from One Piece than by all means be open about it.
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Old 10-13-2022, 01:02 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post

~ Um, ... what did I just read? ~


I ... can't even ...

Last edited by Papenbrook; 10-13-2022 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 10-13-2022, 02:29 PM   #134
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Try reading it again very, very slowly, maybe some of it'll stick.
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Old 10-13-2022, 03:09 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post

Anyway, this is a very old debate among the series fandom. A lot of fans have issues with Momo Yaoyorozu's hero outfit for showing most of her chest except for her nipples. Those fans have an issue with it because said character is 16.

I don't think it's a big deal. It's a cartoon character. And she has a body that's more developed than most adult women out there. She could easily have been 19 instead of 16 and no one would find it hard to believe.

Caring too much about the arbitrary ages of
anime and video game characters is silly. Some of the Dead or Alive girls are also like 17 in the early games but do they honestly look like real life girls of that actual age? Ofc not. Just like Momo Yaoyorozu doesn't look like she's 16 either. April in the Nick toon does look like her age, though. So yeah it's all about appearance/design.

I have an issue with those who find loli characters attractive. Those clearly look like kids. They're drawings and all, but I'm suspicious of anime fans who are attracted to characters of such design type. And some of those lolis can be hundred years old even. So again, it's not about the arbitrary age of a 2d character, but its body type.
Yaoyorozu's quirk is pulling items out of her, so the more exposed she is, the more it works in her favor.

Cartoons and anime characters just can't be compared to real life. Most of these kids would be pissing themselves in these situations and they don't have the maturity involved. I mean even the turtles in the old show act more like college frat boys sharing a dorm when compared to actual kids on the show. And appearance wise, no kids look like Kasumi and Ayane from DOA, they're definitely modeled after someone older. And no kid is built like Momo or Uraraka.

I agree on the Loli stuff. That **** always annoys the hell out of me. I know they're cartoons still but they look and act like toddlers and no 'but they're a 100 year old dragon's or whatever can excuse it. Just wtf.
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Last edited by Coola Yagami; 10-13-2022 at 03:16 PM.
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Old 10-13-2022, 03:25 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post

Yaoyorozu's quirk is pulling items out of her, so the more exposed she is, the more it works in her favor.


If Yaoyorozu/Hagakure have to wear exposed clothing, then Mirio would have to do the same, right?

But, he doesn't.

There is no excuse.


Leo, I have read what you wrote.

I just think that it's disgusting.
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Old 10-13-2022, 03:35 PM   #137
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That's horrible that your reading comprehension skills are so incredibly poor.

This is just one of those "To disagree is to be Wrong" things, sorry. Maybe meditate on the subject a while and come back to it.
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Old 10-13-2022, 03:43 PM   #138
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I subscribed to Shonen Jump to get the lates issues of Dragonball super direct, and started browsing their catelog.

If I luke Yu Yu Hakushu, DBZ, and one or other toonami shows like Tenchi Muyo (havn't thought about that in a while), will I like this series?

'Wrong, April. We've Been upgraded to Women hating TROLLS'

?The force is not female, the force is not male, the force is for everyone?
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Old 10-13-2022, 04:01 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post

If Yaoyorozu/Hagakure have to wear exposed clothing, then Mirio would have to do the same, right?

But, he doesn't.

There is no excuse.


Leo, I have read what you wrote.

I just think that it's disgusting.
Tell me how Mirio's quirk factors into that.

I already told you Momo needs to be exposed to pull larger objects out of herself.

Hagakure is the invisible girl. She has to nude to be fully invisible. I mean, the invisible man has been running around fully nude for years now. Otherwise you'd just see weird floating clothes and that blows their cover.

I think the only one that breaks the rules are Sue Storm and Violet but that's because they have specialized clothes that turn invisible with them. Hagakure does not.
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Old 10-13-2022, 04:30 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Yaoyorozu's quirk is pulling items out of her, so the more exposed she is, the more it works in her favor.

Cartoons and anime characters just can't be compared to real life. Most of these kids would be pissing themselves in these situations and they don't have the maturity involved. I mean even the turtles in the old show act more like college frat boys sharing a dorm when compared to actual kids on the show. And appearance wise, no kids look like Kasumi and Ayane from DOA, they're definitely modeled after someone older. And no kid is built like Momo or Uraraka.

I agree on the Loli stuff. That **** always annoys the hell out of me. I know they're cartoons still but they look and act like toddlers and no 'but they're a 100 year old dragon's or whatever can excuse it. Just wtf.
Yes, I mean if we're going to apply real life logic to fiction than most works of fiction wouldn't see the light of the day. In the case of MHA, training teenage superheroes would be frowned upon in real life, I suppose. Since they're making kids risk their lives.

I think the reason why the MHA fandom has a vocal minority of fans who bitch about Yaoyorozu's tits is because a lot of casuals who normally don't watch anime are into this series. And thus they don't understand and are unfamiliar with how things work in anime.
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