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Old 10-17-2022, 04:24 PM   #161
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When fanservice is the thing most fans argue about, you know that the series just isn't that great in general.

MHA has a pretty cool concept but it hasn't been that well executed. It's entertaining enough to watch, and since I've already watched 5 seasons of it I might as well stick to it until the very end unless the upcoming season gets back to the point of being a torture to sit through each episodem
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Old 10-17-2022, 05:14 PM   #162
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I just can't believe a term like "fanservice" exists while carrying any sort of negative connotation whatsoever.

It was NOT actually all that long ago, some folks may recall, when "fanservice" was not only tolerated, but expected, demanded, celebrated, you name it. Early/mid-2000s. Every female super-hero had giant honking tits and a costume with about as much surface coverage as a washcloth. Every female celebrity had to have a Maxim cover and spread. Not only did people NOT complain, they said "Holy sh*t, why did society completely suck until Right Now?" and "More of this, Everywhere, NOW."

Then we got f*cking Obama for eight years and suddenly everyone is supposed to pretend they DON'T wanna look at hot chicks constantly, in every single corner of their media? F*ck outta here with that bullsh*t.

I'm dead f*cking serious, if you're not piling that "fanservice" sh*t on with a scoop shovel, I don't have time for whatever the f*ck it is you're selling. Life is too short to NOT be looking at hot chicks constantly. I don't even give a f*ck who disagrees, they're dead inside.

We need to take sh*t back to 2005 immediately. Could you imagine Billie Eilish trying to squeeze those giant honkers of hers into one'a those early-2000s Slut Bikinis? And furthermore, wouldn't you rather see HER in a bikini than f*cking LIZZO, for f*ck's sake?!

None of this is schtick, I am 1000% Dead F*cking Serious.
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Old 10-17-2022, 06:47 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I just can't believe a term like "fanservice" exists while carrying any sort of negative connotation whatsoever.

It was NOT actually all that long ago, some folks may recall, when "fanservice" was not only tolerated, but expected, demanded, celebrated, you name it. Early/mid-2000s. Every female super-hero had giant honking tits and a costume with about as much surface coverage as a washcloth. Every female celebrity had to have a Maxim cover and spread. Not only did people NOT complain, they said "Holy sh*t, why did society completely suck until Right Now?" and "More of this, Everywhere, NOW."

Then we got f*cking Obama for eight years and suddenly everyone is supposed to pretend they DON'T wanna look at hot chicks constantly, in every single corner of their media? F*ck outta here with that bullsh*t.

I'm dead f*cking serious, if you're not piling that "fanservice" sh*t on with a scoop shovel, I don't have time for whatever the f*ck it is you're selling. Life is too short to NOT be looking at hot chicks constantly. I don't even give a f*ck who disagrees, they're dead inside.

We need to take sh*t back to 2005 immediately. Could you imagine Billie Eilish trying to squeeze those giant honkers of hers into one'a those early-2000s Slut Bikinis? And furthermore, wouldn't you rather see HER in a bikini than f*cking LIZZO, for f*ck's sake?!

None of this is schtick, I am 1000% Dead F*cking Serious.
Personally I don't use the term fanservice in a bad way and neither do I see it as a negative thing.

Cartoon and video game characters aren't real, so might as well go crazy and give them unrealistic designs. Like making all the female characters hot, for example. Isn't that the point of fantasy?

People who say they don't find cartoon or video game characters attractive are weird. Someone once told me I was weird for commenting on Nico Robin's huge boobs in One Piece "she's just a cartoon". So now liking big boobs makes a man weird? The hell is happening to this world!?
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Old 10-17-2022, 09:53 PM   #164
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I will go so far as to say that if Maximum Fanservice isn't part of your mission statement, then your entire mission is f*cking garbage by design.

Hot chicks. Everywhere. The less clothing the better. Naked? Awesome. Life's too short to be looking at ugly, fully-clothed people during leisure time when you're already forced to suffer them during working hours. When you're home reading or watching TV, it SHOULD be Non-Stop Hotness, All The Time. Otherwise what is even the POINT? What is the point of LIFE, by then?

Like, you're not supposed to say this sh*t because it's not "polite", but y'know what people in Real Life are WAY more often than they're "polite"? F*cking Horny. At least I don't put on airs, I just keep it real. This Is How It Is, Dawg.

At some point, not even long ago, we collectively just accepted it, and media finally started being designed to please those people, as it ALWAYS should have been in the first place. Then everybody got even MORE f*cking prudish and Puritan than they were BEFORE and now everything's even worse! You can't even pop a chub over a comic book character anymore without some Pearl-Clutching Rando on a message board telling you that you're an awful person for it. It's insane.

These people are the same ones who vapidly Tweet "Free Britney!" but don't even realize that if people weren't already obsessed with "drooling over jailbait" way back in 1999 then nobody would even know who the f*ck Britney Spears is Now. And look at THAT one, for crying out loud; two minutes off the leash and she's dragging her bare tits all over her Instagram, embarrassing the f*ck out of her kids to the point they don't even talk to her anymore. And look, make no mistake, she's Swamp Trash, but at least she is HONEST Swamp Trash. She fully understands that people only ever cared about her as something to jerk off to, nothing more, she understands it and accepts it and wants to squeeze the last few drops out of it before her implants fail and her tits get stuck in her belt. She may be an absolute embarrassment of a human being and a complete and total skank but at least she's f*cking honest about it and knows her role in the societal transaction process.

Y'all act like this "creepy" sh*t is New. F*ck no, people have always been huge perverts, they just used to be a lot more f*cking honest about it than they are Right Now.

I vote for Honesty and Sexy Naked People (fictional or otherwise). I think if you DON'T see it my way you're way more of a f*cking weirdo than anyone could every rightly accuse ME of being.
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Old 10-18-2022, 03:28 PM   #165
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I've never cared about Britney Spears. Then again, her peak of popularity was when I was, I dunno, 9? I didn't care about girls at the time yet.

And I completely forgot she existed until I read your post, tbh.
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Old 10-18-2022, 04:04 PM   #166
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She's in my News feed every day because she's a dumpster fire and constantly naked on Instagram and so her kids are too ashamed of her to even be around her, and they say this openly with no shame. Even if you don't read the articles the headlines are always there. But that's in America, I assume if you do read the news at all Over There they probably put out much different stuff, especially about entertainment and so on.

Plus, y'know, like I'm NOT gonna click on "See Britney Dancing Nude In Her Latest Instagram Post!" Course I am.

For what it's worth, she's still super hot, but she's such a trashy person. All the people demanded she be let out of her conservatorship either forgot or ignore the fact that the entire reason her family made her a "prisoner" is because she was literally a f*cking crackhead.

BUT, she wants to be naked all the time and I 100% support her in doing so. I enjoy it! But at the same time I'm not gonna ignore the fact that she's a huge slut with no self-awareness, I'm allowed to have opinions on that as well.
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Old 10-18-2022, 05:34 PM   #167
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Such a shame to see Britney go insane like that. I think they just locked her up but never gave her actual treatment and how's free, but also free to go nuts.

Like what is she even doing? I don't think she's shown any interest towards going back to her music career or anything.
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Old 10-18-2022, 05:50 PM   #168
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No I think she was on medication, she wasn't "locked up" she actually had a residency in Vegas for a long while. Being "under arrest" was the most productive time she ever spent. Since then all she does is her little Naked Cartwheel videos and gush about new husband #957, who is totally not just manipulating her for her money like every single previous husband, no sir. THIS ONE is legit and 100% her Ride or Die.

If I recall correctly, her being medicated was one of the things she whined about in trying to get the conservatorship removed. "I don't need to be on medication!", by the way, is the MAIN thing a person who desperately needs to be on medication will say.

So yeah she's "free" and nobody can "force" her to go to therapy or take her meds anymore, so she does... exactly what I said she was gonna do, lose her f*cking mind immediately. Because she's a crackhead.

Like I legit would not be shocked if she actually is smoking crack again. I've known plenty of people who do it, that sh*t immediately becomes your new God. Way worse than heroin because while heroin is addictive and ultimately more damaging it doesn't actually feel good after a while, and the withdrawal is murder. People who smoke crack tend not to suffer as much and are oblivious to the damage they're causing themselves, so not only do they have no incentive to quit, if they do quit they have no reason to stay away from it. No "I stayed up puking for three days" horror stories like a heroin addict would have, for example.

So since she was hooked on crack before her conservatorship, I'm pretty sure getting another hit was all she thought about for all those years, and I'm sure it was one of the Very First Things she did when she was "set free", just because she could. Again, I knew people who counted the days for YEARS, like, "The second my kids move out, I'm hitting that goddamn pipe again, man," and they have it down to the hour.

So yeah, f*ck her. She has an awesome body though so I'm very glad she likes to show it off. But that's just me being selfish, the girl obviously needs to be on a leash or else something really bad is gonna happen. Some people simply can't handle "freedom" because they're too self-destructive, and she's one of them.
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Old 10-18-2022, 09:44 PM   #169
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Threads on these forums sure take interesting turns. Never would I have thought we'd be talking about Britney Spears of all people in the My Hero Academia thread.
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Old 10-18-2022, 09:45 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post

So yeah, f*ck her.
I tried, she still hasn't returned my phone calls.
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Old 10-18-2022, 09:46 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
I tried, she still hasn't returned my phone calls.
Let's talk about which MHA girl we'd **** instead.
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Old 10-18-2022, 09:49 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Threads on these forums sure take interesting turns. Never would I have thought we'd be talking about Britney Spears of all people in the My Hero Academia thread.
I was put on this planet to ruin absolutely f*cking everything. That's the entire point of it all.

Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Let's talk about which MHA girl we'd **** instead.
I sincerely have no idea what MHA even is.
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Old 10-18-2022, 09:53 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I was put on this planet to ruin absolutely f*cking everything. That's the entire point of it all.

I sincerely have no idea what MHA even is.
Whoa, I didn't say you ruined it. If anything you saved this thread from papenbrook.

Well, that's irrelevant. You can still have an opinion on which girl you'd bang from the series. Just Google My Hero Academia characters and you'll know the names of the hot ones in no time.
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Old 10-18-2022, 10:05 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Whoa, I didn't say you ruined it. If anything you saved this thread from papenbrook.

Well, that's irrelevant. You can still have an opinion on which girl you'd bang from the series. Just Google My Hero Academia characters and you'll know the names of the hot ones in no time.
Haha, thanks brother!

Uhhhh, I just Googled "My Hero Academia Hot Girls"... so... This One, I guess? This one has several things I enjoy...

Let me guess, there's something "problematic" about that one, too... like it's really a dude, or she's secretly 10 years old and just really overdeveloped for her age, or some sh*t. Right?
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Old 10-18-2022, 10:08 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Haha, thanks brother!

Uhhhh, I just Googled "My Hero Academia Hot Girls"... so... This One, I guess? This one has several things I enjoy...

Let me guess, there's something "problematic" about that one, too... like it's really a dude, or she's secretly 10 years old and just really overdeveloped for her age, or some sh*t. Right?
I knew you'd like Midnight.

Nah, she's a full fledged adult, don't worry. I don't remember her age but she's not younger than 24.

Shes known as the R Rated Hero, BTW.
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Old 10-18-2022, 10:10 PM   #176
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Oh my, that's wonderful news.

There were a few others I saw that were kinda yummy but my wife is here so I can't do a deep dive right now unless I want a concussion.

I will say once again for the record that while I'm "neutral-to-positive" on anime in general, boy do I LOVE Anime Girls.
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Old 10-18-2022, 10:11 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Oh my, that's wonderful news.

There were a few others I saw that were kinda yummy but my wife is here so I can't do a deep dive right now unless I want a concussion.

I will say once again for the record that while I'm "neutral-to-positive" on anime in general, boy do I LOVE Anime Girls.
Momo Yaoyorozu is my favourite. I love girls with pitch black hair and pale skin.

And ofc big boobs.
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Old 10-18-2022, 10:19 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Haha, thanks brother!

Uhhhh, I just Googled "My Hero Academia Hot Girls"... so... This One, I guess? This one has several things I enjoy...

Let me guess, there's something "problematic" about that one, too... like it's really a dude, or she's secretly 10 years old and just really overdeveloped for her age, or some sh*t. Right?
What would the safe word be when you’re being “punished” in her office?
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Old 10-18-2022, 10:20 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by ssjup81 View Post
What would the safe word be when you’re being “punished” in her office?
Better ask Mineta that. I'm sure he has some experience.
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Old 10-18-2022, 10:21 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by ssjup81 View Post
What would the safe word be when you’re being “punished” in her office?
safe word? I could think of worse ways to go.

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?The force is not female, the force is not male, the force is for everyone?
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