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Old 10-23-2023, 02:15 PM   #1
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35th anniversary of the Sega Mega Drive–Genesis

The upcoming Sunday marks the 35th anniversary of one of the Sega Mega Drive. It was first released in Japan on 29 October 1988, in North America on 14 August 1989, and in Europe in September 1990. In North America, it was known as the Sega Genesis.

A 16-bith console, it had a cooler attidue than Nintendo, and contributed to making more teenagers not feeling ashamed for playing video games. The console was discontinued in 1997. Nintendo's first 16-bit console wasn't released until November 1990, when it first hit Japan.

October 1988.
It is a period of console war.
Rebel video game developers, striking from the Sega headquarters in Japan, have won their first victory against the dominating Nintendo company.

During the console war, Sega managed to develop the Sega Mega Drive, to be used against the Nintendo company's Nintendo Entertainment System, a console with enough capacity to sell video games to an entire generation of young people.

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Old 10-23-2023, 06:48 PM   #2
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I still have the model 1 Genesis. Still works but I haven’t used it for some time. I hope it still works, ha.

I had the Sega Channel. The digital game streaming service. That was waaaay ahead of its time. It was awesome. You could play the entire library for a monthly price. It’d update and rotate every few weeks.

I couldn’t remember so I googled it. It was $15 a month for 50 games at a time. My gosh that was an amazing deal. It’s unbelievable actually knowing what Streaming/Digital Games became.

I don’t have many games for it. Like 20. Maybe cause I had the Sega Channel. Of course I love Sonic so I have all those. There’s still some I’d like to collect though.
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Old 10-24-2023, 11:42 PM   #3
Meat-n-Potatoes Man
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I was never big into Sega, but a buddy of mine had a Genesis. We would play Sonic 1 and 2, Altered Beast, Columns, Toejam & Earl, Comix Zone, and Klax. We especially liked Klax because when the pieces would fall they'd yell and we giggled like idiots. Hey, we were 10.

I have the Sega Genesis Classics collection on the Switch and it's nice to go back to those games sometimes. Also, getting to play a few titles I never got a chance to. A bit of a bummer that Klax isn't on there, but I have it on NES. Ah, good old Tengen...

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Old 10-28-2023, 02:18 PM   #4
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Since I was born in 1990, I am a bit too young to remember the 16bit generation properly. By the time I was playing videogames, the Sega Saturn had just came out and MD and SNES were reaching the end of their lifespans.

I think a lot of people nowadays forget how huge Sega was in some parts of the world and more popular than Nintendo in some places even. Before Sony took over Portugal with the PS1, we were practically a Sega colony. If I had to guess, based on the people I know and the games I see selling at 2nd hand stores, I'd say the ration was Mega Drive 70:30 Super Nintendo here in Portugal.

I was fortunate to play both when I was a kid. My brother got a SNES early in its life. And then got a MD for dirt cheap around 1995. Didn't have a lot of games for it, though. Sonic 1, FIFA, Micro Machines games, Lion King, Garfield and an Astérix game. I didn't get a chance to play most of the classics until I was an adult.

I prefer the SNES overall, but have a lot respect for the Mega Drive as well.
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Old 10-29-2023, 12:07 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
I think a lot of people nowadays forget how huge Sega was in some parts of the world and more popular than Nintendo in some places even. Before Sony took over Portugal with the PS1, we were practically a Sega colony. If I had to guess, based on the people I know and the games I see selling at 2nd hand stores, I'd say the ration was Mega Drive 70:30 Super Nintendo here in Portugal.
Yeah, Sega dominated in Europe. The Mega Drive was huge there and won out over the NES and SNES for quite a while. For some reason, Nintendo had a borderline unethical stranglehold on publishers in the U.S. and used it to monstrous effect. Nintendo's popularity in North America and Sega's penchant for quantity over quality and rush to get new things out eventually led to Sega's downfall.

- Optimus Acid Trip - Cult of a Half-Shell - Raiden's Bitter Tongue -
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Old 10-29-2023, 12:10 PM   #6
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I was always a Nintendo guy growing up and didn't own a Genesis until around '97 or so when I picked one up while working at a video game store.

It had some really good proprietary games - and at the time it had the best Spider-Man game that had been made up to that point. It was a solid system and I got a kick out of all of the plug-in add-on systems for it - the Sega CD, the 32x, all of that.

By the time you were done building it, it was this mechanical monstrosity...
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Old 10-30-2023, 08:52 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by KROW View Post
Sega dominated in Europe.
I'm looking for console war maps. All I can find is Playstation against Xbox.
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