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Old 04-03-2007, 08:52 AM   #221
Toonami Tom
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Name: Asuka Kuriyama
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: A very cute, japanese teenage girl.
Hair: Shoulder length black hair
Eyes: Brown
Weapons: None
Occupation: High school student
Information: Asuka is nice and kind. She tries to always do what is right.
Family: Father: Ryo Kuriyama. Mother: Ami Kuriyama. Sister: Aoi Kuriyama, leader of The Insane 99 ninja clan.

RPG History:
1. The Insane 99

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 04-03-2007 at 08:58 AM.
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Old 04-08-2007, 07:25 PM   #222
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Name: Lauren Jones
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Appearance: A cute little girl. Lauren has shoulder length red hair and green eyes. She usually wears a light blue dress, white tights, and black shoes.
Occupation: Super-heroine(super hero)/Student
Personality: Nice, kind, and she likes to help people.
History: Lauren was created in a lab by Professor Simon Jones. She is his daughter and she became a super-heroine.
Super powers: Flight, super strength, bullet proof, laser vision, heat vision, and freeze breath.

RPG History:
1. Of Turtles and Titans (A TMNT and Teen Titan crossover.)
2. They're Here.

Name: Simon Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Appearance: Professor Jones has brown hair, brown eyes, wears glasses, and usually wears a white lab coat.

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 04-09-2007 at 08:26 AM. Reason: Adding Lauren's super powers to her profile
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Old 04-09-2007, 01:52 PM   #223
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Name: Sherina
Age: Unknown
ADN: Mutant Shark
Gender: Female
Build: Very Small
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Personality: Very Good-Kind.
Clothes: Pirate-Clothes
Weapons: Sword. Pistol, Sharp Claws and Sharp Teeth
History: Unknown
OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Old 04-22-2007, 01:24 AM   #224
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Name: Mizuki Kuriyama
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: A very cute, japanese teenage girl.
Hair: Shoulder length black hair
Eyes: Brown
Information: Mizuki is nice and kind. She is sweet and a good person.
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Old 04-22-2007, 08:39 PM   #225
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Picture reference:

Name: Dean Rickerson
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Hair: Short brown hair
Eyes: Blue
Weapon(s): Pistol
Occupation: Policeman for hire
Information: Dean is usually calm, modest, and hospitable towards others. He'll do whatever it takes to stop the criminals he encounters. He doesn't like to stick to one police chief, which is why he's for hire.

How can something so beautiful shine on something so dreadful?

Last edited by cowabunga14; 04-23-2007 at 08:49 PM.
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Old 04-25-2007, 12:14 PM   #226
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Name: Cobrax
Mutant Cobra
Description: Is a giant cobra with feet and arms and can also hypnotize people with his eyes. Sharp teeth that has venom in each teeth. Sharp claws.
has brown vest and short light grey pants and a light brown hat
Red eyes
Height: 5'7
weight: 103
Age: 33
Info: This evil cobra was born in the dessert and then got his by mutagen turning him into a beast. He then hunts for anything he can find. He is a worker for evil and then came to NYC so that he can hunt down the TMNT.
Gender: Male
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Old 05-01-2007, 04:36 PM   #227
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Talking Hope Marin ^^...heh

((.......She changed so much that I have to fix this.....))
Image links:

Name: Hope Marinyuki
Age: 17 (19)
DOB: June 21 (first day of summer)
Height: 5'1"
Tail/ Wings T/ 5ft W/ 6ft
Wight: 125lb
Eyes: blue iris black cornea (the white part of your eyes )
Hair: blue
Gender: Female
Species: Reptile,bird?, some sort of Gargoyle/dragon what ever thing.
Nationality: Japanese,German, Irish, French,Russian
Human look: plan, burnt orange hair, blue eyes fair skin
Hobbies: Likes collecting stuff, pressed flowers, bottle caps, buttons, old fashion keys, feathers, sea glass, sea shells stuff like that, cooking mostly baking, reading, drawing, sowing, singing, playing the violin, piano,dancing, cooking, baking.
Likes: Food, cats, stuffed animals, flowers mostly sunflowers and lily’s, the colors pink and yellow, people, kids, weddings, shopping, sleeping in late, magic and learning new things.
Hates: spiders, thunderstorms (she doesn’t mind the rain) people that treat others badly, blood, red meat
Words she uses the most: “Interesting” , “Bloody ell!!” , “Oi vay”, “Aiya!!”, “Damn”, “Ooops”, “He did it!”, “I love this”, “Heh Sorry ill fix dat”, “Vhy do you have to do that”, “S-shut up ya bloody basted”, “you dork”
Motto: “There is nothing to fear but fear it’s self until it fights back that is”
Good points: she’s a caring girl, persistent, loving, forgiving, gentle, silly, cute, polite, friendly, open-minded, and creative.
Bad points: She’s violent, self pity, cold, ignorant, bad temper, to emotional, clingy, a bit of a know-it-all, can be forgetful, does not fallow rules at times, bit secretive, distant.
Grad: 12th
1: Geometry
2: History – Ancients
3: English – Creative writhing
4: Biology – Marin and Zoology (both half year classes)
5: Art
6: Art
7: Study hall

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

* 2 war fans
* 1 guard less katana
Special gift:
* Gifted in the magic arts
* Able to feel other peoples emotions when she touches them
* Able to see in the past and future of said people she touches. Only sees the past in objects.
* Can see well in the dark
* Sensitive eyes and ears
* Needs to wear glasses at times
* Will get ill if she eats red meat
* Has a weak somiche
* Can't stand loud noses or bright lights
* Cant controlled anything when shes is sick
* Has a weak immunity system
* Strong nails and claws. Can cut thou stone and some metals
* Can hear a pin drop, Has better hearing then a dog
* Has a strong tail
* Better at magic then with a sword.
* Knows how to cure any illness with a home remedy.
* Can blend into any seconding
* Can not kiss people.
~If kisses flesh , flesh will slowly rot away
~If kissed on lips, will die.
* Lips are glazed in a toxic slime. Makes it look a darker shade of blue and glossy.
* Has venom in fangs.
~ If bitten you will be ill for a few days
* Do not piss her off
* Has an inner monster

About Hope…

Hope is a bit complicated. She keeps secrets from people in order to keep them safe from her, and she has a few friends, do to what she really is. Hope hopes for a normal life, with out magic and running and where she can be human. But wishes never come true for though that have to fight to live. She relays on her magic and her womanly charm to survive. Fearing being abadin by the people she loves. She isolates herself from the world, even though she is a teen and goes to school, she keeps to her self.

Hope was born some where in Ireland. Do to an unknown reason she was born with scails and a tail. Mother horrified and labed the white devil her mother ignored her as some of her older brothers and step father raised her, Until she had to live with her grandparents that welcomed her with open arms. Loving her and teaching what they cold they shortly died after she turned 6. After that she was taken in by an old friend Master Chichi.

Chichi took her under her wing, training her in the magic arts she was born with. They travailed the world where hope learned anythings about her self and how her real father was some where watching over her. Around the age of 7 Hope learned two things. One was she was deadly and two she never wanted to hurt anyone ever. She learned when Master Chichi died when she accidentally kissed her, when they where in New York for a little trip to china town. Devastated she ran away.

Shortly after on a rainy day she was taken in by an old couple. Hope became slightly distant to the world and to them. Even though they tried to help her, she didn't want to hurt them. The night where chichi died still hunts her to this very day. They continued her training in the magic arts with there son Maxwell. Shortly after she turned 15 the old couple and Maxwell vanished one day, leaving Hope alone. Hope told herself they would be back one day and she would watch over the house until they came back. With this she furthered her training in magic and learned that she could change her shape with a rather painful spell. By day she lived as a human girl going to school, and buy night she lived as a monster she was born as. As long as she had the pendent she made she could liv things normal. But that is never true for anyone.

Last edited by C.R.Ebi; 10-09-2009 at 12:52 PM. Reason: I had to fix this
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Old 05-04-2007, 10:09 AM   #228
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Name: Margaret Adams
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Appearance: A very attractive woman
Hair: Shoulder length red hair
Eyes: Blue

Information: Margaret was born in London, England. She is a scientist and a great inventor. She is very smart. Two years ago Mararet moved to the United States of America, in New York.

Tech Gear: Information/X-ray Scouter: A device that is worn in one ear and has a lens that goes over one eye. The scouter give Margaret lots of infromation about whatever she is looking at. It also has an x-ray vision mode. Picture reference:
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Old 05-06-2007, 08:15 PM   #229
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Name: Lilum Chii
Nickname: Talon, scary lady (hope calls her that) Evil B***h (Raph)
Age: 99,999* (lets say shes just really really really old okay)
Gender: has none (Talon looks like a she but ..its also a he)
Height: 6'00
Wight: 106lb
Eyes: green
Hair: white long and parted to the left
Species: Space time witch, (demon of time i guess)
Hobbies: has none
Likes: cats
Dislikes: everything
weapon: magic, magic staff (thats her weakness too)
Good points: She has no good points
Bad points: to many to count
Clothing: anything reveling and tight fitting
Powers: anything that Hope knows but only the darkest of dark magic (yeah she one of thows simple minded demons that think theres black and white magic...)
Bio: theres nothing much said about Talon . Only that she wants to take over the universe and Be queen of everything. You could say thats on every evil womans roll but she does work for this company called "Myth Inc". Specializing in history, the arts and Science. This is only a cover up for her pans to use all that she can to plunge the world in to darkness along with the universe. She does have a liking to cats and if she doesn't like you shill turn you in to a cat (the big ones not the cute fluffy small ones) She will use anything and any one to get to her goal. and that includes Hope, The shredder and the foot. She does have a fasinashin with Hope though and wants her to be the main veil for her take over the world plan.
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Old 05-14-2007, 02:27 AM   #230
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Kairi Kichiro

Name: Kairi Kichiro

Nicknames: Kairi, Sugarpuff( She gets really hyper when she eats sugar), noodles.( She loves noodles for a passion)

Alias: Cabbit Bodyguard/ KairiYojimbo ( I'll use this, no matter what you say! ^_^)

Age: 14

Species: mix of Cat and Rabbit.

Height: 1 m and 48 cm. ( Yep, she's short)

Eye: Very light blue

Skin/fur: White fur, exept from her her tail, which is black.

Build: Small and thin

Powers: Controls Ice.

Abilities: Trains with a short katana, and can see in the dark thanks to her kitty eyes and has sharp senses and can climb trees very well.

Attitude: Sweet, hyper, friendly, social, smiles alot, naive, can get angry when she's really bugged, but most of the time she's just like a hyper young girl.

Other: Lives by herself and practices the way of the samurai.

History: Kairi was born in a village outside of Edo, Japan, and she and her parents were poor, but happy, and they worked hard and did their best for their little girl. They couldn't afford school, so Kairi was sent to her father's sensei to learn to read and write, and also learn a little bit of swordfighting. She only used a wooden stick, a short one, since her mother didn't want her to use anything sharp or bladed. They were very happy, all three of them, and Kairi's dad made a lot of toys and dolls for her, which Kairi treasured dearly. When Kairi was 6 years old, her parents were killed by a group of merciless ninjas, and Kairi has sworn to avenge them when she finds their murderers. Her father's sensei also died, but he wasn't killed, he just died from very old age. An old wolf, and he was very wise, and had taught Kairi many valuable things. Kairi had vowed to bring his knowledge further, so she did her best. She has a few good friends, and is also a part of a group called the Guardians, who protect the innocent from Evil. Kairi's a great Guardian, and often aids their leader Cassie with great advice.
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Old 05-14-2007, 06:24 PM   #231
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Name: Valin
Mutant: Turtle
Height: 5'7
Age: 14
Weight: 106
Discription: Like the other turtles but has a black bandana and Katana's
Powers: Able to shapeshift, Mostly human
Bio: Valin was a regular turtle and was in a pet shop. one day, someone bought Valin and then lost him in the sewers. A can of of shapeshift mutation then went into the sewers as well since it fell from off a TLC truck. The Ooze had hit the turtle and since the boy touched him last, he became a mutant turtle. Then latter on, he learned how to shapeshift and control his powers. He then met a rat named splinter and spilnter helped him become a ninja like the other turtles. Valin lives in a apartment as a human, and vists the turtles and faces the forces of evil.
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Old 06-10-2007, 10:40 PM   #232
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Nina the Ninja

Name: Nina
Last name: Unknown
Age: 20
Appearance: An attractive woman, she has blue eyes and long black hair.
Height: 5'5
Weapons: Katana and shuriken

Information: Nina is not a hero, nor is she a villian. She will often do the right thing and help those in need. She can be sarcastic at times.

(I may add more information later.)

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 06-10-2007 at 10:58 PM.
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Old 07-12-2007, 06:39 PM   #233
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Name: Alexandra

Nickname: Alex

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species: Mutant Turtle

Height: 5'3

Build: Small

Skin: Lime Green

Eyes: Blue

Fighting Skills: Hand to hand combat.

Weapons: Daggers and anything else she decides to use.

Information: Yet another accident with a TCRI truck and a kid holding a bag of water with a pet turtle caused Alexandra's mutation. The female turtle went down into the sewers and the canister of mutagen broke near her. Unlike the TMNT, Alexandra decided not to live in the sewer and went topside. She lives in an abandoned, empty water tower. Alexandra soon discovered that as a mutant she was unwelcome in the human world. She stays to the shadows.

RPG Premire: "Stone and Shadows (A.U RPG)"

RPG History:

1. "Stone and Shadows (A.U RPG)"

2. "The Turtle Gang"

3. "Android Nightmare and Martial Arts Melee: An RPG Double Feature"

4. "Trapped in Limbo"

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 08-18-2007 at 11:16 PM.
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Old 07-15-2007, 01:35 PM   #234
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First name: Chir-Heart
Age: Unknown
Job: Samurai Leader
Gender: Female
Species: Transformers/Centaur
Personality: Very Kind and Warm-Heart
Height: 7'2
Weight: 200 lbs.
Child: Cin
Lover: Unknown
Husband: Unknown
Weapons: Sword
History: Unknown
OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Old 07-15-2007, 04:21 PM   #235
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Very nice one Cin!
RIP Mommy Angie! Se onr sverdar sitja hvass! (May your swords stay sharp!) - Eragon

Sig made by: Joe
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Old 07-19-2007, 10:07 AM   #236
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Originally Posted by Lady Venus View Post
Very nice one Cin!

OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Old 07-22-2007, 02:35 PM   #237
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Name: Sarah
Species: Mutant Fox
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Fur: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'5
Build: Small
Origin and Information: Sarah was a normal fox and she used to live in the woods. A scientist captured her and made her a pet. One day, Sarah's owner was attacked by Purple Dragon gang memebers. Durring the situation, Sarah was thrown out the window. The scientist found a way to defeat the Purple Dragons, but she wasn't able to find her pet fox. Sarah wandered off and accidently stepped in some ooze and was mutated. Due to being the pet of a scientist, Sarah learned a lot about science and she is very smart. Another interesting fact about Sarah is that she has a 'New Yorker' accent (it could be compared to Casey Jones or Harley Quin from Batman).

Human form appearance: She is very attractive and has shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes. ((She became human in the RPG "The Turtle Gang."))

RPG History:
1. "The Turtle Gang"

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 07-23-2007 at 06:34 PM.
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Old 07-23-2007, 11:53 AM   #238
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Name: Jack Powers
Species: Human
Age: 35
Hair: Short blonde hair
Eyes: Blue
Weapons: Guns
Information: Jack Powers is a federal agent working for the government. He will do whatever it takes to stop the bad guys and get the job done.

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 07-30-2007 at 07:42 AM.
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Old 08-02-2007, 08:28 PM   #239
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Gloria Summers

Name: Gloria Summers
Species: Human
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Build: small
Appearance: Attractive, black hair that is shoulder length, brown eyes, pretty face, and she wears glasses.
Clothing: She often wears a black suit jacket, white shirt, black skirt.
Occupation: Scientist
Personailty: Nice, kind, can be serious.
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Old 08-10-2007, 01:35 PM   #240
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Name: Prax Godon
Nickname: Lord Prax
Species: Android
Gender: Male
Hair: None
Eyes: Red
Weapon(s): Energy staff
Height: 8'5"
Weight: 320 pounds
Occupation: Overlord
Information: Prax is the android overlord of the planet Fayzok. He has very strict and demanding personality. He is the one responsible for the androids enslaving the humans.
Appearance: He is a very bulky android. Besides the fact that he is quite tall, his body mass evens it out. His android body/armor is black and blue and tougher than most metals.

How can something so beautiful shine on something so dreadful?
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