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Old 08-17-2007, 12:39 AM   #241
Toonami Tom
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Name: Maria
Species: Mutant Turtle
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Skin: Lime green
Eyes: Brown
Build: Small
Weapons: Currently none
Information/Personality: A turtle child, Maria is innocent and kind. She tries to do the right thing and she is very nice.
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Old 08-21-2007, 03:23 PM   #242
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Name: Brutus
Species: Mutant alligator
Gender: Male
Age: 8
Appearance: A child mutant alligator, he has green skin and brown eyes. He wears a blue jacket without sleeves.
Personality: Curious, nice, can be sarcastic at times.
Origin: Currently unknown. He woke up alone in the sewers one day and knew he had been mutated.

RPG History:

1. "First adventures"

(I may add to Brutus' profile later.)

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 08-23-2007 at 09:33 PM.
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Old 08-22-2007, 04:09 PM   #243
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Name: Anya

Species: Gargoyle

Age: 50

Gender: Female

Personality: Due to an highly upper-class 'upbringing' bordering on royalty and a childhood of being taught refinement and upper-class manners, Anya enjoys the more aristocratic side of the human's culture
She is a brave and honorable fighter who doesn't like to draw attention to herself, yet is prepared to listen or offer a friendly ear to those who need it.

Information: Hatched in 1903, Anya is the last surviving member of the Romanov Elite, a sub-faction of the Red Guard, Russian Gargoyles who protected the royal family for as long as their clan could remember.
The last of the Romanov Elite started with two royal guardians, Peter and Katrina. As the Tsar and his wife had children, Peter and Katrina aimed for the same so Nicholas' children would have a guardian and playmate.
But as the social unrest that would lead to the Russian Revolution grew, rumors about the presence of Rasputin fueled the flames that would destroy the royal family.
During the uprising, the Red Guard and the Romanov Elite, apart from Anya, were killed and she fled after hearing of the deaths of the royal family, wandering across the globe alone and avoiding humanity until she has recently come to the shores of America.

* * * * *

Rough Concept Sketch

Favorite incarnations: 2k3 animated series, 2014 & 2016 movies and the IDW comics.

Last edited by CharmedSerenity; 08-23-2007 at 10:33 AM.
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:28 PM   #244
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Oroku Saki

Presenting, the new Oroku Saki:

Name: Oroku Saki
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6'
Build: Medium
Appearance: A strong and athletic Japanese man, he has short black hair, and brown eyes. He usually wears tan ninja clothes or his Shredder armor.

Personality: He seeks whatever he desires and he is determined to acchieve his goals at all costs. Once he has made an enemy, he will not cease to destroy his foes. Saki feels that all enemies must be destroyed before they attempt to destroy him or cause problems. He will sometimes give his enemies a chance to change their ways. It is not easy to gain his trust, he is suspicious of many people. He has a code of honor, but it is not always followed. He puts his wants and goals first. A good quality that Saki has is that he is honest, most of the time that is.

History: He is a relative of the Oroku Saki that started the Foot Clan. Raised in Japan, young Saki was trained as a ninja at the Japanese Foot HQ. His identity was kept a secret by many, those that knew he was the original Oroku Saki's relative didn't want the utrom Shredder to find out about him. At his current age of 21, he traveled to New York to become the leader of the Foot Clan in New York City. He would refusse to let any of the utrom Shredder's followers stand in his way. He has yet to meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He has heard of them, but he has decided that he will make his own judgements about the turtles after he meets them.
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Old 08-25-2007, 04:33 PM   #245
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Real Name: Eugene Norton Harris

Alias: The Janitor, Gene (By his mother.), Mentally Challenged (By women he tries to pick up.)

Age: 23

Species: Human

Occupation: Day-shift Janitor at the local high school by day, THE Janitor, fighter of crime, by night. Sometimes reversed if his schedule is messed up, or if the night-shift guy is sick.

Weapons: He is proficient in martial arts, most notably Ninjutsu. Instead of actual weapons, he uses a variety of cleaning equipment that a janitor would use, mostly the use of a broom, mop, and bucket full of dirty water and cleaner.(All kept in remote control janitor's cart. These are primarily used for combat.) He also has a utility belt for keeping air freshener spray, and cartons of sawdust in. (For blinding, however he likes to say he's absorbing the 'vomit' of crime with the sawdust.)

Gender: Male.

Appearance: The outfit he wears while working is same one he wears while fighting crime, however he usually takes off his nametag before going out to clean thr toilet of crime. The outfit is the classic blue custodian uniform, complete with a blue cap that covers his shaggy brown hair. The hat somehow succeeds in overshadows the upper half of his face (eyes and nose.) He is very tall and gangly.

Personality: His sanity is questionable. He fancies himself a sort of 'Low-Budget Batman.' but he lacks some key elements that motivated Bruce Wayne to fight crime (Such as his parents being killed. Eugene lives with his mom.) In actuality, he wanted to fight crime not only to save the city from it's so-called 'peril' but to prove to himself that he wasn't some loser janitor with some Ninjutsu skill, and to fulfill his dreams of becoming a superhero. Still, he is prone to bad puns, refers to himself in third person, and comes up with absurd tabloid stories (A past-time of his.) Janitor also believes himself a ladies man, though often fails miserably.

History: Eugene had always been strange. Dreams of capes, tight, and thinly-veiled secret identities plagued his mind constantly of a child. A dream that many wanted, but sadly never recieved. As a twelve year old boy, he tried to fulfill his dream, even becoming the student of the late Ninjutsu master, Ishigumi Kosuke, who found the goofy Eugene amusing. For the next ten years, he proving himself a good student, until the year before his master's death. What was puzzling was just how he died, and who did it.

Nobody knew what happened, not even Eugene who found Master Kosuke's corpse.

Eugene tried to solve this mystery, but his incompetence caused him to give up on finding who or whatever killed his master. This is the only time where Eugene has ever been seen anguishing over anyone, and the few times where he's wished he wasn't such a buffon.

Alas, this was Eugene's fate, slowly falling into a vat of reality. Despite his Ninjutsu training, he could only get a minor job as a janitor at the local high school. This caused in obsession with the cleaning equipment he would used in the near future, and fake tabloid papers provided by a student named Skippy.

Recently, there was news that another martial arts instructor died of mysterious caues, the same in which his master died. This resparked his interest in finding his master's killer, and JUSTICE. He was crazy enough to take on the alter ego of The Janitor, to mop up the vomit of crime.
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Old 08-28-2007, 12:22 AM   #246
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Name: Midnight

Species: Shape shifting cloud creature from another world.

Age: 200

Appeance: A black cloud, floating in mid-air. Midnight is a shapeshifter and may appear in other forms.

Abilities: Flight, vanishing, speaking into someone's mind, and shapeshift/replicating. Midnight is able turn itself into an exact copy of any living being.

History and Information: Currently unknown.

RPG History:

1. "Stone and Shadows (A.U RPG)"

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 08-28-2007 at 12:37 AM.
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Old 08-29-2007, 02:35 PM   #247
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Nothing here
Favorite incarnations: 2k3 animated series, 2014 & 2016 movies and the IDW comics.

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Old 08-29-2007, 04:28 PM   #248
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Name: Charles (Charlie) Stubbs

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Height: 6ft 6

Weight: 300lbs

Hair/eye: Ginger/brown

Hobbies: Drinking and gambling, anything but work to get his hands on money.

Physical Apperance: Charlie is a scruffy and is a acholic. His has a stubby beard. He wears scuffy clothes and very bad breath.

Personal profile: Charlie is drunk and will do anything to get his hands on money for booze. He lives in a one bedroom appartment in the middle of NYC.

The innocence of youth
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Old 08-31-2007, 02:10 AM   #249
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Name: Cloak3000/Tony
Type: Robotic
*Age: ??
Personalities: Shy at first, outgoing, naive, nice, loyal, a little paranoid. He fears thunderstorms.
Powers: Power Analyzer, Claw Catapult, Lock-On, Reboot (revive)
Weapons: Rocket Booster, Honing Missile, Heat-Seaking Missile, Remote Missile, Reattaching limbs, and Cloak.
Weakness: Too trustworthy, His past, Lightning
Story: He was an ordinary boy who grew up with a dysfunctional family and one day took it upon himself to train for the GTOF Tournament which promises great future when victorious. He found himself one day helping some mutant turtles take on a horde of SquallOs (some weird purple glob aliens) who had the gift to transform to whoever they encounter throughout their lives. Tony helped these turtles reprogram a machine that was designed by a mysterious character who sought to destroy all of the world. The villain was known as a black sheep. (Not literally, fools, lol)

The robot was brought out into the field of Fire and destroyed all the invading SquallOs in an instant, but something by remote control rebooted the machine back to its original status and it went after the fighters. Tony saw it to take on the robot as a training session and when they were locked in arms, a bolt of lightning struck the robot and Tony and the two became one. Tony's mind and soul is trapped inside the robot, never to escape, even after defeat and the robot ceases function, the only way for Tony's spirit to leave the machine is if every piece of the robot was demolished.

sorry, had to morph it around a bit for this forum.

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Old 09-02-2007, 01:18 PM   #250
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Name: Matteo (named after Matteo Civitali)

Nicknames: Mattie

Age: Nine months old

Gender: Male

Height: Size of a human baby

Weight: 9 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Species: Crocoturtle (Mutant crocodile/Mutant turtle hybrid clone)

Weapon: N/A - is too young

Favourite Colour: N/A - is too young to say

Hobbies: Playing, sleeping, learning to the best of his ability, terrorising his uncles

Favourite Music: All the Pretty Little Horses and other lullabies

Favourite Food: Beef jerky, spaghetti and meatballs in tomato sauce

Favourite Book: Letterland ABC

Physical Appearance: Matteo is the equivalent of a baby mostly in mind and body apart from the fact he has teeth, being mostly defenceless, but can deliver a good bite when cranky.
While he is a crocodile, his build is identical to Donatello's and he has a turtle-shell with scales that go down his back like Leatherhead's. He has a longer snout then Donatello's, but a shorter one then Leatherhead's.

Personal Profile: Technically being a baby, Matteo has yet to develop a proper personality, however he seems a curious and intelligent infant, but is prone to vicious little tantrums during which he will not hesitate to bite his family, this could be a sign that he has or will inherit Leatherhead's temper problems.

Originally created as one of his experiments by Agent Bishop, Matteo was meant to be the "Ultimate Weapon" using DNA samples taken when he captured Leatherhead and the Turtles, a way for Bishop to be rid of the turtles once and for all.
With samples from what he considered superior specimens, Bishop sought to create a creature with Don's intelligence and Leatherhead's strength, then slowly raise and develop it to take his orders without any question.

Unluckily for his creator, Matteo was discovered by one of his 'fathers' during the evacution of Area 51 after Donatello was cured of his second mutation.
While Bishop was upstairs recieving the Heart of Tengu, Leatherhead thought he heard a baby crying from within the room and found Matteo inside a bio-incubation tube stationed in the lab.

Not wanting Bishop to corrupt an innocent for his own purposes, the crocodile got him out, sneaking him upstairs in time to see Donatello cured.
The turtles barely had time to ask questions though as the base was going to blow up and Matteo ended up with them as everyone's thoughts were more on getting clear in time than where the baby had come from.
Favorite incarnations: 2k3 animated series, 2014 & 2016 movies and the IDW comics.

Last edited by CharmedSerenity; 10-04-2007 at 06:36 PM.
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Old 09-03-2007, 07:40 PM   #251
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Sophie Bauer

Name: Sophie Bauer
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: A normal child, she has shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes.
Personality: Curious, happy, nice.
*Update* Other important information: Sophie is a child genius.

Father- Dr. Arnold Bauer. Occupation- Scientist
Mother- Maria Bauer. Occupation- Online home business

RPG History:
1. "Bringing up Baby"
2. "Time Travel"

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 09-17-2007 at 10:43 PM.
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Old 10-06-2007, 03:20 PM   #252
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Aoi Kojima

Name: Aoi Kojima

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Race: Japanese

Hair: Black shoulder length hair

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'5

Build: Small

Affiliation: Foot Clan in New York City

Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan

Clothes: Aoi wears a black ninja jumpsuit (it's similar to Karai's ninja clothes) with a blue head band (it's like Karai's head band only it's blue), and at times she also wears casual clothes such as a tshirt and jeans.

Weapons and Gear: Katana, shuriken, bow and arrows, high tech binoculars, glass cutter, smoke pellets, and radio/cell phone.

Information: Aoi joined the Foot Clan in Japan at a young age. She later moved to New York and now works for the New York branch of the Foot Clan.

*Update* More Information: Aoi's father is a high ranking Foot Elite at the Foot Clan in Japan. When his daughter Aoi was 10 years old, he suggested to her to join the Foot Clan and to learn the ways of ninjitsu from him. Aoi accepted and soon proved herself to be a very skilled ninja. At her current age of 16, her father told her that he thought it would be beneficial for her to move to New York City, where Oroku Saki was leader of the New York branch of the Foot Clan. Aoi followed this advice and moved New York. Upon arrival she showed her ninja skills and was accepted by Oroku Saki.

Father- Kenji Kojima
Mother- Makiko Kojima
Siblings: None, Aoi is an only child.

RPG History:
1. "TMNT/Swat Kats"
2. "We Meet Again"

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 10-24-2007 at 08:45 AM.
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Old 10-06-2007, 03:37 PM   #253
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Name: Titus Kipston
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None
Clothes: Brown coat, blue shirt, brown pants, and sometimes a black fedora.
Weapon(s): Ruger pistols, a small dagger, and whatever he can find.

Personality: He is usually very serious and has somewhat of a sense of humor. He only fools around when necessary.

Information: He's a war hero/hermit who goes out at night to keep the streets of New York safe.

How can something so beautiful shine on something so dreadful?
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Old 10-27-2007, 04:03 PM   #254
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Simone Russell

Name: Simone Russell

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Race: Caucasian (white)

Hair: Long beautiful red hair, down to the middle of her back in length.

Eyes: Green eyes

Height: 5'6

Build: Small

Birth Place: New York, USA

Occupation: Government agent

Personality: Nice, kind, and when the situation calls for it she is very serious. When it comes to dealing with criminals she can be very harsh.

Fighting skills: Taekwondo

Weapons: She usually uses a hand gun, but she is also an expert with all kinds of firearms.

Home: An apartment in New York.

Family: Father- Tony Russell; Mother- Sarah Russell

Pets: Currently Simone doesn't have any pets.

RPG History:
1. "TMNT/Swat Kats"
2. "Flames of War"

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 10-30-2007 at 12:22 PM.
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Old 11-08-2007, 09:42 PM   #255
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Roleplay Profiles

Ok, this might be considered unimportant questions, but I like to doublecheck if I'm unsure before I do something:

Can we have more then one original character (Not including alterations from roleplay to roleplay)? Is there a length-limit to how long their bio is, or a word-limit per post?

Thankies Hope I'm not being a nuisance
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Old 11-09-2007, 10:14 AM   #256
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Welcome to the technodrome and the rpgs here, CrhisaHoa.

Everyone can have as many characters as they want and the bios do not have to be a certain length.
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Old 11-09-2007, 11:53 PM   #257
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Cool, thankies Thundercleese! ^_^ I ask because I've got four characters I prefer roleplay, together or separate, and their bios are very long each O_o I'll edit this post and insert them later - once I've gotten their profiles shortened as much as I can while still retaining good detail xD
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Old 11-13-2007, 01:38 PM   #258
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Name: Amanda
Age: 10
Species: Mutant Turtle
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lime green skin, blue eyes, small build, short in height due to being a child. She wears a yellow dress without sleeves and it is down to her knees in length.
Personality: She has a major attitude. Most of the time she thinks that she is smarter than almost everyone around her. Amanda is smart and good at coming up with plans. Her best trait is that she will always stand by her friends.
Origin/Background: Created in a lab by a mad scientist, she one day escaped. Ever since then she has lived in New York City.

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 11-21-2007 at 06:19 PM.
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Old 11-19-2007, 05:39 AM   #259
Fang Wolf
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First Name: Gin
Age: Unknown
Job: Guardian
Gender: Male
Species: Akida-Wolf
Personality: Very Good-kind
Lover: Unknown
Husband: Unknown
Weapons: two katanas
History: Unknown
OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Old 11-20-2007, 10:46 AM   #260
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The character profile in this post is an alternate version of another fan character of mine. Here is the original character:

Here is the new, alternate reality version:

Name: Victoria Shellson
Nickname: Vicky
Species: Mutant Turtle
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5'3
Build: Small
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Lime Green
Clothes: She usually wears a blue dress and black boots. She may wear other clothes.
Weapons: Freeze Ray/Heat Ray Staff. She may also use other weapons.

Father- Dr. Jack Shellson
Mother- Maria Shellson

History: Victoria is from another world where mutants are the normal population. She is very rich, her father is the CEO of a technology company that makes super computers, weapons for the millitary, entertainment items such as video game consoles and MP3 players, and all sorts of other technology.

One day a group of villians attacked a labratory where Vicky was observing a portal that her father created. The villians were planning to destroy the lab and steal the portal. In the comotion, the portal was damaged and Vicky was pulled into the portal. She was sent to New York City. Currently she does not have any way to return to her home world. Her freeze ray/heat ray staff was also sent through the portal to New York City.

Personality: She is very nice and kind to her family and friends. When her family and friends are threatened, she can become a 'hothead' similar to Raph. She also always wants her clothes to look nice. Even though she is a turtle, she feels that she must always wear clothes.

She likes: Pizza, comic books, video games, and rock music.

Ninja Skills: She is very good at stealth. It is her fighting skills that she lacks. She is able to defend hersef against Foot ninjas, mousers, and other such enemies. At the moment that is all. If she were to face an enemy stronger or more powerful, she could only win with the power of her freeze ray/heat ray staff. Perhaps she could also win against a powerful enemy if luck was on her side. She plans to continue her training to become a more skilled fighter.

Victoria's Premire RPG:
"Santa Claus Fell Off the Roof"

RPG History:
1. "Santa Claus Fell Off the Roof"
2. "TMNT/Threads of Fate"

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 11-27-2007 at 01:01 PM.
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