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Old 07-27-2015, 05:17 PM   #2581
Commenter 42
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Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post

We've actually reached the point where it's not even entertaining to make fun of this level of glue-eating stupidity. Just let the creative team sit in the corner and stuff crayons up their nostrils - I can't even anymore. I have lost my ability to even.

Please. More of this. Please get back the power to even. All we have is the even. We can't lose the even! If you don't even, that I can't even, hold on to the even!!! With no even, what do we have? Un-even? Things will all be un-even!
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Old 07-27-2015, 05:28 PM   #2582
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Well, even more to re-even it.
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Old 07-27-2015, 05:30 PM   #2583
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Originally Posted by Vicky82 View Post
I think it's because when I enjoying watching a movie (especially an action movie) I don't notice things like good or bad writing. I do notice the plot but not the dialog, acting ect. I also think it's due to being dyslexic too. I can tell if the editing is bad in a movie.

When Sachs said "Drain all of there Blood, even if it kills them" and people said that was a bad line, I didn't get why, took me few days to figure it out.

I don't go by the trailer, I still go see a movie if the trailer is bad.
I think I finally understand the level of the room.

Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Yeah, I don't go to the movies thinking about the writing or the acting. it's all about the escapism, I wanna be immersed in another world for 2 hours and forget about rl. movies are entertainment and fun, and should stay that way.
Same old argument. I don't believe you. You know better.

Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
Well, even more to re-even it.

Last edited by Commenter 42; 07-27-2015 at 05:35 PM.
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Old 07-27-2015, 05:46 PM   #2584
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Dudes, if we're talking about people who actively don't want to think, then there's never gonna be an actual discussion or debate here. You/we're never going to get through to anyone. Never mind that writing and acting are the entire thing that makes movies work - if someone believes that movies only exist to be loud, stupid distractions, there's a point you have to just let it go and write off that debate as a lost cause.

When someone aggressively wants their movies to be the "adult" equivalent of jangling keys in front of a baby's face, and is actively trying to convince people to be dumber... I mean, [insert Harold Ramis quote here], it bothers me. But you're not gonna change any minds, and trying to get through to them is probably a waste of time.
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Old 07-27-2015, 05:50 PM   #2585
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Originally Posted by Bry View Post
When someone aggressively wants their movies to be the "adult" equivalent of jangling keys in front of a baby's face... trying to get through to them is probably a waste of time.
I feel better though, don't you? To have them finally admit they don't understand! It feels good.

Now, if only we could have this conversation with the studio!
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Old 07-27-2015, 06:40 PM   #2586
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Cause you don't go to the movies thinking about writing or acting, You go to the movies to be entertained.
I don't enjoy going to movies that insult my intelligence.
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Old 07-27-2015, 06:42 PM   #2587
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Like reading a book to admire the ink on the page rather than what you take away from the story.

If some don't wish to give it much thought, that's their prerogative, but why waste so much energy arguing with those that do wish to think it over and want those dangling keys to at least have meaning and purpose.

Some people want depth... if you don't want depth or don't care, then stick to the kiddie pool and refrain from arguing with those who are unhappy that the "deep end" turned out to be only three feet deep.
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Old 07-27-2015, 07:51 PM   #2588
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Originally Posted by samxsteal View Post
How is it any more tacky then any of the previous lairs?
and it no different then the lair from the last movie
Cuz idk I feel like it looks nearly identical in look and feel as the last movie. Which was probably one of my favorite lairs of all time for the turtles.
I think the lair from the last movie is tacky too.

Originally Posted by samxsteal View Post
First: Is a freaking American Flag In a Home of an American group, who live in FREAKING NEW YORK CITY, one of the movie Patriotic cities there are. Loads of families have the american flag(hell my family had one so do a large majority of the people where i live and used to live) Difference being they cant fly the flag outside of their house to a tack it on a wall so big deal.

Second: its literally in some corner of the set sitting behind pillars its no like it going to be shoved in your face like HERES AMURCA!!!1!1
This is doubtless going to sail right over the top of your moist little head, but what the hey - it needs to be said. (Hey, I've got a rhyme going - I considered continuing in this vein and doing my post in the form of a rap, but I'll never have nothin' on Powder's sweet verbal stylings. )

At its core, Ninja Turtles is a story about family. Ninja Turtles is not - and has never been - about hotted up muscle cars, Victoria's Secret models, car chases, exorbitant product placement and arbitrary displays of nationalism.

I don't give a shiny sh*t what most American families do. What I care about is what the Hamato family does, and has historically done. If Yanks have a hard-on for their flag, that's fine. I seriously cannot emphasize how indifferent I am - I don't care whether you have a flag on your wall, or a deer's head, or a clock, or wallpaper with pretty flowers on it. But it is yet another shoe-horned in, out-of-character, "hey, let's put this in because the target market we're aiming at love this kinda thing" moment on top of a towering, tottering, teetering pile of over-the-top unnecessary bullcrap. It ain't about the flag, homie - the flag is just the freakin' straw for this proverbial camel, dig?

This isn't a case of "not my Turtles" - this is a case of the heart being completely removed from the characters, their motivations and the world they live in, leaving nothing but a shiny but hollow shell (pardon the pun).

You're so caught up in the FW fanwank and "Here, have a thing that's shiny and looks cool!" that it's not even registering with you that the guts have been ripped out of the story and the characters. They don't even have a home that looks lived in. The entire approach of the creative team with this stuff is so ass-backwards, I'm amazed they aren't belching toilet paper when they talk. Everything about the first BayTurtles movie, this BayTurtles movie and any subsequent BayTurtles movies has been - and will inevitably be - about spectacle. Because that's all the team behind this are capable of doing, and that's seemingly what you're content with. You'd rather have someone tell you something instead of showing it because hey, it's quick, it's easy, it requires no thought or emotional involvement. It's easier to write Raph having some emo speech at the end of the first BayTurtles than it is to actually write something showing them being brothers, or family, or having any kind of bond or affection for one another.

And if you're satisfied with being a lazy thinker and enjoying popcorn movies, that's fine; I don't have to live in your head and nobody's making me drink the Kool Aid from your sippy cup, so it ain't my problem. But TMNT is more complex than that, and at the end of the day, that is why people are complaining. That is the problem. That is why people are bitching.

Essentially, we've gone from this:

to this:

TMNT was never about the spectacle, the car chases, the shiny - it was about the subtle nuances, the emotional moments, their triumphs and failures as a family. And that's not in these movies - or if it is, it's just because we're told rather than shown. You don't understand why people keep complaining, and I don't understand why you pay money for someone to insult your intelligence. The fans and the franchise deserve better than this and I'm astounded that as a society, we've sunk to the level of "hurr hurr, I don't have to think for 2 hours so yay it good". I mean seriously, what the hell, man?

Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
Please. More of this. Please get back the power to even. All we have is the even. We can't lose the even! If you don't even, that I can't even, hold on to the even!!! With no even, what do we have? Un-even? Things will all be un-even!
Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, Ninja Turtles movie good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?


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Old 07-27-2015, 08:26 PM   #2589
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Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
I feel better though, don't you? To have them finally admit they don't understand! It feels good.
I mostly find it depressing, but... it's always better to know when something's a lost cause.

I really try to be diplomatic most of the time. I don't like getting too upset or angry over stuff like this, because in perspective it's just not that "important"... But this hit my big red button. I've studied film. I've spent a lot of my life living and breathing this stuff. I've learned a lot from stories and movies and I know they've got the potential to change lives, emotionally and intellectually connect with people and inspire them. Even the goofiest concepts can do that, and absolutely should. Movies about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles included. There's so much potential there being utterly wasted it's practically a crime.

So yeah, hearing (or reading) the equivalent of "MOVIES ARE ONLY FOR SEEING BIG 'SPLOSIONS AND FARTS AND BONER JOKES AND LADY BUTTS" just sets my damn teeth on edge. Our only, entire strength as a freaking species is our higher brain functions, and seeing people actively arguing for a dumber culture is so aggravating I want to scream.

Originally Posted by NinjaPug View Post
I don't enjoy going to movies that insult my intelligence.
Yep. I also don't enjoy spending two hours in a room full of adults wearing velcro shoes. So avoiding these movies is a two-birds-one-stone situation.

Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post
(Many paragraphs of penny being objectively correct)

Last edited by Bry; 07-27-2015 at 08:56 PM.
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Old 07-27-2015, 09:45 PM   #2590
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Oh the posts on this page of this thread have just been so good.

So good.

I love you all.

Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
Some men use knives and guns, but TrickOrTreater is a more dangerous villain. He. Uses. The. TRUTH.
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Old 07-27-2015, 10:01 PM   #2591
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Yeah, I don't go to the movies thinking about the writing or the acting.
Color me shocked. Absolutely shocked.

Originally Posted by Shark_Blade View Post
Dumb people still complaining about dumb things. Let it go and enjoy the ride guys.
I'm gonna keep this one simple. You're a c**t.

Who's next?

Originally Posted by NinjaPug View Post
I don't enjoy going to movies that insult my intelligence.
You. I like you.

Things DON'T have to be stupid to be "fun" or "entertaining", for the f***ing sake of f***ing f***!

Originally Posted by Bry View Post
When someone aggressively wants their movies to be the "adult" equivalent of jangling keys in front of a baby's face, and is actively trying to convince people to be dumber... I mean, [insert Harold Ramis quote here], it bothers me. But you're not gonna change any minds, and trying to get through to them is probably a waste of time.
You also I like.
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Old 07-27-2015, 10:32 PM   #2592
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Even with all the new things we're seeing it doesn't look like this movie will be much better than the last one. The last movie was crap and this movie looks like it will be slightly better crap.
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Old 07-27-2015, 10:46 PM   #2593
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Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post
I think the lair from the last movie is tacky too.

This is doubtless going to sail right over the top of your moist little head, but what the hey - it needs to be said. (Hey, I've got a rhyme going - I considered continuing in this vein and doing my post in the form of a rap, but I'll never have nothin' on Powder's sweet verbal stylings. )

At its core, Ninja Turtles is a story about family. Ninja Turtles is not - and has never been - about hotted up muscle cars, Victoria's Secret models, car chases, exorbitant product placement and arbitrary displays of nationalism.

I don't give a shiny sh*t what most American families do. What I care about is what the Hamato family does, and has historically done. If Yanks have a hard-on for their flag, that's fine. I seriously cannot emphasize how indifferent I am - I don't care whether you have a flag on your wall, or a deer's head, or a clock, or wallpaper with pretty flowers on it. But it is yet another shoe-horned in, out-of-character, "hey, let's put this in because the target market we're aiming at love this kinda thing" moment on top of a towering, tottering, teetering pile of over-the-top unnecessary bullcrap. It ain't about the flag, homie - the flag is just the freakin' straw for this proverbial camel, dig?

This isn't a case of "not my Turtles" - this is a case of the heart being completely removed from the characters, their motivations and the world they live in, leaving nothing but a shiny but hollow shell (pardon the pun).

You're so caught up in the FW fanwank and "Here, have a thing that's shiny and looks cool!" that it's not even registering with you that the guts have been ripped out of the story and the characters. They don't even have a home that looks lived in. The entire approach of the creative team with this stuff is so ass-backwards, I'm amazed they aren't belching toilet paper when they talk. Everything about the first BayTurtles movie, this BayTurtles movie and any subsequent BayTurtles movies has been - and will inevitably be - about spectacle. Because that's all the team behind this are capable of doing, and that's seemingly what you're content with. You'd rather have someone tell you something instead of showing it because hey, it's quick, it's easy, it requires no thought or emotional involvement. It's easier to write Raph having some emo speech at the end of the first BayTurtles than it is to actually write something showing them being brothers, or family, or having any kind of bond or affection for one another.

And if you're satisfied with being a lazy thinker and enjoying popcorn movies, that's fine; I don't have to live in your head and nobody's making me drink the Kool Aid from your sippy cup, so it ain't my problem. But TMNT is more complex than that, and at the end of the day, that is why people are complaining. That is the problem. That is why people are bitching.

Essentially, we've gone from this:

to this:

TMNT was never about the spectacle, the car chases, the shiny - it was about the subtle nuances, the emotional moments, their triumphs and failures as a family. And that's not in these movies - or if it is, it's just because we're told rather than shown. You don't understand why people keep complaining, and I don't understand why you pay money for someone to insult your intelligence. The fans and the franchise deserve better than this and I'm astounded that as a society, we've sunk to the level of "hurr hurr, I don't have to think for 2 hours so yay it good". I mean seriously, what the hell, man?

Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, Ninja Turtles movie good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?
I want to hug you so much. How much is a round-trip ticket from Texas to Australia? I have to hug you.

Keep fighting the good fight, everyone. Someday, somewhere, somehow, someone will produce a TMNT movie that doesn't force people to huff glue before watching it to enjoy it. #dontstopbelieving
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Old 07-27-2015, 10:56 PM   #2594
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Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
I want to hug you so much. How much is a round-trip ticket from Texas to Australia? I have to hug you.

Keep fighting the good fight, everyone. Someday, somewhere, somehow, someone will produce a TMNT movie that doesn't force people to huff glue before watching it to enjoy it. #dontstopbelieving
I know, right? I had the biggest f***ing boner the whole time I was reading that.
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Old 07-27-2015, 11:22 PM   #2595
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Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post
TMNT was never about the spectacle, the car chases, the shiny - it was about the subtle nuances, the emotional moments, their triumphs and failures as a family. And that's not in these movies - or if it is, it's just because we're told rather than shown. You don't understand why people keep complaining, and I don't understand why you pay money for someone to insult your intelligence. The fans and the franchise deserve better than this and I'm astounded that as a society, we've sunk to the level of "hurr hurr, I don't have to think for 2 hours so yay it good". I mean seriously, what the hell, man?
When people go to the movies, it's always about the spectacle, no one wants to go to a movie that's slow paced, and filled with lots of dialogue. moviegoers will find it boring.

Movies of this type needs to up the action and the stakes for 2 hours, It needs a good pace with some dialogue scenes, action scenes, and a big climatic battle at the end.

For moviegoers, They wanna see an action movie, They wanna see turtles kicking ass and taking names.

If you want stuff that is more dialogue driven, read the comics, or watch the nick series. there are plenty of issues and episodes from the series that isn't all action.
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Old 07-27-2015, 11:24 PM   #2596
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Originally Posted by letscook89 View Post
We all know that the sequel will be garbage as the first one. We've got the same writers, Bay and Fuller (don't forget this a$$hole) returning as producers and Platinium Dunes never made good movies. Ok we have real foot ninjas know, a new shredder and Bebop&Rocksteady, but we also have a bunch of useless humans characters and other cameos, and also an "i dont give a sh!t" character (yeah I'm looking at you Amell Jones). I don't understand why we are wasting time, talking about this crap. Hope the sequel don't work so they can let the franchise alone.
Can't be any worse than Secret of the Ooze tbh.
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Old 07-27-2015, 11:28 PM   #2597
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
When people go to the movies, it's always about the spectacle, no one wants to go to a movie that's slow paced, and filled with lots of dialogue. moviegoers will find it boring.

Movies of this type needs to up the action and the stakes for 2 hours, It needs a good pace with some dialogue scenes, action scenes, and a big climatic battle at the end.

For moviegoers, They wanna see an action movie, They wanna see turtles kicking ass and taking names.

If you want stuff that is more dialogue driven, read the comics, or watch the nick series. there are plenty of issues and episodes from the series that isn't all action.

And this post just proves how pointless the rest of this conversation will be.
Reading a post from certain posters (not particularly you) leaves me like

Originally Posted by Shark_Blade View Post
Can't be any worse than Secret of the Ooze tbh.
You doubt the powers of modern Hollywood.

Last edited by Jester; 07-27-2015 at 11:33 PM.
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Old 07-27-2015, 11:32 PM   #2598
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Originally Posted by Technogeek29 View Post
You doubt the powers of modern Hollywood.
Nope, that's why I have faith with modern TMNT movies.
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Old 07-27-2015, 11:36 PM   #2599
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Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post
I think...
I am so f*cking turned on right now.

Damn. That made my year. You dun brung it girl.

Last edited by Commenter 42; 07-27-2015 at 11:47 PM.
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Old 07-27-2015, 11:39 PM   #2600
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
When people go to the movies, it's always about the spectacle, no one wants to go to a movie that's slow paced, and filled with lots of dialogue. moviegoers will find it boring.
There are many genres of film, ya know... many of which are not about "spectacle" and are perfectly good, sometimes great. The Turtles are not simply spectacle (and by today's film definition I question if they ever were), they always had plenty of depth and meaning; how they thrived in their lives is a part of who they are, not just how hard they hit someone and what blew up in the process.

If you want stuff that is more dialogue driven, read the comics, or watch the nick series. there are plenty of issues and episodes from the series that isn't all action.
So at some point if they just stop giving the movie Turtle's lines, that's ok? They can just grunt and hit stuff because that is all fans want?

Still think I'd be perfectly happy with 2 hours of something like Big Brother - Turtles style; just them at home being themselves and driving each other nuts. That would totally be dialogue driven and still, with good writing, awesome.

Last edited by IndigoErth; 07-27-2015 at 11:44 PM.
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