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Old 06-10-2015, 02:11 PM   #1641
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Back on topic.

They are expected to film all day on Saturday.
Cool I'm not working on Saturday but I will be out going to see Jurrassic World so I will keep my eyes open for any photo's at some point during the day
My heart!!!! One of my favourite moments.

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Old 06-10-2015, 02:13 PM   #1642
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Originally Posted by Wildcat View Post
I mentioned in another topic how everyone defending this movie gets accused of liking bad movies or not caring about quality. Yet b-movies/so-bad-its-good and such are ok to like...because they're "better" crap?

That's some unique contradictory b.s. right there.

This turtle movie is nothing special. It's an ok action movie at best. Some stuff I liked some not. Oh but heaven forbid anyone call it something other than pure garbage.
In my opinion, the difference between liking a "so bad it's good" movie and liking a genuinely "bad" movie is that the people who like the "so bad it's good" movie usually tend to genuinely like the actual movie faults and all. They can acknowledge the movie's faults while also finding them endearing because they may give the movie a little more character and quirkiness which can make the movie that much more entertaining. These faults are also usually due to budget constraints that force the film makers to be a little more creative in how they pull off an effect and you do have to respect that. That's how I am with the "so bad it's good" movies that I enjoy.

People that like the genuinely "bad" movies can't/don't/won't acknowledge the faults of the movie and come from a "I'm right and you're wrong" stance when it comes to the movie they are defending. They can't accept that their movie has faults and they will become apologists for the movie because they can't and won't accept that their movie might actually be crappy causing them to continuously argue and defend the movie. These instances are especially worse with current movies because these movies have much bigger budgets and studio/product backing than most "so bad they're good" movies because the "so bad they're good" movies are usually lower budget movies. While a bigger budget does not guarantee a better product you would expect at least a little more effort and quality. Instead, these types of movies are usually crapped out into theaters to make a profit so it's more about the spectacle of the movie and less about the movie itself. It's also especially about the money the movie will make back for the studio.
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Old 06-10-2015, 02:22 PM   #1643
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Back on topic.

They are expected to film all day on Saturday.
Someone get them for a violation. That form requires both project AND company name. I see no company name! If they're gonna film this at least own it.
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Old 06-10-2015, 03:15 PM   #1644
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Check this out, This is the promo image for TMNT 2 that was shown at Licensing Expo 2015 at Las Vegas.

I think its just advertising that a new movie is coming out.

However I found this image for the TMNT 2 logo via Facebook.

I like how they are emphasizing Turtles in bigger letters.

Last edited by TigerClaw; 06-10-2015 at 03:24 PM.
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Old 06-10-2015, 03:38 PM   #1645
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Surprised they haven't made that "S" dual purpose as a "2" somehow or reflect it, won't be surprised if they do that. (If it somehow went as far as a 5th though, that's easy.)

Isn't that second one what's on the back of the chairs on the set? Have doubts they'll change it that much for the actual film. Personally, in comparison, no offense to who made it, but I find that one... a bit basic Photoshopy, if you will; like just a simple logo-ish thing whipped up real quick for the time being for the chairs or whatnot.

Last edited by IndigoErth; 06-10-2015 at 03:47 PM.
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Old 06-10-2015, 03:45 PM   #1646
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
Surprised they haven't made that "S" dual purpose as a "2" somehow," won't be surprised if they do that.

Isn't that second one what's on the back of the chairs on the set? Have doubts they'll change it that much for the actual film. Personally, in comparison, no offense to who made it, but I find that one... a bit basic Photoshopy, if you will; like just a simple logo-ish thing whipped up real quick for the time being for the chairs or whatnot.
Yeah, It was on the back of those chairs.

I like that it emphasizes Turtles in much bigger letters, That's like saying. Hey! There are Turtles in this movie.
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Old 06-10-2015, 03:51 PM   #1647
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Well, remember they did add "Teenage Mutant" in small letters above the main logo last time. Perhaps we're going without it this time as originally planned.

Maybe they'll have had a birthday or two and hit 20s, wouldn't mind that.
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Old 06-10-2015, 04:04 PM   #1648
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
Well, remember they did add "Teenage Mutant" in small letters above the main logo last time. Perhaps we're going without it this time as originally planned.

Maybe they'll have had a birthday or two and hit 20s, wouldn't mind that.
Well, 2 Years would have past since the 1st one came out in 2014, and the sequel will be out in 2016. So if they were 15 in the 1st, they should be 17 years old in the sequel.

This is one of things I been thinking about, If they make more TMNT movies, They are gonna have to emphasize the fact, They are getting older, So they would have drop the Teenage from the Title at some point.
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Old 06-10-2015, 04:36 PM   #1649
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Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie View Post
Hmm, now you've got me wanting to watch the whole thing.....
Seriously, you shouldn't - you'll end up hating me afterwards for wasting 92 minutes of your life.

Originally Posted by Turtle Soup View Post
Okay, but you have a choice not to be subjected to these bad movies. So the real question goes like this:

Would you rather a chili-pepper enema, which a really large amount of people really like, to exist, and you can choose to participate or not participate in receiving, dependent on whether you enjoy chili-pepper enemas or not. Or would you rahter there be no chili-pepper enema ever in existence, denying people who really enjoy chili-pepper enemas the "joy" of experiencing chili-pepper enemas simply because you don't like them? Seems selfish. Not wanting something to exist simply because one's tastes do not align with said thing.

The argument brought up earlier about not wanting the movie to be made so that a better one can be made sooner in the future rather than later seems to be the only good argument for not wanting this movie to be made.

If the question was:

Would you rather be FORCED to receive a chili-pepper enema, whether you like it or not, OR nothing at all?

Sure, nothing at all, all the way. But we're not being FORCED to receive the enema, its simple existence is what's in question.
I love that you stuck with the "Bay Turtles is an enema" analogy the whole way through.

Originally Posted by mexichrist83 View Post
In my opinion, the difference between liking a "so bad it's good" movie and liking a genuinely "bad" movie is that the people who like the "so bad it's good" movie usually tend to genuinely like the actual movie faults and all. They can acknowledge the movie's faults while also finding them endearing because they may give the movie a little more character and quirkiness which can make the movie that much more entertaining. These faults are also usually due to budget constraints that force the film makers to be a little more creative in how they pull off an effect and you do have to respect that. That's how I am with the "so bad it's good" movies that I enjoy.

People that like the genuinely "bad" movies can't/don't/won't acknowledge the faults of the movie and come from a "I'm right and you're wrong" stance when it comes to the movie they are defending. They can't accept that their movie has faults and they will become apologists for the movie because they can't and won't accept that their movie might actually be crappy causing them to continuously argue and defend the movie. These instances are especially worse with current movies because these movies have much bigger budgets and studio/product backing than most "so bad they're good" movies because the "so bad they're good" movies are usually lower budget movies. While a bigger budget does not guarantee a better product you would expect at least a little more effort and quality. Instead, these types of movies are usually crapped out into theaters to make a profit so it's more about the spectacle of the movie and less about the movie itself. It's also especially about the money the movie will make back for the studio.
This. People who enjoy low-budget B-movies know that they're bad and have no problem admitting it. Then you've got your high-budget "so bad it's good" movies like Striptease or Battlefield Earth, where they're still universally acknowledged as being turkeys. With BayTurtles, people bend over backwards to defend it with "It's a popcorn flick! It's not supposed to be Citizen Kane!" without copping to the fact that it's just not a good movie. If you like a dumb movie, fine... but admit that it's dumb and badly written.

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Old 06-10-2015, 05:03 PM   #1650
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Here's the Casting Call for Saturday's filming.

Seeking NON UNION Men and Women to portray New York Pedestrians for work on HALF SHELL. Scene will shoot on SATURDAY, JUNE 13th in Manhattan. It’s a day shoot, must have full day availability. Must be at least 18 years old and be from the tri-state area.

If available and interested, please email a CURRENT, CANDID picture to with the following information: YOUR NAME, PHONE#, SAG-AFTRA or NON UNION, Wardrobe sizes, if you’ve worked before (if so when and as what), AVAIL 6/13. Subject line of the email should say “FACEBOOK NEW YORKER”. Non union rate is $110/10hrs.
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Old 06-10-2015, 06:18 PM   #1651
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Well, 2 Years would have past since the 1st one came out in 2014, and the sequel will be out in 2016. So if they were 15 in the 1st, they should be 17 years old in the sequel.

This is one of things I been thinking about, If they make more TMNT movies, They are gonna have to emphasize the fact, They are getting older, So they would have drop the Teenage from the Title at some point.
Again, two years between release dates does not mean two years have gone by in the story's timeline.
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Old 06-10-2015, 06:19 PM   #1652
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Originally Posted by NinjaPug View Post
Again, two years between release dates does not mean two years have gone by in the story's timeline.
It could still be 2 years. The 1st one was in 2014, So there has be a passage of time since what happened in NYC.

Besides, I would like for these movies to mature the Turtles in each sequel, They are still teenagers by 17 years of age.
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Old 06-10-2015, 06:49 PM   #1653
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
It could still be 2 years. The 1st one was in 2014, So there has be a passage of time since what happened in NYC.
no no it doesnt........just cause 2 years pass in real life does not automatically mean 2 years passed on screen...many movies are filmed years apart and take place right after sometimes seconds after the first....sometimes its more
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Old 06-10-2015, 07:19 PM   #1654
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Originally Posted by The Boston Ninja Turtle View Post
no no it doesnt........just cause 2 years pass in real life does not automatically mean 2 years passed on screen...many movies are filmed years apart and take place right after sometimes seconds after the first....sometimes its more
I still believe 2 years would have passed.
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Old 06-10-2015, 07:27 PM   #1655
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
I still believe 2 years would have passed.
What if something happens during production and they push the release date to 2017?
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Old 06-10-2015, 07:51 PM   #1656
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Originally Posted by NinjaPug View Post
What if something happens during production and they push the release date to 2017?
Well, It hasn't happen for this sequel, So I like to believe there's been a passage of time, since they defeated the Shredder in the 1st film.
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Old 06-10-2015, 08:03 PM   #1657
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Not anything we're gong to know for a while either way.

Although with the need to create B&R I wouldn't be surprised if the film itself at least covers a wider span of time. (Heck, even Vern needs long enough to meet and get together with that women - and this is Vern... as if he can woo a model that fast. lol That he can at all is shocking.)
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Old 06-10-2015, 08:05 PM   #1658
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Well, It hasn't happen for this sequel,.
but what if it does? what if someone has an emergency, someone has a baby, someone die, theres a huge storm that delays shooting, the list could go on

what if they decide to push release to film more...anything can happen
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Old 06-10-2015, 08:08 PM   #1659
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Originally Posted by The Boston Ninja Turtle View Post
but what if it does? what if someone has an emergency, someone has a baby, someone die, theres a huge storm that delays shooting, the list could go on

what if they decide to push release to film more...anything can happen
There won't be any problems, In the 1st one, they had to deal with Megan Fox's pregnancy, And for the sequel, They have not run into any issues so far.
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Old 06-10-2015, 08:11 PM   #1660
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
There won't be any problems, In the 1st one, they had to deal with Megan Fox's pregnancy, And for the sequel, They have not run into any issues so far.
Stuff happens. The 2014 movie got delayed twice.
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