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Old 07-20-2024, 11:06 AM   #541
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Man Today's Episode
RIP Katsugi Bakugo
. Deku better get his ass to the fight ASAP

Thanks to the Summer Olympics taking place in Paris, France, My Hero Academia is taking next week off. Rather than airing its twelfth episode on July 27th, the anime adaptation is planning to air its next episode on August 3rd.
I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.

Last edited by Autbot_Benz; 07-20-2024 at 12:36 PM.
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Old 07-20-2024, 08:18 PM   #542
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Yeah. Katsuki really let loose this episode. I shed some tears of happiness when he held his own against All for One. I'm hyped for the new episode on my birthday!
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Old 08-03-2024, 07:41 PM   #543
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Great episode today. Edge Shot and Jeanus working together to help Bakugo was cool.

But Mirko going all out attacking Shigaraki. Feral Mirko is awesome. Don't **** with the #5 hero Muscle Mommy Mirko.
I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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Old 08-04-2024, 08:44 AM   #544
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Forgot to post...

Its over. The Manga has Completed. I wish we got a bit more about some characters, but good overall.
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Old 08-04-2024, 01:07 PM   #545
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I wish more series would end sooner like this. I can't believe One Piece has been going since 1999. Anyone following that from the start had to spend 25 years and counting still following it.

I'm really glad most modern manga/anime realize they don't have to go on forever.
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Old 08-21-2024, 04:03 PM   #546
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Apparently a large portion of the fandom hated the ending because Deku and Ochako didn't officially become a couple. It's like, they don't know that rarely couples become official in anime/manga.

And now there's lots of memes and even people seriously claiming that Deku is a cuck and that Ochako ended up with Bakugo instead. My Hero Academia has one of the dumbest fandoms I've seen.
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Old 08-22-2024, 05:03 PM   #547
Coola Yagami
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Apparently a large portion of the fandom hated the ending because Deku and Ochako didn't officially become a couple. It's like, they don't know that rarely couples become official in anime/manga.

And now there's lots of memes and even people seriously claiming that Deku is a cuck and that Ochako ended up with Bakugo instead. My Hero Academia has one of the dumbest fandoms I've seen.
People are claiming that due to the positioning of Bakugo and Ochako on that splash page, he has his hand on her ass if you continue to draw the rest of his obscured arm.

I also saw memes of poor Deku working at a not-McDonald's holding back tears as he takes Bakugo and Ochako's orders.
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Old 08-22-2024, 10:03 PM   #548
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Its more that Deku doesn't have the happiest ending and people being extremely disappointed and meme-ifying it (including, yes over analyzing a group pic).

Ending in the spoilers

Deku loses all his powers, even the Embers go away eventually. He is lauded as a hero for a brief time but everyone grows up and goes on with their lives according to their dreams in a world where hero's have a lot of free time (Hawks' dream).

No ships or implied ships are canonized. None.

Deku uses his expertise in analyzing and working with quirks to become a teacher at UA eventually at the very end (before the 'bonus') finds another kid with dreams of Heroism like Deku did at his age (including moving when someone was in trouble that prompted All Might to take interest in deku all the years before).

Uraraka becomes a popular hero who creates the Quirk Counseling Expansion Project dedicated to helping people deal with quirks (aka Toga) that is one of the most essential projects in their current society.

Bakugo is not a Top 10 hero. Strength is not as important as PR and he is bad at PR.

Shouji (Multi-arms guy) is Recognized as a major hero and earns a peace prize for his work combating anti-meta human racism.

Todaroki is moving up the charts and is no longer just Endeavors Son. Dabi is kept in a coma only coming out for small amounts of time to visit with family. Endeavor is abandoned by one of his sons but the rest of his family feel he has redeemed himself. He does not agree and says he will keep working for his own redemption.

Kids dont want to be Heroes by and large anymore as they aren't needed so cant look as cool now. They want to do other things with Hatsume's Support Item Design company, La Brava's new Google-like company or random Yoshi-lookalike doctor that was in a few chapters.

At the very end there is an 'extra' where you find out that in the past 8 years his class never forgot him. They spend that time funding research and production of his own Iron-Might suit to emulate his old powers. They mention that Bakugo put a very large amount of money into it in particular. The final image is an updated 'group action shot' where they get the Bakugo/Uraraka image from. Everyone gets an updated look.

Other then some images or a passing word about Ingenium, Froppy and Creati visiting schools with one else gets details about where they ended up.

NGL...I was disappointed with how scarce things were as well. There were a dozen other characters I wanted more about instead of random Yoshi-doctor
but I think that Deku becoming a teacher was kind of where he was destined to go to. It does feel like the class does abandon him till the 'extra' at the end which is probably why it was included.
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Old 08-23-2024, 04:50 PM   #549
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It's kind of funny how so many long running shonen anime have such controversial endings. I remember the big uproar about Attack on Titan ending a few years ago (I liked it though), and so many others. It just feels like most creators don't really know how to end a series. It either ends anti-climatically or they do the usual generic timeskip showing everyone as adults married with kids or something.
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Old 08-24-2024, 04:32 PM   #550
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
People are claiming that due to the positioning of Bakugo and Ochako on that splash page, he has his hand on her ass if you continue to draw the rest of his obscured arm.

I also saw memes of poor Deku working at a not-McDonald's holding back tears as he takes Bakugo and Ochako's orders.
LOL so people reading way too much into it. I know some are just messing, but MHA has a really dumb fanbase, so I bet 80% of those reactions are people who truly believe Deku became a "cuck" and Bakugo is banging Ochako now.

Anyway, it clearly shows how MHA became the normie anime. Popular anime couples not getting canonically confirmed is the rule, not the exception. Since MHA is not a romance, I never expected it to end with Deku and Ochako kissing each other or something like that.

Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
It's kind of funny how so many long running shonen anime have such controversial endings. I remember the big uproar about Attack on Titan ending a few years ago (I liked it though), and so many others. It just feels like most creators don't really know how to end a series. It either ends anti-climatically or they do the usual generic timeskip showing everyone as adults married with kids or something.
One Piece had its timeskip in the middle of the series. I have faith in One Piece's ending. Oda is a pretty good writer and there are no plotholes in OP.
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Old 08-24-2024, 05:51 PM   #551
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A lot of shonen anime have ended recently. Besides One Piece the only older ones still going is HunterxHunter due to the hiatuses and Beserk if that counts. Everything else is over or ending soon.

We're at a weird point where all the most popular anime have already ended, or have been over since the early/mid 2000's.
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Old 08-24-2024, 07:03 PM   #552
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
A lot of shonen anime have ended recently. Besides One Piece the only older ones still going is HunterxHunter due to the hiatuses and Beserk if that counts. Everything else is over or ending soon.

We're at a weird point where all the most popular anime have already ended, or have been over since the early/mid 2000's.
HunterxHunter is still ongoing?

Berserk? That's not shonen. That's seinen. Kids/teens definitely aren't the target demographic of that series. And didn't the mangaka die some years ago, which means he never got to finish the manga? It has been ongoing since the early 90s, I think.

Detective Conan is also still going, but I guess it's not so popular outside of Japan anymore.

Is the Pokémon anime series still going? Or did it end once Ash finally became Champion?
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Old 08-24-2024, 07:32 PM   #553
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Beserk is still going, the creator died but his assistants took over and they intend to bring it to an ending. HunterxHunter would have ended a decade ago but the writers health prevented him from continuing it for years, but he intends to finish it.

Ash's story in Pokemon is over for now, there's a new set of heroes for the Horizons anime. But I do think Ash will be revisited in movies/specials down the line due to how marketable he and Pikachu are.
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Old 08-24-2024, 10:46 PM   #554
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Anyway, it clearly shows how MHA became the normie anime. Popular anime couples not getting canonically confirmed is the rule, not the exception. Since MHA is not a romance, I never expected it to end with Deku and Ochako kissing each other or something like that.
Fans right now see all sorts of relationships because whats big right now are Harem Isekai where the hero gets the girl. Those stories have a major element of the tension between the male and female lead(s) (or female and female leads) and people want to see that investment come to fruition. I think its safe to say that popular anime in the west has romance half the time. For every Black Clover, Attack on titan and HunterxHunter there is a Bleach (IchigoxOrihime), Naruto (NarutoxHinata) and Sword Art Online (AsunaxKirito). I would argue that one of the reasons its expected in the west is because the biggest anime that turned normies into fans more then not had those relationships and tensions.

Even MHA *hinted* at several ships that would eventually be canon (Ochako and Deku, Aishido and Kirishima, Kaminari and Jiro) but they didnt solidify anything. I think that this is a good move because it lets people have their ships, but people want those ships to sail and a time skip would let that happen if it were going to happen.

A lot of shonen anime have ended recently. Besides One Piece the only older ones still going is HunterxHunter due to the hiatuses and Beserk if that counts. Everything else is over or ending soon.
Manga is a very cut throat industry. If its not pulling in numbers it wont keep getting published so mangakas push themselves to past the point of burning out so they still can keep making what they want. However...its good they are ending. New series can take their place. Hopefully something other then isekai.
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Old 08-24-2024, 11:25 PM   #555
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Demon Slayer and Dr. Stone also ended in the manga a few years ago, and the anime adaptions will end. Demon Slayer is getting 3 movies to wrap it up, and Dr. Stone has one final season next year.

SpyxFamily was really popular for awhile, it still is, but I wonder how much longer the manga will go on for. Chainsaw Man and One Punch Man also have a lot to adapt, but it'll take forever for the anime of those to continue.
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Old 08-25-2024, 08:16 AM   #556
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
Fans right now see all sorts of relationships because whats big right now are Harem Isekai where the hero gets the girl. Those stories have a major element of the tension between the male and female lead(s) (or female and female leads) and people want to see that investment come to fruition. I think its safe to say that popular anime in the west has romance half the time. For every Black Clover, Attack on titan and HunterxHunter there is a Bleach (IchigoxOrihime), Naruto (NarutoxHinata) and Sword Art Online (AsunaxKirito). I would argue that one of the reasons its expected in the west is because the biggest anime that turned normies into fans more then not had those relationships and tensions.

Even MHA *hinted* at several ships that would eventually be canon (Ochako and Deku, Aishido and Kirishima, Kaminari and Jiro) but they didnt solidify anything. I think that this is a good move because it lets people have their ships, but people want those ships to sail and a time skip would let that happen if it were going to happen.

Manga is a very cut throat industry. If its not pulling in numbers it wont keep getting published so mangakas push themselves to past the point of burning out so they still can keep making what they want. However...its good they are ending. New series can take their place. Hopefully something other then isekai.
Ah really? Harem anime has been a thing for a long time, though.

You're right it did hint at them but, as you said, anime/manga series often don't pull the trigger on the ships they hint at because they don't want to anger the audience. Some Japanese otakus are insane and take their favourite ships way too seriously

Kaminari x Jiro and Deku x Ochako were pretty solid ships, imo. So what if they didn't become "official"? Can't people just imagine them getting together off-screen or something?
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Old 08-25-2024, 10:26 AM   #557
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Ah really? Harem anime has been a thing for a long time, though.

You're right it did hint at them but, as you said, anime/manga series often don't pull the trigger on the ships they hint at because they don't want to anger the audience. Some Japanese otakus are insane and take their favourite ships way too seriously

Kaminari x Jiro and Deku x Ochako were pretty solid ships, imo. So what if they didn't become "official"? Can't people just imagine them getting together off-screen or something?
Harem being around for a long time sort of supports the idea that the Protag getting the girl/boy is expected because that's what those shows were all about. I think that canonizing ships that were there were more the rule for anime the western audience saw then not. While Tenchi didnt end up with one specific person (instead ending with his harem)...Sailor Moon ended up with Darrian (Mamoru), Keitaro ended up with Naru (Love Hina), Hortu and Kyo (Fruits Basket), Vegeta and Bulma (DBZ), Krillin and 18 (DBZ), Gohan and Videl (DBGT), Vash and Millie (kind of? Trigun).

I actually wish I had a better grasp of the popular anime of the years before streaming for this...I actually think it would be interesting to see how the western audience started to absorb and watch this content and how shipping and romance worked in to it. dare you ignore the best MHA ship. Aishido and Kirishima are OTP and you are a monster for ignoring them. I hope you stub your little toe on your right foot hard enough that your great grand children can feel it for your transgression.
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Old 09-06-2024, 12:52 PM   #558
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
Harem being around for a long time sort of supports the idea that the Protag getting the girl/boy is expected because that's what those shows were all about. I think that canonizing ships that were there were more the rule for anime the western audience saw then not. While Tenchi didnt end up with one specific person (instead ending with his harem)...Sailor Moon ended up with Darrian (Mamoru), Keitaro ended up with Naru (Love Hina), Hortu and Kyo (Fruits Basket), Vegeta and Bulma (DBZ), Krillin and 18 (DBZ), Gohan and Videl (DBGT), Vash and Millie (kind of? Trigun).

I actually wish I had a better grasp of the popular anime of the years before streaming for this...I actually think it would be interesting to see how the western audience started to absorb and watch this content and how shipping and romance worked in to it. dare you ignore the best MHA ship. Aishido and Kirishima are OTP and you are a monster for ignoring them. I hope you stub your little toe on your right foot hard enough that your great grand children can feel it for your transgression.
I didn't know they were a popular ship tbh.

I'll never have kids, let alone grandchildren, so I don't think your curse will have any effect

Anyway, I saw this video on youtube of a girl talking about Momo Yaoyorozu and her wasted potential, and I decided to make a reaction video response to it. I do agree that Momo did not get used to her full potential, but I also disagree with some of the things she says:

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Old 09-06-2024, 04:15 PM   #559
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A lot of shonen manga tend to waste their female characters. It's a shame but it is what it is. What's weird is they give all these female characters great designs, but then barely use them as the series goes on, so they barely get any screentime.
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Old 09-06-2024, 05:42 PM   #560
Coola Yagami
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
A lot of shonen manga tend to waste their female characters. It's a shame but it is what it is. What's weird is they give all these female characters great designs, but then barely use them as the series goes on, so they barely get any screentime.
I notice anime, in particular, though many US cartoons do it too, but in anime the story always focuses on the 1-2 main characters. The side characters might get an episode here and there or even a min-arc, but it's always centered around the main character or it must involve them in some way.

So sadly the only way Momo would have gotten a bigger role was if she got closer to Deku had arcs that forced them constantly work together.
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