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Old 11-05-2022, 09:29 PM   #4141
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
Disbarring TMNT variants (e.g. Jim Lee/Savage Dragon, Cyber Samurai, Movie etc.), here's the remaining TMNT figures that Super7 will need to tackle:

1988 [done]
1989 General Traag, Rat King, Usagi
1990 Fugitoid, Pizza Face, Panda Khan, Napoleon
1991 Antrax, Chrome Dome, Groundchuck, Dirtbag, King Lionheart, Space Usagi, Rahzar, Tokka, Super Shredder, Tattoo, Walkabout, Wyrm
1992 Doctor El, Halfcourt, Krang’s Android Body, Mona Lisa, Merdude, Monty Moose, Hothead, Sandstorm, Scale Tail, Irma, Vernon, Burne, Kala, Dask
1993 April (green variant), Hot Spot
1994 Shogun Shoate, Shogun Triceraton

That's another 7 to 9 waves (without including Turtle variants). Of course, this also doesn't include Granitor, Rasputin or Atilla.
All those will be $75+ each by the time we get to them.
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Old 11-05-2022, 10:11 PM   #4142
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Originally Posted by TMNTdude87 View Post
Antrax and King Lionheart are 1992
Halfcourt, Mona Lisa, Sandstorm, Irma, Vernon, Burne, Kala, Dask are 1993
April's green variant was 1992 as well.
Thank you for the correction.
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Old 11-05-2022, 10:13 PM   #4143
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
All those will be $75+ each by the time we get to them.
Yeah, at the rate things are going these S7 figures will show up on
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Old 11-05-2022, 11:03 PM   #4144
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All I need now is Jagwar and Dreadmon and I’m done. I’d be happy with a two pack if they needed to justify the releases after the Guerilla Gorilla experiment. The fact they mention Mighty Mutanimals in the bio of Wingnut and Screwloose gives me hope.

Then I’ll stick with NECAs Archie series and hope they do the Mutanimals and other unique characters, Wrestling Turtles please…
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Old 11-06-2022, 04:23 AM   #4145
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I'm just waiting on Usagi at this point. If they don't get to him, I'll be very disappointed.

I'm all in on any NECA Mutanimals though, and I'll cherry-pick the rest of the Archie line. It's Mirage that I'm really excited for.

I'll still grab upcoming super7 releases.. just not Turtles ones. There's gotta be more Robin Hood coming down the line.
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Old 11-06-2022, 06:10 AM   #4146
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Question for my fellow international/european collectors. Do you buy your Super7 figures through retailers in your country? How inflated are the prices compared to the US market?

I'm lucky enough to have a retailer here in Sweden who can bring in the Super7 figures, but the latest waves have been way too expensive. For example, Punker Don is a $55 figure in the US, but my retailer is asking about $90. Same for Guerilla Gorilla who is a $75 figure, but my retailer is asking $120. I asked them why they're asking these insane prices, and they replied that Super7's international distribution isn't that great. I'm not interested in paying double prices for these figures just because I live outside the states, so at this point I wonder if maybe it's even cheaper to buy them straight from the US instead?

Anyone here in the same boat? Should I stick to my retailer or go for something like BigBadToyStore?
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Old 11-06-2022, 01:24 PM   #4147
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Aussie here. We have an online retailer that stocks them, but I usually go with BBTS for the flexibility of Pile of Loot, charging on arrival, and the capacity to cancel if I change my mind.

It's probably more expensive to go BBTS, but since I also order stuff from them that I can't get over here, I like to think it evens out.

Last edited by Otter; 11-06-2022 at 01:38 PM.
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Old 11-06-2022, 01:58 PM   #4148
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Originally Posted by TMNTdude87 View Post
Antrax and King Lionheart are 1992
Halfcourt, Mona Lisa, Sandstorm, Irma, Vernon, Burne, Kala, Dask are 1993
April's green variant was 1992 as well.
Channel 6 Newsvan April was actually early 1993. It was made in 1992, but released at the same time as the Toon Turtles subline.
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Old 11-06-2022, 03:23 PM   #4149
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Originally Posted by Otter View Post
I'm just waiting on Usagi at this point. If they don't get to him, I'll be very disappointed.
Stan Sakai is very "friendly" with the Usagi license and is willing to collaborate with most partners. However, he did express bewilderment when Playmates initially unveiled Usagi since it didn't look anything like his portrayal.
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Old 11-06-2022, 05:37 PM   #4150
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Originally Posted by Filespit View Post
Question for my fellow international/european collectors. Do you buy your Super7 figures through retailers in your country? How inflated are the prices compared to the US market?
I've pretty much been using Toysarama in the UK since I found them as they've been the best price (£50 so about $62-65 before the pound tanked recently). Even when S7 raised prices from $50 to $55 they didn't increase the £ price when others did (GG is the only figure they charged more for).

Looks like I'll be switching to Comics and Cocktails now, they have the new wave at £54 (£62 for Scumbug, £72 for Wingnut). So far they are the only UK site I've seen offering wave 9 and I know they are reliable. I can't switch to BBTS as shipping and import costs would kill the line for me.
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Old 11-07-2022, 03:29 AM   #4151
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
Stan Sakai is very "friendly" with the Usagi license and is willing to collaborate with most partners. However, he did express bewilderment when Playmates initially unveiled Usagi since it didn't look anything like his portrayal.
Brian already confirmed that Super7 "have" Usagi. But that was very early on in the piece, hence my growing apprehension.

I believe Usagi's figure's development was postponed on account of the Netflix show. But I'm curious then why NECA have teased a second Usagi release in the intervening time.

My suspicion is he's already been sculpted, and given his absence from the last two releases, I'm worried that the delay may be indefinite.

Last edited by Otter; 11-07-2022 at 04:14 AM.
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Old 11-07-2022, 12:25 PM   #4152
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Originally Posted by Swaynomics930 View Post
Honestly I need Donnie in red jersey idk why they release white to start. Might pass on him will def get Flock splinter
I feel similarly about Zak. To me, the original release looked infinitely better than the "metallic" toon variant, so I'm on the fence on him. The render doesn't look great, but I also don't think he's popular enough to see an alternate color re-issue later, so I don't know.

Tangentially to that, I'm curious for the people that have stopped pre-ordering these... do you think the heavy discounts that have been available on earlier waves will continue forward, or do you think retailers will adjust and order substantially lower quantities than before since they can't even seem to shift some of these figures at ~$30 or less? I only ask because, even though the quality of Wave 5 seems to be near-universally regarded as abysmal, I DO want Leatherhead and Krang (Ray, too, for cheap enough), and I'll pay full price if we think that's the best we're ever going to get.
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Old 11-07-2022, 12:38 PM   #4153
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I don't get he complaints about wave 5. Ray Fillet and Leatherhead are mostly masterpieces to the originals. Krang's robot chair has loose joints, but that's really the only problem with him. Joints can be tighten/fixed, too!
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Old 11-07-2022, 12:42 PM   #4154
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
I feel similarly about Zak. To me, the original release looked infinitely better than the "metallic" toon variant, so I'm on the fence on him. The render doesn't look great, but I also don't think he's popular enough to see an alternate color re-issue later, so I don't know.

Tangentially to that, I'm curious for the people that have stopped pre-ordering these... do you think the heavy discounts that have been available on earlier waves will continue forward, or do you think retailers will adjust and order substantially lower quantities than before since they can't even seem to shift some of these figures at ~$30 or less? I only ask because, even though the quality of Wave 5 seems to be near-universally regarded as abysmal, I DO want Leatherhead and Krang (Ray, too, for cheap enough), and I'll pay full price if we think that's the best we're ever going to get.
I gotta say, after see that discount, there are some saying that's what retailers are paying each ($49 for Wingnut, $37 for Zak). So Super7's higher prices is some serious profit for each one they sell. It makes you wonder what Super7 is actually paying to have these produced from the factory and what their profit margin is...could be as high as 50-60% profit on each figure.
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Old 11-07-2022, 12:50 PM   #4155
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post

Tangentially to that, I'm curious for the people that have stopped pre-ordering these... do you think the heavy discounts that have been available on earlier waves will continue forward, or do you think retailers will adjust and order substantially lower quantities than before since they can't even seem to shift some of these figures at ~$30 or less? I only ask because, even though the quality of Wave 5 seems to be near-universally regarded as abysmal, I DO want Leatherhead and Krang (Ray, too, for cheap enough), and I'll pay full price if we think that's the best we're ever going to get.
I have a hunch about what's going to happen. I was contemplating not pre-ordering this wave (for the first time) but then Super7 gave that $105 discount (which may have been intentional because of their "limited stock" email prompts). My theory is that most retailers will not sell them as a wave, but singly, like BBTS, which will allow them to offer sharper discounts on individual figures (especially the figures that haven't been selling well). Regarding wave 5 "near-universal" compromise in quality, I've been lucky with Ray, Leatherhead, and Samurai Leo. Ray's joints are rock-steady, Leatherhead was holding his upright pose pretty well until I moved him to the basement and set him on riser (he's dipping a bit but it could be because the riser is actively pushing against his tail). Leo has a bizarre combination of super tight wrists/head and feet with floppy hip joints. However, after substituting his samurai head, and laying him on a riser, he seems to balance quite well (on the other hand, his floppy joints do allow him to take on more agile poses, which seems to work well with his wolverine claws). Krang is a disaster. I packed his walker in a ziplock. He's on a tripod. I would imagine that we can expect the sharpest discounts for Krang.

Last edited by Dask; 11-07-2022 at 01:00 PM.
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Old 11-07-2022, 12:52 PM   #4156
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
I don't get he complaints about wave 5. Ray Fillet and Leatherhead are mostly masterpieces to the originals. Krang's robot chair has loose joints, but that's really the only problem with him. Joints can be tighten/fixed, too!
I've been browsing through hundreds of comments on some of the largest TMNT facebook groups (e.g. TMNT Party Wagon) and Fwoosh (and monitoring comments on YouTube for channels such as Toy Shiz, Toy Bro and Pixel Dan) and I also don't see near-universal judgement that wave 5 is abysmal. Quite the contrary, actually. I do see 2 or 3 commenters on this group that suggests it but its not nearly a large enough sample size to make such a bold claim. Ray and Leatherhead are generally regarded as masterpieces by nearly everyone outside the technodrome forums. I don't think anyone received a good Krang.

Last edited by Dask; 11-07-2022 at 12:57 PM.
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Old 11-07-2022, 01:06 PM   #4157
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
Tangentially to that, I'm curious for the people that have stopped pre-ordering these... do you think the heavy discounts that have been available on earlier waves will continue forward, or do you think retailers will adjust and order substantially lower quantities than before since they can't even seem to shift some of these figures at ~$30 or less? I only ask because, even though the quality of Wave 5 seems to be near-universally regarded as abysmal, I DO want Leatherhead and Krang (Ray, too, for cheap enough), and I'll pay full price if we think that's the best we're ever going to get.
Overall I think we'll see retailers order in lower quantities and less discounts going forwards. I've already noted that the UK site I used dropped the line with wave 7 and I have to imagine they lowered quantities before reaching that point (unless S7 has a retailer minimum they were already ordering at).

That said, wave 5 is hard to judge. It went up as wave 2 was hitting and interest was still high so I'd guess retailers ordered reasonable quantities. Maybe not quite as high as the first four waves (which contained the four Turtles, Shredder, B&R, April, Casey, etc) but Krang and Leatherhead are both heavy hitters so definitely bigger quantities than more recent waves.
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Old 11-07-2022, 01:17 PM   #4158
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
I don't get he complaints about wave 5. Ray Fillet and Leatherhead are mostly masterpieces to the originals. Krang's robot chair has loose joints, but that's really the only problem with him. Joints can be tighten/fixed, too!
To be fair, I don't have any of the figures from Wave 5 yet. I cancelled my pre-orders after the reviews started popping up, but anecdotally, I haven't seen very many people with anything positive to say about them outside of a couple people here. YouTube-wise, I know Pixel Dan and Toy Shiz had particularly negative reviews, and Toy Bro seemed negative on them as far as Toy Bro goes. I know GDL also thought they were bad (he mentioned it on stream last night but said he hasn't published the Wave 5 review because he was afraid people would find it too negative) - but he specifically mentioned that the only good figure from Wave 5 was Undercover Raphael, who isn't even technically part of Wave 5. Gary's only done Krang so far as I know, and his opinion seemed consistent with most - Krang is excellent, but the walker is a mess. I don't believe Hatter's done a review on these yet, but he seems to have completely soured on Super7 due to their poor QC, so I would imagine his reviews would be in line with the rest, though that's strictly conjecture on my part.

And to be completely fair, my biggest gripe with Ray (that they just weren't able to capture the "spirit" of the original figure) is probably only applicable to me and maybe a select few. I just don't personally care for how neither head gives off that cocky Ray Fillet attitude. To me, he just looks manic, regardless of the portrait you choose.

Again, it's hard to say specifically how bad (or good) these are without having them in hand, but the overwhelmingly negative perception of this wave (and, probably more importantly, the videos of people struggling to get these figures to support their own weight) was strong enough to convince me to cancel all my outstanding S7 pre-orders and adopt a "wait-and-see" approach.
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Old 11-07-2022, 01:25 PM   #4159
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
To be fair, I don't have any of the figures from Wave 5 yet. I cancelled my pre-orders after the reviews started popping up, but anecdotally, I haven't seen very many people with anything positive to say about them outside of a couple people here. YouTube-wise, I know Pixel Dan and Toy Shiz had particularly negative reviews, and Toy Bro seemed negative on them as far as Toy Bro goes. I know GDL also thought they were bad (he mentioned it on stream last night but said he hasn't published the Wave 5 review because he was afraid people would find it too negative) - but he specifically mentioned that the only good figure from Wave 5 was Undercover Raphael, who isn't even technically part of Wave 5. Gary's only done Krang so far as I know, and his opinion seemed consistent with most - Krang is excellent, but the walker is a mess. I don't believe Hatter's done a review on these yet, but he seems to have completely soured on Super7 due to their poor QC, so I would imagine his reviews would be in line with the rest, though that's strictly conjecture on my part.

And to be completely fair, my biggest gripe with Ray (that they just weren't able to capture the "spirit" of the original figure) is probably only applicable to me and maybe a select few. I just don't personally care for how neither head gives off that cocky Ray Fillet attitude. To me, he just looks manic, regardless of the portrait you choose.

Again, it's hard to say specifically how bad (or good) these are without having them in hand, but the overwhelmingly negative perception of this wave (and, probably more importantly, the videos of people struggling to get these figures to support their own weight) was strong enough to convince me to cancel all my outstanding S7 pre-orders and adopt a "wait-and-see" approach.
If any of the original characters were important to you, then you're missing out on Wave 5. I don't see how any fan of these characters would just pass on them for the sake of someone's else's opinion, especially when certain collectors are always critical about every little detail about them. No toy is perfect, and even the originals had their issues too.
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Old 11-07-2022, 01:33 PM   #4160
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
If any of the original characters were important to you, then you're missing out on Wave 5. I don't see how any fan of these characters would just pass on them for the sake of someone's else's opinion, especially when certain collectors are always critical about every little detail about them. No toy is perfect, and even the originals had their issues too.
To a certain extent, I definitely agree, but for me personally, there is a value proposition here, where I can't justify spending $55 on these figures with so many QC issues (though, as I mentioned, I will spend that if they never end up getting discounted - which I fully admit makes me an idiot and I refer back to my Stockholm syndrome comment).
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