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Old 09-27-2024, 11:35 AM   #5181
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Looks like they managed to screw up Triceraton after all. I wish they were more consistent with the washes, too. Like, why did Genghis get a wash and Triceraton didn't? And before you say "because Triceraton is big, and budget!", Rocksteady is also huge and got probably the darkest wash of all.
Wow, this is really bad.
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Old 09-27-2024, 11:41 AM   #5182
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Originally Posted by italianice388 View Post
nah, i’m not splitting hairs. the extensiveness of the paint job is inadequate in comparison to other successful figures in the line. comparing the paint job to a toy that cost a couple of bucks in the 90s doesn’t make sense.

this line is an HOMAGE to the 90s toy. not a pound for pound quality and fidelity match. that’s the whole point: it’s exactly the opposite.

me cancelling my order is not about money at all, btw.

you’re welcome to have your own opinion.
You've touched upon the 'existential' issue that is plaguing the directionality of the Super 7 Ultimates line - exactly how faithful should the modern updates be to the vintage figures?

People got visibly upset when Slash, Ace and Scumbug were a few shades off. Ray had exceptionally high fidelity to the original, leading one to call it "boring". April looks like a blow up doll, but so did the original. Rocksteady and Genghis had the wash, but this was not consistent with the rest of the line. Wingnut's seams (which is a nonissue, objectively speaking) caused people to cancel their orders. Rat King's new mug ("hot rodent man") inspired a rebellion. Unless, we can figure out what the ideal "standard" is, the line will continue to disappoint - but this is largely an existential or philophical issue more than anything.

Last edited by Dask; 09-27-2024 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 09-27-2024, 12:10 PM   #5183
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You're listing a bunch of subjective aesthetic preferences. We can debate those.

I'm criticizing a general lack of quality and effort. Cutting corners. That's not really subjective. Not painting bare plastic is a cost-cutting measure, not an intentional aesthetic decision made to more closely match the cheapness of the toy from the 90s as you're implying.
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Old 09-27-2024, 12:17 PM   #5184
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With Triceraton, they could of easily made correct color pin/connector joints on those knees, but they didn't of course.
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Old 09-27-2024, 12:19 PM   #5185
mikey see
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
You've touched upon the 'existential' issue that is plaguing the directionality of the Super 7 Ultimates line - exactly how faithful should the modern updates be to the vintage figures?

People got visibly upset when Slash, Ace and Scumbug were a few shades off. Ray had exceptionally high fidelity to the original, leading one to call it "boring". April looks like a blow up doll, but so did the original. Rocksteady and Genghis had the wash, but this was not consistent with the rest of the line. Wingnut's seams (which is a nonissue, objectively speaking) caused people to cancel their orders. Rat King's new mug ("hot rodent man") inspired a rebellion. Unless, we can figure out what the ideal "standard" is, the line will continue to disappoint - but this is largely an existential or philophical issue more than anything.
This is honestly a pretty solid summation. Because yeah, there's no consistency, not only between waves but also between figures within a wave. It's amateur hour over at Super7, as usual, and they have no idea how to actually curate their own line.

I'm happy enough with Triceraton though. He can stand and he looks good, sculpt wise (they always do). The lack of a wash and incorrect pants color are frustrating but not unexpected. But the mismatched joint just shows how little care S7 puts into their product.

I know I'm reading between the lines here, but I also think it's telling that the best thing Veebs, one of the biggest S7 shills there is, can say about the figure is "he's so big!". I think that's Super7 fatigue right there, and I get it.
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Old 09-30-2024, 11:06 AM   #5186
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
With Triceraton, they could of easily made correct color pin/connector joints on those knees, but they didn't of course.
After getting these in today...the knee pin is being way blown out of proportion. You dont even really see it unless you're are trying to do extreme knee poses. The figures are fantastic and are just as great as the rest of the line. (Guerrilla Gorilla is bad ass) I don't know why people are expecting super posable figures when the figures never were that way from the start.
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Old 09-30-2024, 06:52 PM   #5187
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Triceraton truly is fantastic, sucks for those that prematurely canceled it.

Here's a review entitled:

Super7 Took Your Triceraton and UPGRADED Your Childhood
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Old 10-01-2024, 02:31 AM   #5188
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Not MY childhood. I was disappointed with the Triceraton back in the day, and have no need for a bigger version of that. NECA's Zog is the Triceraton I always wanted.

I'm keen to see more reviews on Guerilla Gorilla. I was keen to get him to display alongside Ray Fillet, but I don't think they will match aesthetically. Ray seems more.... detailed?
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Old 10-01-2024, 05:38 AM   #5189
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lol "upgraded your childhood"

Mister, that ship sailed decades ago!
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Old 10-01-2024, 01:15 PM   #5190
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ok, triceraton definitely looks better in video than the initial photos. I'm still bummed there isn't paint or a wash on his skin, but it's not a TOTAL deal breaker for me. maybe I'll snag him if he ever goes on sale.
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Old 10-07-2024, 10:49 AM   #5191
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So, when do we see Shredder, Casey Jones, Splinter and the Foot Soldier?
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Old 10-08-2024, 02:25 PM   #5192
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Does anyone want deluxe turtles?
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Old 10-08-2024, 03:33 PM   #5193
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Originally Posted by mikey0 View Post
Does anyone want deluxe turtles?
Yes, please. $35 Deluxe Turtles will be ideal as long as they don't offer $55 Ultimates Turtles as well as my OCD/FOMO will be activated.

Most of my accessories, extra hands, heads go in the ziplock bag anyway.
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Old 10-10-2024, 12:27 PM   #5194
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The four turtles would be amazing to get released with matching belts and paint applications.

Like give me toy head Leo with an all black belt, repaint Samurai Leo's katanas and I'm there.
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Old 10-12-2024, 03:04 PM   #5195
mikey see
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I got my Triceraton! I'm sure you're all well-schooled on this wave by now since it's been in-hand for like a month already but after such a long wait I had to at least jot down some thoughts. I'm too lazy to do the math, but I ordered him on 3/29/2022 and today is 10/12/2024. That... is quite the wait.

Anyone telling you the mismatched knee joints aren't visible isn't bending the leg at all. I've got my figure in a slightly squat pose, similar (but not even as much as) the vintage figure and the joint is visible on the right knee quite easily. The left leg is pretty good though and honestly I don't care, I'm just so happy to finally have this figure. Just an FYI though!

The elbow joints are pretty funny. I'd guess the bend is probably about 35 degrees, if that. Again, I'm not hugely bothered by it but it IS pretty silly in this day and age. Yes I know some will say "this is Super7, you shouldn't expect good articulation!". Sure, but this is pretty bad even by S7 standards.

I will say, while there's not a wash over all of the skin there is a bit of shading here and there to define some of the sculpt. I think it's sufficient honestly, though the tail doesn't have any extra shading and IS the bare plastic (in the orange sections).

PSA: don't forget to turn the belt around! I wondered why the first review I saw had it turned with the rats in front: that's how it's packaged. I guess maybe they did that so the plastic could snug in tight on the sides? Anyway, the silver belt buckle with the triangle should be in the front (on top of the sculpted belt buckle in fact).

TLDR: the figure does have issues but I'm honestly quite pleased with it!
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Old 10-12-2024, 03:56 PM   #5196
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
I got my Triceraton! I'm sure you're all well-schooled on this wave by now since it's been in-hand for like a month already but after such a long wait I had to at least jot down some thoughts. I'm too lazy to do the math, but I ordered him on 3/29/2022 and today is 10/12/2024. That... is quite the wait.

Anyone telling you the mismatched knee joints aren't visible isn't bending the leg at all. I've got my figure in a slightly squat pose, similar (but not even as much as) the vintage figure and the joint is visible on the right knee quite easily. The left leg is pretty good though and honestly I don't care, I'm just so happy to finally have this figure. Just an FYI though!

The elbow joints are pretty funny. I'd guess the bend is probably about 35 degrees, if that. Again, I'm not hugely bothered by it but it IS pretty silly in this day and age. Yes I know some will say "this is Super7, you shouldn't expect good articulation!". Sure, but this is pretty bad even by S7 standards.

I will say, while there's not a wash over all of the skin there is a bit of shading here and there to define some of the sculpt. I think it's sufficient honestly, though the tail doesn't have any extra shading and IS the bare plastic (in the orange sections).

PSA: don't forget to turn the belt around! I wondered why the first review I saw had it turned with the rats in front: that's how it's packaged. I guess maybe they did that so the plastic could snug in tight on the sides? Anyway, the silver belt buckle with the triangle should be in the front (on top of the sculpted belt buckle in fact).

TLDR: the figure does have issues but I'm honestly quite pleased with it!
What color would you of made the joint? Since the joint needed to match the pants color, It looks like they really had no choice here or otherwise you'd have an orange joint that would stand out worse (just looked at from the back of the pants, the orange would stick out like a sore thumb). I find it a bit exaggerated worrying so much over the knee joint color that people will barely bend that leg much to begin with. It really is not that bad and you definately never see it when he's in a standing position. The figure really turned out well and fits in just like the rest of them (and their issues of sorts)
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Old 10-12-2024, 08:46 PM   #5197
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
What color would you of made the joint? Since the joint needed to match the pants color, It looks like they really had no choice here or otherwise you'd have an orange joint that would stand out worse (just looked at from the back of the pants, the orange would stick out like a sore thumb). I find it a bit exaggerated worrying so much over the knee joint color that people will barely bend that leg much to begin with. It really is not that bad and you definately never see it when he's in a standing position. The figure really turned out well and fits in just like the rest of them (and their issues of sorts)
Fair point about the back, but I rarely look at the back of my figures. I'm certainly not planning to have him standing on my desk facing the wall. So I guess I'd stand with the camp that wants the joint to be orange so it matches the skin area it's embedded in. But yes, that would certainly look pretty terrible from the back. I guess S7 could try their hand at painting joints but NECA has demonstrated many times that that is not a great solution (and they no doubt are better at it than Super7 would be).

Anyway, as I said I'm very happy with the figure, little nits aside.
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Old 10-12-2024, 09:00 PM   #5198
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Fair point about the back, but I rarely look at the back of my figures. I'm certainly not planning to have him standing on my desk facing the wall. So I guess I'd stand with the camp that wants the joint to be orange so it matches the skin area it's embedded in. But yes, that would certainly look pretty terrible from the back. I guess S7 could try their hand at painting joints but NECA has demonstrated many times that that is not a great solution (and they no doubt are better at it than Super7 would be).

Anyway, as I said I'm very happy with the figure, little nits aside.
The joint probably would have to be half green/ half orange to reach the effect that we want. Probably impossible for factory's to do a pin joint in half color like that in a mould. I kinda think he looks silly with bent legs, but I guess they had to compromise here
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Old 10-13-2024, 11:16 PM   #5199
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I just got Genghis from eBay. This figure is pure perfection. Stands incredibly well too.

It might be a bit big scale wise, but who cares. It's awesome.

Can't wait for Napoleon!
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Old 10-14-2024, 10:03 AM   #5200
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
I just got Genghis from eBay. This figure is pure perfection. Stands incredibly well too.

It might be a bit big scale wise, but who cares. It's awesome.

Can't wait for Napoleon!
You may even get Attila and Rasputin.
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