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Old 11-11-2014, 11:51 PM   #1341
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Chill on some of the rhetoric, guys. Yes certain opinions can be "wrong," but it is a out and out fallacy to say that opinions on a movie are anywhere the same as "Child Murder is A-Ok" and the like. It's just a movie....opinions on MOVIES don't have a clear right or wrong.
That's the point I was making. So why are you telling me off for something I never suggested? Unless you're referring to Leo656.
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Old 11-11-2014, 11:51 PM   #1342
Commenter 42
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
We who? You're on the "anti" side right? Was talking abut the pro people ranting unprovoked. (Had no one else continued to notice that on the movie's FB page for months following the Aug. release?)
Apologies, but I thought you said "both sides"

If you look up "social media strategists" one of the key things that the ad world is focusing on these days, is positive "impressions", or in English " posting positive opinions on various blogs and forums to turn the tide of negative press for products or brands".

It's paid work, to the tune of 10$ a post, hence the number of posts on the FB page, under fake accounts, and likewise here, over the summer months.

Also, now that I've said something on the subject, here comes trouble, once again.
Gotta love his stamina.
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Old 11-11-2014, 11:55 PM   #1343
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Originally Posted by Davetello View Post
That's the point I was making. So why are you telling me off for something I never suggested? Unless you're referring to Leo656.
He's like me, he talks to the room.

C'mon, Dave, you gonna pay attention to a guy who can't see the Biblical allegories inherent in the epic sci-fi masterpiece that is Flash F*cking Gordon anyhow?
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Old 11-11-2014, 11:57 PM   #1344
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
He's like me, he talks to the room.

C'mon, Dave, you gonna pay attention to a guy who can't see the Biblical allegories inherent in the epic sci-fi masterpiece that is Flash F*cking Gordon anyhow?
Hahaha. Flash Gordon, I saw that as a boy.

I'm still trying to adjust to Jester's sense of humour and style of speaking. I do like the guy though.
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Old 11-11-2014, 11:59 PM   #1345
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
He's like me, he talks to the room.

C'mon, Dave, you gonna pay attention to a guy who can't see the Biblical allegories inherent in the epic sci-fi masterpiece that is Flash F*cking Gordon anyhow?
Flash Gordon is one of the best worst movies, ever.
That mind wipe scene....hoo -weeee!
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Old 11-11-2014, 11:59 PM   #1346
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Indeed, that was for the room. Not intended for any particular person.

Leo, don't make me "flash" the badge.

EDIT...just caught pun. Added quotes.

"Clearly, you're Ninja Turtling incorrectly." - Leo656
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:00 AM   #1347
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It's the senseless belittling on both ends. It's ok to dislike or like a piece of entertainment. But when you start crossing that boundary of mutual respect, it becomes just like politics and at that point, you will never see an end or resolution to a debate but even greater problems (a division) that is totally unnecessary. (I suppose, in my opinion)

When I expressed my opinion of the film (not ever belittling anyone for either enjoying or disliking it), even with just an ounce of positive perspective coming from my review, it triggered someone to come in and shut me down in a sense, like "NO! YOU ARE WRONG!", regardless of the fact that I felt the movie was in serious need of repairs to make it great. All it took was for me to say "I didn't find it as bad" and bam..
I didn't say "It" wasn't as bad. I made sure to state that I didn't find it as bad. I try my best not to speak in general or for anyone else but myself.

But it's all typical psychological stuff and I am not in the least bit surprised. This happens everyday.
You should see how crazy it gets with Doctor Who fans.
No, actually, don't.

It is unfortunate when one crosses the line and not only belittles or enjoys a movie or toy product, but the person who happened to enjoy them or dislike them. I've seen first hand what it does to people in person. It sucks.
I a twisted way, it goes both ways. The one that hates it, doesn't want to read people say they liked it. ...but Like Dave said... essentially and practically speaking, while we can literally tell someone they are wrong or have a "wrong opinion?" we could never really win that debate because is an opinion! Saying someone has a wrong opinion is a form of an oxymoron guys. Whether you like it or not.

I didn't spend time reading the many pages of this topic and I didn't think my review which was at first slightly ambiguous as to where I actually stood in my review, was going to activate the fires that burn within. I may have made the choice to stay away right from the start because clearly, I'm not discussing this with people who are on the level to accept any opinion and just move on. I feel like I'm in a room with trigger happy folks. Ready to shoot you down if you say something they don't like.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:01 AM   #1348
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Originally Posted by Jester View Post
Leo, don't make me "flash" the badge.
Is that anything like "shooting the moon"? Because I thought this was a family show?
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:03 AM   #1349
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Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
but I thought you said "both sides"
Yes, though not meaning in the same way, just that both have been equally vocal, i.e. the pro side has hardly been innocent.

I've got "hater" roots, simply made more diplomatic by choice.

Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
If you look up "social media strategists" one of the key things that the ad world is focusing on these days, is positive "impressions", or in English " posting positive opinions on various blogs and forums to turn the tide of negative press for products or brands".

It's paid work, to the tune of 10$ a post, hence the number of posts on the FB page, under fake accounts, and likewise here, over the summer months.
Interesting and good point. I make a little cash most days via Amazon's Mturk site, things like that are against the terms but still I see people posting 'jobs' on there trying to buy reviews, comments, etc for various sites and things. (Not hardly for that kind of pay though.) Won't touch them.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:05 AM   #1350
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Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
Flash Gordon is one of the best worst movies, ever.
That mind wipe scene....hoo -weeee!
When YOU only have 14 hours to save the Earth, I wanna see YOU do better, wise guy.

Flash Gordon is the only decent thing to ever come out of the miserable Jets franchise. We owe him EVERYTHING!!! HE SAVED EVERY ONE OF US!!! STANDS FOR EVERY-.... ehh you know the f*cking song.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:10 AM   #1351
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Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
Apologies, but I thought you said "both sides"

If you look up "social media strategists" one of the key things that the ad world is focusing on these days, is positive "impressions", or in English " posting positive opinions on various blogs and forums to turn the tide of negative press for products or brands".

It's paid work, to the tune of 10$ a post, hence the number of posts on the FB page, under fake accounts, and likewise here, over the summer months.

Also, now that I've said something on the subject, here comes trouble, once again.
Gotta love his stamina.
Oh my god I would sell out so fast for 10 bucks a post.

Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
Some men use knives and guns, but TrickOrTreater is a more dangerous villain. He. Uses. The. TRUTH.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:12 AM   #1352
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How do we know Peter Laird isn't paying you tree-fiddy a post to rail AGAINST the movie? Eh? EH?!
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:13 AM   #1353
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Originally Posted by Splint'r View Post
It's the senseless belittling on both ends. It's ok to dislike or like a piece of entertainment. But when you start crossing that boundary of mutual respect, it becomes just like politics and at that point, you will never see an end or resolution to a debate but even greater problems (a division) that is totally unnecessary. (I suppose, in my opinion)

When I expressed my opinion of the film (not ever belittling anyone for either enjoying or disliking it), even with just an ounce of positive perspective coming from my review, it triggered someone to come in and shut me down in a sense, like "NO! YOU ARE WRONG!", regardless of the fact that I felt the movie was in serious need of repairs to make it great. All it took was for me to say "I didn't find it as bad" and bam..
I didn't say "It" wasn't as bad. I made sure to state that I didn't find it as bad. I try my best not to speak in general or for anyone else but myself.

But it's all typical psychological stuff and I am not in the least bit surprised. This happens everyday.
You should see how crazy it gets with Doctor Who fans.
No, actually, don't.

It is unfortunate when one crosses the line and not only belittles or enjoys a movie or toy product, but the person who happened to enjoy them or dislike them. I've seen first hand what it does to people in person. It sucks.
I a twisted way, it goes both ways. The one that hates it, doesn't want to read people say they liked it. ...but Like Dave said... essentially and practically speaking, while we can literally tell someone they are wrong or have a "wrong opinion?" we could never really win that debate because is an opinion! Saying someone has a wrong opinion is a form of an oxymoron guys. Whether you like it or not.

I didn't spend time reading the many pages of this topic and I didn't think my review which was at first slightly ambiguous as to where I actually stood in my review, was going to activate the fires that burn within. I may have made the choice to stay away right from the start because clearly, I'm not discussing this with people who are on the level to accept any opinion and just move on. I feel like I'm in a room with trigger happy folks. Ready to shoot you down if you say something they don't like.
That's a good post. At the time the film came out I was essentially the same as you - the topics were a minefield so I rarely got involved. I didn't wanna become embroiled in it all.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:16 AM   #1354
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
How do we know Peter Laird isn't paying you tree-fiddy a post to rail AGAINST the movie? Eh? EH?!


Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
Some men use knives and guns, but TrickOrTreater is a more dangerous villain. He. Uses. The. TRUTH.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:18 AM   #1355
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:19 AM   #1356
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Originally Posted by Splint'r View Post
When I expressed my opinion of the film (not ever belittling anyone for either enjoying or disliking it), even with just an ounce of positive perspective coming from my review, it triggered someone to come in and shut me down in a sense, like "NO! YOU ARE WRONG!", regardless of the fact that I felt the movie was in serious need of repairs to make it great. All it took was for me to say "I didn't find it as bad" and bam!...
As you haven't been around long enough to see WHY that's the case, I understand if "I" came off to strong on the subject.

But since then, I've been pretty civil, and infact, in that first rebuttal, I was pretty tame.

Since then, though, you've made a few comments implying you have some insight into my Psychology or possibly the psychology of the group. I do find that offensive, especially considering...

Originally Posted by Splint'r View Post
I didn't spend time reading the many pages of this topic and I didn't think my review which was at first slightly ambiguous as to where I actually stood in my review, was going to activate the fires that burn within. I may have made the choice to stay away right from the start because clearly, I'm not discussing this with people who are on the level to accept any opinion and just move on. I feel like I'm in a room with trigger happy folks. Ready to shoot you down if you say something they don't like.
You're in a room with people who, surprisingly, have been divided by a blockbuster film, which is either the pinnacle of their perfect rendition of TMNT, or the most abysmal stain on cinema since Tommy Wiseau. In said room, it's been intense, to say the least.

I thought , and had hoped that was made apparent earlier in my posts in response to you, maybe not.

I have no beef with you, but I hold strong opinions, as do most of us, whether we agree or not.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:28 AM   #1357
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
Interesting and good point. I make a little cash most days via Amazon's Mturk site, things like that are against the terms but still I see people posting 'jobs' on there trying to buy reviews, comments, etc for various sites and things. (Not hardly for that kind of pay though.) Won't touch them.
Lol, it's per post, ie, each time you write " I like this..."
Cha Ching...10$

Hence, they post in the hundreds...and I give back with a little elbow.

Better than flipping burgers? Sure, but annoying to say the least.

Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
When YOU only have 14 hours to save the Earth, I wanna see YOU do better, wise guy.

Flash Gordon is the only decent thing to ever come out of the miserable Jets franchise. We owe him EVERYTHING!!! HE SAVED EVERY ONE OF US!!! STANDS FOR EVERY-.... ehh you know the f*cking song.

I own it. It's nestled between Paris, Texas and The Seven Samurai, on BD. One day I'll alphabetize.

I love Ming, more than I love lamp.

Oh dear god! Tripple Post!
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:30 AM   #1358
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That movie's so good it just has to be fattening.
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Old 11-12-2014, 12:35 AM   #1359
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To add to my 'too damn long' post from long ago...I will admit that the only thing I did like was the song Shell Shocked. I honestly did and can admit that with a straight face.

And I would love to have the opportunity to ask Kevin Eastman (and whoever else) whatever happened to all of those 'Fight Scenes like The Raid' that he kept saying that 'would be featured' while hyping/promoting the movie. It doesn't have to be in a rude manner, in a mean manner, or in a 'talking down to him way'. It's a fair question to ask.

And I know some folks go 'you expected too much, and so on. It's a Ninja Turtles movie, what did you expect?' Or 'you're hard to please.' Let alone go 'well, you liked Secret of the Ooze, so what do you know?'

You know why I can enjoy & love a film like Secret of the Ooze (when even I have problems with it...heck, I absolutely hate the song 'Ninja Rap' and can even say I enjoyed Shell Shocked a lot more than that, song-wise)? And it's not the 'easy to go' answer of 'Nostalgia Goggles' (which is a tired, lackadaisical response). Yes, I can give Actual reasons and not just say 'cause I saw it as a kid, so I liked it. The End.'

Family, and Action. I'm only going to speak for myself, but want to give me crappy human characters? Crappy story? Forgettable musical score? Plot holes? Ok then. I can forgive that, if the film got those two important things right.

At least get the Family, and at least get the Action right. People who love the film? They say the film did that. I don't.

Secret of the Ooze? Action-wise, I can watch these characters that I enjoy use practical martial arts that were done by real people without the bothersome use of bulletproof shells, ridiculous super-human strength, and CGI. My preference. If people remember action in SOTO, it's a fight or martial arts scene. When people remember action in this movie, it's the Turtles going down a hill. I prefer the former in a Turtles flick, not the latter.

And family? I can enjoy little moments which help Make Up/Show the Bond of the family. Whether it be Michelangelo 'chewing too loud' into Raph's ear or having Raph almost chase him by saying 'All the good ones end in O', Michelangelo petting Raph's head like he was an animal after having his feet stomped, or even Leonardo showing his frustration and (without knowing it) slamming the bag he was carrying down onto Don's foot (while he was on the phone).

The new film forgets that little moments like these, which most even reading this will say is Nothing, really IS something. They make the Turtles more relatable, likable, and (while sounding stupid saying it) more HUMAN. I can relate to the Turtles, even in a film that even most on this board hate (aka Secret of the Ooze). But I can't, in any way or shape or form, relate to anybody in the new flick (not even the humans).

And I'm sorry, but the new film barely had anything like that. Even when it Tried, it failed. Raph having a 'heartfelt speech' out of nowhere? Doesn't work. But Raph having that speech after maybe having him slap Mikey upside the head a few times, or giving a few punches onto Donnie's arm throughout the movie...some Actual Interaction between the Family...THEN it would and could work.
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Old 11-12-2014, 01:24 AM   #1360
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Originally Posted by Ramboraph4life aka Matt View Post
The new film forgets that little moments like these, which most even reading this will say is Nothing, really IS something. They make the Turtles more relatable, likable, and (while sounding stupid saying it) more HUMAN. I can relate to the Turtles, even in a film that even most on this board hate (aka Secret of the Ooze). But I can't, in any way or shape or form, relate to anybody in the new flick (not even the humans).
Yeah, which in particular makes me a bit sad that the lair wasn't seen all that much as their home and was more just a barely seen setting that a few things happened.

When we saw all those pics of their place.. amazing. And then we saw so little of it. Their cool bedroom was my fave, and with their beds made out of playground equipment with that spring base and the shape... someone really should have been falling out of or had brothers purposely tip/dump him out of bed one morning or in the middle of the night. Just little things like that would have made it so much more.
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