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Old 03-16-2005, 02:04 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Anarky
Oh yeah, I kinda missed that ep too. Anyways, how could all the Red Rangers come back? I mean Tommy was the Red Ranger more than once, then Jason (or whatever the first RR's name is) had also two armors.
Right, well, first of all, Tommy gave up his Turbo powers to T.J (Which is why HE uses the Turbo powers in "Forever Red") when J.D.F left the series, Tommy kept his Zeo morpher (proving they were seperate powers from Turbo) up unntil around Dinothunder, he either lost it when Mesegog destroyed the island, or he lost it before then.

Jason only TEMPORAIRLY held the Gold Ranger powers, he gave them up when Trey literally put himself together (he had been seperated into three versions of himself in order to heal the damage inflicted on him by the Vorax) and regained the Gold Ranger powers

Thirdly, and whilst this is actually not a definitive explanation, it makes a LOT of sense: The coin Jason used to become the Red Ranger was due to the fact that it was his original version, during the "The Power Transfer", his coin might have been duplicated when his powers transfered to Rocky.

The Rangers' coustumes are just coustumes, when they are damaged, it occasionly shows up on thier street clothes, only a few Rangers (usually the Red Ranger) achieve specific battle armour later in every season
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