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Old 05-25-2020, 01:12 AM   #41
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mutant melee gives me the best memories so thats my answer
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Old 05-25-2020, 07:36 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Drose18 View Post
mutant melee gives me the best memories so thats my answer
If my CD started to work again, I would definitely try to play it again.
Now I only play Smash Up as the PLayer vs Player TMNT Game.
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Old 07-11-2020, 05:32 AM   #43
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Well, after watching Season 1 of the 2K3 series again, I was inspired to go back and give the first two Gamecube TMNT games a spin and see how they hold up. I hadn't played either in a long time but have played the first more often and more recently.

The first one is okay but really nothing special, it's a passable beat-em'up. I remember it feeling pretty cutting-edge in 2003 but a hundred better beat-'em-ups have come out since then so it definitely feels like a relic. I still had fun with it, but again, it's impossible to ignore how simplistic and "bare-bones" it is compared to just about everything else that's come along in the genre since then. Run right, clear the screen, run right, sometimes you fight a Boss and sometimes the level just ends. And it's pretty short. I did like how they encouraged replay value by making you beat it with all for Turtles, to unlock hidden characters and also get the real final stage and Boss Fight; I'd already completed it ages ago, so I just did a quick run-through with Leo and found it a lot shorter and easier than I remembered it being. Not a bad game at all but it probably would feel comparatively ancient to most people giving it a try now. I can say it's worth a look but mileage will definitely vary on it because it's very dated and simplistic.

I don't have a ton to say about this one, because it's Just Fine and nothing more or less than that. I've beaten it several times and I'll continue to play it again every few years since it's something you can get through in a day or so without investing too much energy.


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Old 07-11-2020, 05:35 AM   #44
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TMNT 2: Battle Nexus... oof. I'm not gonna lie, it's a little bit better than I remembered, kind of, but I remembered it being terrible and I wasn't altogether wrong. It's a very flawed, pretty much broken, and regularly frustrating experience and one of the least fun times I've ever had playing a video game.

Just to get it out of the way, there ARE some improvements over the first game which I appreciate: The 3D cinematic cutscenes that occur between some levels are much better than the flat, static, poory-rendered ones from the first game, even if they are very blurry and washed-out. Being able to switch between each Turtle on the fly is cool, and some areas needing a certain Turtle's unique skills is a nice idea but they do almost nothing with it at all. It's a much, much bigger game than the first, with lots of levels and some decent level variety, and even a rare few hidden paths to find. There's a Tournament mini-game and hidden collectibles to find and a few "vehicle" levels that switch the gameplay up a bit by putting you on a hoverboard or something; oddly enough, those levels end up being some of the most fun and least-annoying things in the entire game. There's even more Boss fights, something the first game was pretty lacking in. So there's some nice improvements and you can tell that there was a real effort to improve the overall experience.

The thing is, it's just a "bigger, but worse" game than the first one. It really starts with two major problems: The gameplay is broken, and the controls are also kinda broken. I've talked about this before, but in Battle Nexus, despite it ostensibly being a beat-'em-up, you spend about 90% of your time avoiding every enemy on screen at all costs to try and save as much health as possible for the Boss fights. You're literally an idiot if you ever stop to actually fight anyone in this game, and that's just a bad decision for this type of game. On the other hand, it's good that you can get through most of the game by simply running away, because the AI enemies in this game are some of the most frustrating I've ever dealt with. EVERY enemy you encounter takes way too many hits to kill, and some of them block almost constantly. There's very little "difficulty curve", outside of the last few Boss fights being really hard; the enemies you face on the first level are just as irritating as the ones you fight near the end, and some of the earlier levels are somehow much harder than the later ones. In a lot of ways, this game feels like an overreaction to the last game; one of the complaints about the first one was that it was a bit easy, so in this one they make the enemies way too hard to kill and overwhelm you with numbers of them who love to surround you. There's a Block button, but like most of the controls, it takes your input as a mere suggestion, so you spend most "fights" getting triple-teamed or running away. You can fight, but... it doesn't make any sense to. Very, VERY rarely do you have to kill all, or even most, or even ANY enemies to beat the level, and the enemies are irritatingly cheap anyway, so why bother? So you can play on the "honor system" and fight, but lose lots of health for no reason and thus die against the Boss, OR, you can run away from everything. Neither option feels satisfying. You feel weak as hell and severely under-powered in this game and it never gets any better. You find "crystals" that are supposed to increase your stats and abilities but I never felt any difference.

The Boss fights aren't too bad, but they're a little annoying. Once you figure out that they're all vulnerable to the same one move, though, it's a snooze. Like every other enemy, they're super-cheap, blocking too much and taking way too much damage, but like everything else in the game, they're weak against Leo's Running L-Trigger Attack. Sure, you can TRY other moves that actually do more than 1% damage, BUT, you'll get Blocked and countered almost every time, ending the fight in about three hits. So what do you do? Run at them and hit the L-Trigger. It does sh*t damage, but every single enemy and boss is weak against that move and ONLY that move, or at least, it's the one move they almost never bother to block. So every single Boss fight takes a goddamn half hour as you run in circles and cheese the hell out of the L-Trigger attack. It is NOT fun. Not one single enemy encounter in this game is "fun", they're a chore. Because if you play it fair, they just block you and counter or surround you, so you have to run away and use the L-Trigger attack to clear a path, anyway.

Basically, you can beat the entire game doing nothing but running away from bad guys and occasionally spamming L-Trigger. Nothing else works consistently, so if you deviate from this "strategy" at all you're kind of stupid. Broken, broken game.

The controls being broken is part of the issue as well. They're simply not as responsive as the first game's controls, with a very noticeable lag and sometimes they just don't respond. The "Weak-Weak-Strong Attack" combo that was invaluable in the first game often simply does not work, here. It's IN there, it just doesn't respond to your inputs. There's a "charge-up" attack you can do by holding down Strong Attack, but it's pointless because it leaves you vulnerable to attack and you're usually being attacked by a group, so you'll never pull it off. Also, the game takes the Block button as a complete suggestion at best because the lag is so terrible. Leo's jumping attack is totally useless, while Mikey's is the only one that works even a little against flying enemies; I like that they have their own strengths but it makes certain areas frustrating. OH, and to pick things up, you have to hold down two buttons, one of them being Strong Attack. If you think, "Boy, I bet that most of the time you just blow yourself up trying to pick up an explosive barrel", you damn well guessed right. The levels are filthy with things you CAN in theory pick up and toss at your enemy, but most often you just end up using it on yourself.

NO LOCK-ON and the camera is terrible in spots. Forget trying to focus on one enemy in a crowd, or even just throw your shuriken where you want them to go. You can be standing right next to a guy, and unless you're pressing the control stick exactly at them, your attacks will go right past them. TERRIBLE. Since you can't move the camera, you get hit constantly by off-screen enemies. The camera issue only hurts much when there's a godawful platforming section; in those, it swings around to the least-helpful angle possible, making it near-impossible to line up or gauge your jump with any accuracy. You can't jump as high as you should anyway, even with double-jump, so the platform sections are a mess.

It's like the entire game was trying to hit as many boxes on the Bad Game Design checklist as it possibly could:
- Annoying enemies that take too much work to kill
- One "life" per level, die and it's back to the menu screen
- Lots of platforming, with an awful camera on top of it
- Boring, repetitive "combat"
- Over-long Boss fights
- "Kill Every Enemy Within A Time Limit" levels, filled with enemies who constantly block
- Unresponsive, laggy controls that cripple the combat
- Jumping that feels like an invisible hand is pressing down on your character
- A "beat-'em-up" where the entire point of 90% of the game is to avoid fighting at all costs. There's not even a "stealth" component, it's just a running away simulator.

I have to be honest... I really do appreciate the things they TRIED to improve, but the bad controls and annoying enemies and awful platforming just overwhelm everything else. TMNT 2: Battle Nexus is one of the least-fun games I've ever played, and if I've ever played a worse beat-'em-up, I cannot recall. I've never seen one that punishes you so much for actually trying to play the game properly, and rewards you for trying to just race through it instead.

The good news is, I finally beat the damn thing. So I never have any obligation to play it again.

I still think the first one, while bare-bones by comparison, is simply more fun overall because the controls work better and it's less frustrating to play, and those two things are related. Battle Nexus had a lot of ambition but they utterly failed to execute in any satisfying way because the controls are busted and the enemies swarm you. It really doesn't matter what they tried to improve or add because the game simply isn't fun. I really had a bad time playing this one, and I almost never have a bad time playing games.

I remember the third game, "Mutant Nightmare", being much better. I can't check for myself at the moment but I can't imagine it being as bad or worse, no way in hell.

As of now, I maintain that "Mutants In Manhattan" is probably the best 3D TMNT game by a substantially wide margin. And Battle Nexus is probably the worst TMNT game, period. I gave it a shot, and I finished it, and I'm glad I can finally cross it off my list, but damn, I didn't enjoy the experience at all. Not the worst game I've played, but the worst TMNT game I can remember off the top of my head.

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Last edited by Leo656; 07-11-2020 at 05:42 AM.
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Old 07-11-2020, 06:27 AM   #45
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Peblak Alley is probably the worst level in video game history
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Old 07-11-2020, 09:06 AM   #46
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I gotta say, even though it's an unofficial fan creation that gets nearly its entire structure from the first Nintendo game, I am really loving Rescuepalooza. It took me 5 weeks to beat it cause I hadn't played on a PC in years, and half the characters are blinkin' useless, but it's fun. I definitely think that man needs to add some kind of infinite life feature or some way to make 1 ups (extra lives) easier to get. But it's a great arcade experience from the comfort of your PC.
My preferred characters to play with are Jones, Spilinter and the Shonen Boss, whose floating head special move is awesome..
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Old 07-11-2020, 03:06 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Whatswiththeheadbands? View Post
Peblak Alley is probably the worst level in video game history
Is that the one where you have to carry Fugitoid? Yeah, I'unno about all THAT but it's pretty crummy. It's easy enough if you just run ahead and kill all the enemies real quick first - the entire level is literally "Walk three feet, make a left turn, walk down a short hall, make another left turn, walk to the Finish line" - but it's annoying all the same. They stick some enemies with laser rifles in the far right-hand corner just past the beginning but unless you go near them they just stand there watching you like idiots and don't do anything. That's another thing with this game, the AI is either bloodthirsty or brick stupid. If you go near them, they swarm you, but unless you go within their "sphere" they can be looking right at you but they'll stand there jerking it instead of doing anything.

Frankly I don't think this thing was even any good by 2004 standards. I genuinely, really don't like to compare games to other games and try to give everything a fair shake based on what it does and not what it doesn't do that other games do, because I feel like that's only fair. But at some point, a little voice whispered to me that I could be playing one of the early God of War games instead, and I almost started crying. I NEVER get like that, seriously, but this game was such a slog.

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Old 07-15-2020, 12:31 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
TMNT 2: Battle Nexus... oof. I'm not gonna lie, it's a little bit better than I remembered, kind of, but I remembered it being terrible and I wasn't altogether wrong. It's a very flawed, pretty much broken, and regularly frustrating experience and one of the least fun times I've ever had playing a video game...


(can't quote the whole post or I reach character limit)
I took some time to read carefully everything, and I can definitely say that Battle Nexus is NOT a real masterpiece in any means.
I due joke about it, because it's one of my favourite games, but it's far from a great game. Also, keep in mind that I played the PS2 version, not the Gamecube one, maybe there is a slight difference in performance or things like that.

But I have to say that some of the problems you encountered are really weird from my perspective. I mean, the whole "enemies are useless to attack" is true don't get me wrong, I mean more tecnical and gameplay problems.
Like, how did you find the game's enemies too strong? They have a pretty dumb AI, and their "constant blocking" can be easily punished by picking up the enemy and throw it away for example. Yes, the long range enemies are abit of a cancer, since most of them use to spam their attacks, but they are way weaker than the normal ones, so you can easily waste them by avoiding one or two shots by dashing in the right position.

The crystals not only give a nice upgrade to the turtle, but some of them even give you combos, that can be freaking overpowered (just saying, the charged combo can instakill some bosses). Also, there is even a "parry" ability, not only the "block", and can be unlocked pretty early in the game. And you might say "I'm sure that the game never gives you the option to parry certain attacks". I played this game countless of times, and from Hun, to Traxiums, to even freaking Shredder you can parry.

Another thing you mentioned are the controls, but again, I never had any problem with them, they were responsive for me. I heard about alot of complains from Gamecube users, so it must be like that. I even have the PC version of this game and it's completely fine with them.
About the camera, I got nothing to say. It's pretty limited in some levels, but again, I never had any problem with it in platforming parts, and I still play the game to this day sometimes.

The bosses are rather fun for me! Except the Spasmosaurous, that is just annoying as a boss, but due to it's design. I guess I see this game so good just because I had so much time put into it to appreciate even the smallest things of it. That's probably because I like it.

But in the end, as I said in the beginning, is absolutely not even close from being a great game, it's "MEH".
One of the biggest problems of it, is the "I don't get it" feeling. ALOT of the game's mechanics are very poorly explained (or maybe it's just the translation), for instance how to do the combos (I took years to understand the the double punch symbol meant that you had to use both heavy and light attack at the same time).
Another things for instance, can be the Fugitoid thing as Whatswiththeheadbands? said, just because the game NEVER explains to you, that you can do a guaranteed critical attack to the enemies if you take them from behind, resulting in you trying to pick up Fugitoid but seing the turtles only flipping it instead.

The only thing I can't complain for sure, are the "I take them all" levels as I call them (the "vehicle" levels with coins), the little features like the Antique Shop and the Bonus Materials, and the freaking soundtrack (I just love it).
The rest can be seen from alot of different perspectives, but sure never lead to thinking into a completely great game design.
Mutant Nightmare is actually pretty good considering for what you are looking for, and I do like it alot! Except the dumb behaviour of the bots helping you sometimes.
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Old 07-15-2020, 08:45 PM   #49
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Some of it certainly could be related in part to simply being on the Gamecube. But the issues I spoke of are real, regardless. I played the first and second game on the same day and the clunkiness of the second game was immediately noticeable and irritating. There's a lag when you attack that simply was not present in the first game. The Combo system is useless because it mostly only reads the first two inputs. It doesn't matter that there are Combos and Blocks and Parry moves - I know full well that they're in there, it's not like I didn't use them when they bothered to work - if the game "decides" that you didn't hit the button when you well and clearly did, then it's busted. If all your best moves only work "In Theory" most times, and thus you spend more than half the game spamming Running Strike just to force through it, then it's a busted game.

I can only speak from my own experience, after all. I can only recount the hundreds of times I relied on the "Weak-Weak-Strong" combo to get me out of a tight spot - a move that got me out of countless spots in the first game - only to have it actually go like, "Weak Strike, Weak Strike, Stand There Like A Doofus And Take A Free Hit Because The Game Decided That I Did NOT Hit Strong When Yes I Freaking Did, You Dumb Game!" By far, the best, most foolproof strategy in the game is to ignore all regular moves and just spam Running Strike with Leo. You can get through the entire game and barely take a single hit that way. Which is ridiculous and boring, but anything else is too much of a gamble to even try. The success rate of actually getting the attacks you want to work is too random.

Like Yes, you can parry... but why bother attempting it? It's not very likely that it'll work, and if it decides not to, you lose 1/3 of your health (if it's a Boss) when they counter. It's not even worth attempting. Or "simply" picking up Blocking enemies; that assumes that picking them up even works. Picking up ANYTHING in this game doesn't work, because you have to press R-Trigger (Block) and Strong Attack to pick anything up, which the game itself just reads as "Strong Attack OR Block" but almost never reads it as you pressing both at the same time. SO AGAIN... you can TRY and throw them, and take a hit for no reason, OR, you can take five steps back, and do a Running Strike that works 100% of the time, does almost no damage but WILL eventually kill every enemy with you taking 0 damage.

Again, there's certainly the possibility that the controls work better on other systems, but that's neither my problem nor my priority to investigate. And if the controls are actually responsive on other systems, I would wager that the "spam Running Strike" flaw also exists as well, along with the "Just run away from everyone, it's easier" problem. So that means that even if all the control/lag problems I had were related to the Gamecube... that makes the other versions, what, 2% better? You can still beat the game with no effort (as long as you're very patient) and running away is still the best option no matter what platform you play it on. It just sounds like the controls work slightly better elsewhere. Okay. I believe that's most likely true. That's still not the whole problem or even half of it. The problem is it's just poorly designed.

Fact is, when I tried to play the game The Right Way, it was annoying, frustrating, and I died far too often because the game refused to accept my button presses, and so I took tons of hits when I should have been murdering the other guy. And again, I never, ever, EVER had any of those problems playing the first game, not even once. In that game, if I hit a button, the game responded accordingly. Battle Nexus? Pssssssssh, anything except Weak Strike-Weak Strike and Running Strike was a goddamn waste of time and got you killed. When I switched to Running Strike and nothing else, I became unstoppable, it just took forever to kill anything, but I never took damage that way. Again: Broken Game. It punishes you for trying to play it the right way and rewards you for cheesing it.

The enemies are "tough" in that they take too many hits to kill, even at the very beginning. Yes, the projectile enemies are weaker, but they still should die faster. Lots of games have that problem but this one was especially bad. And there's no curve at all; the very first bad guys you face take ten or more hits to kill - too much for ANY Random Grunt but especially for First Level fodder enemies - so do the guys you fight near the end. Purple Dragons are just as strong and do just as much damage as Foot Ninja, and take as many hits to kill. So NOW there's no difference at all between fodder enemies except what they look like, they're all fundamentally the same. It all just felt like an overreaction to the first game; the first game's enemies were mostly pretty easy, at least in the first half, so for this one it felt like they decided to just make every single enemy Too Tough To Kill and left it at that.

The enemies are definitely stupid, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that. Most of the time, they can be looking straight at you but won't even move unless you go within a certain distance of them. There's definitely a ton of Idiot AI happening, sure. BUT, there's too many spots where they put you in a spot where you'll get swarmed by ten at once, all taking like twenty hits to kill, with guys just offscreen shooting at you, and in those moments you feel impotent as hell. As opposed to something like "God of War" where moments like that are what you play the game for, to feel like a Supreme Badass as you wipe the floor with those guys. Here, even the grunts take a million hits to kill, so you're gonna take more damage than you dish out UNLESS you just cheese it.

I also was replaying everything on my old Save file from 15 years ago so I already had almost all the Crystals and everything from the start. I can't imagine playing this game on a "weaker" level if it was already annoying me this much.

There's just too many problems for me to overlook. A 3D game with so many enemy swarms needed a targeting or lock-on feature so you could at least hit the guy you wanted to; it's not like other games by then weren't commonly doing it. Or even if there's just ONE guy on the screen; in MOST games, even then, if there's only one enemy on the screen and you were standing close to them, the game knew that if you threw Shuriken or whatever, you meant to hit THE BAD GUY and not just fling them randomly into space, but this game doesn't know that, this game just makes you waste all your stars. Aiming helps a TINY bit but God help you if you press Up to aim and the enemy is very slightly at Up/Left by a step. UGH. Again, just adding a proper lock-on or aiming system eliminates so many problems in this crummy game, but they couldn't be bothered.

I'unno man, I know a lot of people had fun with this one but I only liked very small bits of it. At least I know that my bad memories of it weren't in vain; I always remembered it as, First Game Good, Second Game Bad, Third Game Pretty Good, and I definitely still like the first game and definitely don't like the second one. Most games I revisit, they're honestly better than I remembered. This game and Sonic Adventure 2, on the other hand, were a lot worse than I remembered.

I do like that they tried to add some Extras and stuff. I will say, I never put any time into the Tournament side-stuff so I plan to mess with that a little bit, just because it's there and I never bothered with it. But after that I don't think I'll ever mess with it again. I can only call what I see. My opinion still remains that the first game in the series was mediocre but fine by the standards of its day but pushed no boundaries whatsoever, and that the second game had some good ideas but was poorly executed.

That's my story an' I'm stickin' to it! I just wish that Mutant Nightmare wasn't like $80 right now because I wouldn't mind giving that one another spin one of these days.

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Old 07-16-2020, 01:34 AM   #50
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I decided to mess with the Tournament mode since I didn't remember ever doing so, but I apparently must have because all the different Tournaments were unlocked.

Ripped through the first 9 rounds with ease. Round 10, a bunch of guys with laser rifles all shoot me at once, corner me, and continue to shoot me unrelentingly every time I get up. Died without landing a single non-shuriken attack in less than 30 seconds. No chance to dodge or even move whatsoever, once they shot me they just kept shooting me until I was dead. That's fun.

F*ck this stupid game, it's terrible. I'm sorry, sincerely, I know some people like it and anyone who knows me knows for a fact that I am VERY forgiving and I almost never say any game is "terrible" or even bad. So I'm sorry, but this is seriously one of the worst games I've ever played. There's literally no point in ever, ever playing it for any reason unless you hate yourself or just don't own any other video games. And if that's the case, a deck of cards is like, two dollars. Losing at Solitaire is a lot more fun than "winning" at TMNT Battle Nexus.

I'll be moving on to Mutant Melee shortly, a game I do believe I played exactly one time. So I hope that's not terrible. It has to be a step up from this... thing.

EDIT: I won the same Tournament quite easily on my second try. Whereas the first time they cornered me immediately and shot at me unrelentingly until I was dead, THIS time they all just refused to look at or attack me, so I just picked them off one at a time. If one of them saw me approach, they'd immediately turn and give me their back. I picked off the entire lot and took like two hits. They refused to even look at me.

This game is terrible.

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Last edited by Leo656; 07-16-2020 at 02:05 AM.
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Old 07-16-2020, 11:02 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I decided to mess with the Tournament mode since I didn't remember ever doing so, but I apparently must have because all the different Tournaments were unlocked.

Ripped through the first 9 rounds with ease. Round 10, a bunch of guys with laser rifles all shoot me at once, corner me, and continue to shoot me unrelentingly every time I get up. Died without landing a single non-shuriken attack in less than 30 seconds. No chance to dodge or even move whatsoever, once they shot me they just kept shooting me until I was dead. That's fun.

F*ck this stupid game, it's terrible. I'm sorry, sincerely, I know some people like it and anyone who knows me knows for a fact that I am VERY forgiving and I almost never say any game is "terrible" or even bad. So I'm sorry, but this is seriously one of the worst games I've ever played. There's literally no point in ever, ever playing it for any reason unless you hate yourself or just don't own any other video games. And if that's the case, a deck of cards is like, two dollars. Losing at Solitaire is a lot more fun than "winning" at TMNT Battle Nexus.

I'll be moving on to Mutant Melee shortly, a game I do believe I played exactly one time. So I hope that's not terrible. It has to be a step up from this... thing.

EDIT: I won the same Tournament quite easily on my second try. Whereas the first time they cornered me immediately and shot at me unrelentingly until I was dead, THIS time they all just refused to look at or attack me, so I just picked them off one at a time. If one of them saw me approach, they'd immediately turn and give me their back. I picked off the entire lot and took like two hits. They refused to even look at me.

This game is terrible.
Ok ok I got it, NOW don't go any further with the arena.
If you hated the first 2 tournaments, don't even play Foot Fight.
It will probably make you run to Konami headquarters and make a genocide.

By the way, I still like the game and play it (I might be insane, but that's true), and I'm sorry for your experience. If I could, I would give you my copy of TMNT3 to try out just to see another review from you.
Seriously they are hilarious and well made!

About Mutant Melee, it's been a long time since I played it (my CD has more scratches than a scratching post for cats) but I don't remember it being bad.
Yeah, maybe excluding the poor character choices.
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Old 07-16-2020, 12:58 PM   #52
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I remember liking Mutant Nightmare a LOT more than Battle Nexus. It's just that I don't have it for Gamecube and my Xbox is broken.

I messed with the Tournaments for a bit but then went and collected a few Antiques in the main game. I don't have the patience for how busted the AI is in Tournament Modes, the enemies either attack relentlessly and kill you without letting you get any hits in, or completely ignore you, and it's all seemingly at random, like the game itself decides if you're "allowed" to Win or Lose any round. It's just no fun. Collecting chests is tedious as hell, too, but I only need a few more and I've already beaten all the levels so it's not that big a deal to pick them up.

Looking at my old Save and when I unlocked everything originally, I apparently played 99% of it in two days shortly after it came out, then never touched it again until last week. Sounds about right.

I had to switch to the original NES Castlevania for a palate cleanser. That's a frustrating game, too, but at least in that game things happen when you push buttons. That's kind of a huge deal.

I don't remember why I only played Mutant Melee once. I think I just had other games to play and it just didn't hold my interest for long. I don't remember disliking it, the fact is I simply don't remember anything about it at all, other than, I know I played it once. Totally drawing a blank, otherwise.

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Old 07-16-2020, 04:15 PM   #53
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You always had great control over the characters in the original games. Compare to other fighting games (like Double Dragon and River City Ransom?Street Gangs).

Konami quickly became one of my favourite video game developing studios, with NES and Super NES titles like Castlevania, Contra?Probotector and Tiny Toons.
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Old 07-16-2020, 04:26 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Original TMNT Cartoon Fan View Post
You always had great control over the characters in the original games. Compare to other fighting games (like Double Dragon and River City Ransom?Street Gangs).

Konami quickly became one of my favourite video game developing studios, with NES and Super NES titles like Castlevania, Contra?Probotector and Tiny Toons.
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Old 07-16-2020, 11:22 PM   #55
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Konami was definitely on fire back in the day.

I still can't beat Castlevania - although I can get to the Reaper, and last time I played it as a 6-year old or whatever I could barely beat the Bat, so that's some nice improvement - but at least most times when I get f*cked up on THAT game, it feels like my own fault or at least a situation I had control over. I might never beat it, but it's more fun than frustrating and that's really all I ask for.

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Old 07-17-2020, 01:14 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Original TMNT Cartoon Fan View Post
You always had great control over the characters in the original games. Compare to other fighting games (like Double Dragon and River City Ransom?Street Gangs).

Konami quickly became one of my favourite video game developing studios, with NES and Super NES titles like Castlevania, Contra?Probotector and Tiny Toons.
Literally zero of those are fighting games, bruh.
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Old 07-19-2020, 03:36 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Konami was definitely on fire back in the day.

I still can't beat Castlevania - although I can get to the Reaper, and last time I played it as a 6-year old or whatever I could barely beat the Bat, so that's some nice improvement - but at least most times when I get f*cked up on THAT game, it feels like my own fault or at least a situation I had control over. I might never beat it, but it's more fun than frustrating and that's really all I ask for.
The Reaper is a freaking nightmare, but nothing is compared to Frankenstein.
The fact that is hard as hell until you understand that the Holy Water is OP, always made me rage.

Dracula was just a freaking great boss! Not because it was hard, but because it was 100% skill based. Kinda like the rest of them, but I always preferred him.
Ah yes, consider in keeping the Holy Water if you struggle in finishing the game, it's great for everything (except Reaper; you need some specific movements to beat him).
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Old 07-19-2020, 04:03 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I still can't beat Castlevania
The problem with Castlevania is that each time you're hit by the enemies, you fall backwards.
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:49 AM   #59
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My two biggest problems are, I keep accidentally losing the Holy Water even though I know better, I just spaz when there's a lot of stuff on the screen, and secondly, that long hallway before the Reaper with the Ax Knights and Medusa heads always chips me down to more than half my health gone. So by the time I even get to the Boss I have zero chance anyway.

I'unno, if I never beat it I'm not overly concerned. I can say that Castlevania is a FUN challenging game while Battle Nexus is just "challenging" because it's poorly-made and not very fun at all. I can go back to Castlevania over and over forever just to mess with it even though I might never beat it; Battle Nexus, I can beat it just fine but every second of it is too frustrating to make me even want to. Night and Day.

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Old 07-23-2020, 04:47 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
My two biggest problems are, I keep accidentally losing the Holy Water even though I know better, I just spaz when there's a lot of stuff on the screen, and secondly, that long hallway before the Reaper with the Ax Knights and Medusa heads always chips me down to more than half my health gone. So by the time I even get to the Boss I have zero chance anyway.

I'unno, if I never beat it I'm not overly concerned. I can say that Castlevania is a FUN challenging game while Battle Nexus is just "challenging" because it's poorly-made and not very fun at all. I can go back to Castlevania over and over forever just to mess with it even though I might never beat it; Battle Nexus, I can beat it just fine but every second of it is too frustrating to make me even want to. Night and Day.
If memory doesn't betray me (and it alway betray me by the way), those knights could be damaged ONLY when they throw the axe.
The heads are just a pattern; easy to avoid once you got it.

Originally Posted by Original TMNT Cartoon Fan
The problem with Castlevania is that each time you're hit by the enemies, you fall backwards.
You definitely never played Ninja Gaiden then...
I hate that game so much, just for the fact that it had alot of great mechanics, but horribly managed.
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